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Design Studies on Cesium-137 as a Source for High Level Gamma Irradiations. Quarterly Progress Report No. 2 Covering the Period From Sept. 1, 1959 to Dec. 1, 1959

Description: Further studies are reported on the analytical behavior and experimental testing of Cs/sup 137/ plaque irradiator designs. Low-level sources used for the initial experiments consisted of about 7 mc of Cs/sup 137/ aqueous solution in brass trays 20 by 20 by 1/2 in. high having wall thicknesses of 1/16 in. Calibration tests were made preliminary to radiation field mapping. (T.R. H.)
Date: February 29, 1960
Creator: Voyvodic, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic Compounds in Fission Reactors. [Part] 2. Thorio-Organic Compounds

Description: The advantages of the use of organic liquids in fission reactors to minmize corrosion and pressure problems were studied relative to the solution of thorium in such fluids. Thorio-organic compounds were prepared from organic acids, diketones, and other chelating compounds. Salts of carboxylic and phospho- organic acids were insoluble. The chelate with dibenzoylmethane was soluble in molten biphenyl but was decomposed at 300 deg C. The general low solubility of thorio-organic compounds in nonpol… more
Date: February 29, 1960
Creator: Baldwin, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production of cobalt-60

Description: Cobalt samples frequently are irradiated in nuclear reactors to produce gamma sources and can be irradiated as integral flux monitors because of the long half-life of the isotope produced. At the present time a small cobalt sample is being irradiated within the KW Reactor Snout facility for future use as a radiographic source for inspection of finished product in the Chemical Processing Department. Analysis was made to estimate the buildup of activity in this sample; the general equation may be… more
Date: February 29, 1960
Creator: Bunch, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The hydrodyraruios code BOCH and the physics code PUREE' were used in the anaiysis of specific VMR cores. Eight core designs of different geometries were selected for initial evaluation. Extensive analysis of the first of these cores was completed. aid more general analysis of the other cores is in progress. The analog representation of the VMR kinetics was completed and applied to the aaalysis of the VMR over a large range of parameters for curves of positive void versus reactivity. Funiner ch… more
Date: February 29, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ignitron Resistance During High-Current Operation

Description: Abstract: "A definition of average conduction resistance for an ignitron is established, and a test bank for determining the value of this resistance is described. Data are reported on four typical ignitron types for several currents in the kiloampere range. Oscillograms are presented to illustrate the change of current with time for a conducting ignitron in a ringing circuit."
Date: February 26, 1960
Creator: Todd, James L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Numerical Solution of Fuel-Element Thermal-Stress Problems

Description: In developing a method of numerical analysis for the solution of thermal- stress problems special emphasis was given to fuel elements with internal coolant channels. Numerical techniques ior reducing the partial differential equation system te a form suitable for numerical solution and a new iteratlve method of solving large systems of linear algebraic equations were employed. Computer codes were devised to obtain the numerical solution of the thermal-stress problems and were used to obtain num… more
Date: February 26, 1960
Creator: Redmond, Robert F.; Pollack, Harry; Klickman, Alton E.; Hogan, William S.; Epstein, Harold M. & Chastain, Joel W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Precise Measurement of Heat of Combustion with a Bomb Calorimeter

Description: From Introduction: "This Monograph describes methods and apparatus used at the National Bureau of Standards in connection with several series of investigations of heats of combustion of aircraft fuels [4, 5, 6, 7]."
Date: February 26, 1960
Creator: Jessup, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rezoning of fringe at 105-KE Reactor

Description: A study was made to determine the optimum arrangement of the fringe flow zones at KE Reactor. Also considered, was the possibility of converting part or all of the existing fringe zone (actually three flow zones) from solid metal to I & E metal to decrease rupture potential in these low flow zones. The necessity for this study was indicated by high tube outlet temperatures in the fringe flow zones and the recent occurrence of two solid metal ruptures in process tubes located in the fringe zone … more
Date: February 26, 1960
Creator: Leitz, E. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculation of Temperature Rise in Deeply Buried Radioactive Cylinders

Description: Temperatures were calculated relative to the storage of radioactive solid waste as a function of time and radial distance for radioactive solid cylinders in infinite solid media of "average soil," "average rock," and salt. A resistance at the cylinder--infinite medium boundary was included in the form of an air space. For the range of parameters used and withia the practical limits of accuracy, the maximum temperature rise increased linearly with the heat generation rate. The fission product sp… more
Date: February 25, 1960
Creator: Perona, J. J. & Whatley, M. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Casting Variables and Heat Treatment on the Tensile Properties of Lead-0.02 to 0.10 Weight Per Cent Calcium Alloy

Description: Some of the controllable variables have been investigated in casting of lead alloys having 0.06 to 0.09 wt.% Ca. The alloy has been found to respond to solution heat-treatment, room-temperature precipitation hardening, and accelerated hardening at 100 ts C. Tensile strengths to 7000 psi have been obtained. (auth)
Date: February 25, 1960
Creator: Townsend, A. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extended hydraulic demand curves for K geometry tubes with I&E fuel elements

Description: Steady state hydraulic demand curves were obtained for tube powers of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 KW with an inlet water temperature of 20C and a rear header pressure of 25 psig. These curves are shown in figures. The point of initial unstable flow for various tube powers is shown for a front header pressure of 325 psig. The flow rate that would lead to the initial point of unstable flow as a result of a sudden plug upstream of the Panellit tap is shown in a figure.
Date: February 25, 1960
Creator: Hesson, G. M.; Fitzsimmons, D. E. & Kanninen, M. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendations to apply the ``square pile`` total control concept

