Search Results

Primary view of Assembly of Fifty Prototype Fuel Elements for the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor
Wick, E. A. & Heestand, R. L.
December 23, 1960
Primary view of Molten-Salt Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report: July 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
December 22, 1960
Primary view of A Device for Continuous Detection of Hydrogen in Sodium
Strahl, H.
December 15, 1960
Primary view of Steady-State Tests of a Reactor Safety Device
Springer, T. H.
December 15, 1960
Primary view of In-Pile Tests of GCRE-IB Prototype Fuel Elements: Interim Report, 1958-1959
Watanabe, H. T.; Janne, J. E. & Wilson, W. D.
December 1960
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: September 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
November 11, 1960
Primary view of Safe Handling of Chlorine Trifluoride and the Chemistry of the Chlorine Oxides and Oxyfluorides
Farrar, R. Lynn, Jr.
November 11, 1960
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactors in the USA: A Survey and Recommendation
Armstrong, R. H.
November 1960
Primary view of A Feasibility Study for the Use of an Extended Pm¹⁴⁷ Source for Analytical Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Final Report
Brech, Frederick
October 31, 1960
Primary view of ABWR: PL-2 Design Report
Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
October 15, 1960
Primary view of An Evaluation of Fossil Superheat for Nuclear Power Plants
unknown creator
October 1960
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1960 - September 1, 1960
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
October 1, 1960
Primary view of High Temperature Corrosion of Some Metals and Ceramics in Fluorinating Atmospheres
Hale, C. F.; Barber, E. J.; Bernhardt, H. A. & Rapp, Karl E.
September 30, 1960
Primary view of Metallurgy Division Annual Progress Report, July 1, 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Metallurgy Division.
September 30, 1960
Primary view of Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor Mechanical Seal Pump Operating Experience: September, 1959 Through August, 1960
Scott, P. A.
September 16, 1960
Primary view of A Multichannel Digital Recording System
Truitt, R. W.
September 15, 1960
Primary view of Automatic Control of T7 Tanker Boiling Water Reactor Propulsion System: Preliminary Design and Economic Evaluation
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
September 1, 1960
Primary view of Nuclear Superheat Quarterly Project Report: Second Quarter, October-December 1959
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
September 1960
Primary view of Dissolution of Power Reactor Fuel Cores
Blaine, H. T.
August 26, 1960
Primary view of Calculated Equilibrium Distributions for the Uranyl Nitrate - Tributyl Phosphate - Dilute Nitric Acid System for Temperatures Between 25 and 75 C
Wilburn, N. P.
August 12, 1960
Primary view of 300,000-KWE SGR Nuclear Power Plant of Current Technology
Renard, J.; Peckinpaugh, C. L. & Aronstein, R. E.
August 1, 1960
Primary view of Hazards Summary Report for the Hanford Plutonium Critical Mass Laboratory
Reardon, W. A.; Clayton, E. D.; Brown, C. L.; Masterson, R. H.; Powell, T. J.; Richey, C. R. et al.
August 1, 1960
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1960
Aerojet-General Corporation
July 31, 1960
Primary view of P-V-T Relationships of BF₃ Gas
Smith, C. R. F.
July 30, 1960
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