Description: It is recommended that the ``square pile`` concept be adopted for all disaster total control calculations, and that the basic reactor constants listed in HW-62884, except for Ball 3X local strength at the DR Reactor, be used in applying this method. Curves are included for each reactor type, indicating allowable enrichment based on appropriate local control strengths. (The reactors whose operating methods are affected by disaster total control requirements are B, D, F, and DR Reactors; the rema… more
Date: February 25, 1960
Creator: Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Yttrium on the Fabrication and Tensile Properties of Two Modified Stainless Alloys

Description: Alloys containing 55 wt.% iron--22 wt.% nickel-- 17 wt.% chromium--2.5 wt.% molybdenum- 1.0 wt.% niobium-0.03 wt.% carbon-- 0.5 wt.% manganese-- 0.5 wt.% silicon with nominal additions of from 0 to 1.5 wt.% yttrium, and 36 wt.% iron-37 wt.% nickel--18 wt.% chromium--2.5 wt.% molvbdenum- 1.5 wt.% niobium-- 1.0 wt.% aluminum-0.05 wt.% carbon--0.5 wt.% manganese-- 0.5 wt.% silicon with nominal additions of from 0 to 2.0 wt.% yttrium, were prepared by vacuum- induction melting. Alloys containing 55… more
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: DeMastry, J. A.; Shober, F. R. & Dickerson, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Recorder for Nuclear Pulse Application : Covering the Period from December 6, 1959 to February 5, 1960

Description: "Abstract: An evaluation of a modulator flux sensitive playback head to be used with an analog magnetic recorder for nuclear pulse information storage was made. The modulator head was found unsultable. A pulse stretching unit was constructed which takes pulses from a standard linear pulse amplifier and provides an output signal suitable for driving a recording head."
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MAGNETIC RECORDER FOR NUCLEAR PULSE APPLICATION. Period covered: December 6, 1959 to February 5, 1960

Description: An evaluation of a modulator flux sensitive playback head to be used with an analog magnetic recorder for nuclear pulse information storage was made. The modulator head was found unsultable. A pulse stretching unit was constructed which takes pulses from a standard linear pulse amplifier and provides an output signal suitable for driving a recording head. (For preceding period see ARF-1151- 3.) (C.J.G.)
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G.M. & Norton, R.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on the Use of Activated Carbon as a Catalyst for the Dissolved Oxygen-Aqueous Hydrazine Reaction

Description: Theoretically aqueous hydrazine will react with dissolved oxygen for form only nitrogen and water. Most of the experimental evidence, however, indicates that the reaction proceeds rather slowly in low-temperature systems. Tests are currently being conducted to determine whether or not it is feasible to use activated carbon to catalyze the reaction in filtered water. A system of this type would be useful in high temperature reactors when it becomes necessary to convert to single-pass operation.
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: Demmit, T. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Temperature Irradiation of Metals and Graphite in Flowing Helium

Description: As part of the coolant-core evaluation studies in an early phase of the Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor program, nickel. K-Monel, niobium-1 wt.% zirconium, and graphite were irradiated in a convective flow of helium. A capsule of novel design was used to study the corrosion of the metals at 1500 and 960 ction prod- F in a 243-hr BRR experiment. Four heliumfilled quartz tori, containing the specimens, were encapsulated in a stainless steel capsule. A convective flow of helium was maintained in the c… more
Date: February 23, 1960
Creator: Miller, N. E.; Hamman, D. J.; Diethorn, W. S. & Goldthwaite, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal and Total Epithermal Neutron Flux Distributions in the Experimental Gas Cooled Reactor

Description: The thermal and total epithermal neutron flux distributions in the EGCR from the center of the core through the biological shield were calculated. The maximum values of the flux distribution are presented in graph form. Ordinary concrete was found to permit a thermal flux buildup, similar to that found in the graphite reflector. In heavy concrete there was no such buildup seen, since the thermal flux is attenuated through the complete shield. A Val Prod code using multigroup diffusion theory wa… more
Date: February 23, 1960
Creator: Wagner, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100-K Area electrical power system load and voltage study for project CG-775. Revision

Description: The proposed increased water capacity for 100-K plants will increase the electrical load to be supplied. The load study showed that the capacity of the existing 13.8 kV system is adequate to carry the increased loads proposed for Project CG-775, while for the 5 kV system, an expanded power system is proposed. Likewise, the voltage regulation on the kV system bus will be excessive, and voltage regulators should be added.
Date: February 22, 1960
Creator: Thorson, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report for January 1960

Description: Production of Pu nitrate, UO{sub 3}, and unfabricated Pu metal met schedules. Decontamination performance of Purex process continued below standard. The cerium-144 cask is being redesigned. A ``powered ferret``, for driving a scintillation counter through a conduit to monitor ground activity beneath waste storage tanks, is being designed.
Date: February 22, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of a Welding Process for End Closures on NPR and KER Fuel Element

Description: With the development of the zircaloy-2 clad uranium fuel element, it was necessary to develop a method of closing the end of the element after the extruded tubes were cut to the desired length. Regardless of the ultimate design of the closure, a satisfactory zircaloy-2 fusion welding technique had to be worked out. The first fully successful welding was performed with electron beam welding in a vacuum chamber. To make satisfactory welds, the electron beam welding involved time and equipment, pl… more
Date: February 22, 1960
Creator: Corey, T. B.; DeWitt, D. E. & Nelson, I. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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