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Dissolution of aluminium oxide as a regulating factor in aqueous aluminum corrosion

Description: The solubility of aluminum corrosion product in contact with metallic aluminum in deionized water has been determined over the range 80 to 350/sup 0/C. Evidence is presented to show that oxide dissolution results in the formation of a porous oxide on aluminum exposed in refreshed dynamic systems. Dynamic corrosion rate data have been analyzed on the basis of parabolic film growth and a linear oxide degradation process acting simultaneously on the system. The degradation process has been shown t… more
Date: August 31, 1959
Creator: Dillon, R.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculation of the G Factor for Gas Scattering Experiments

Description: The "G factor'' relating the yield to the beam intensity, target density, and scattering cross section is calculated for several types of aperture boundaries. The case of a front aperture composed of two parallel edges of infinite height with a rear aperture of any shape is calculated up to terms in the fourth derivative of the cross section. (W.D.M.)
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Silverstein, Edward A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Elk River Reactor Quarterly Project Report for September-October-November 1958

Description: Design and construction are proceeding on schedule. Physics and shielding calculation results are reported and discussed. Studies of the high- pressure B injection safety system are described. The programs for fuel element and materials development, reactor vessel and internal components, process and superheater, reactor building and plant facilities, and instrumentation are outlined. (For preceding period see AECU-3991.) (T.R.H.)
Date: October 31, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, August 1959. Chemical Technology Division

Description: The concentration gradients of uranyl ion in aqueous and organic solutions were analyzed, two Druhm runs were terminated due to malfunction, calculations of particle temperature were performed, materials handling flowsheets were completed, and a literature survey is being conducted.
Date: December 31, 1959
Creator: Bresee, J. C.; Haas, P. A.; Horton, R. W.; Watson, C. D. & Whatley, M. E. (Marvin E.), 1926-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. I

Description: This report analyzes a linear, hard-core pinch tube built to examine tubes afflicted by small-scale instabilities evident from many observations.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. II

Description: This report describes a toroidal version of the hard-core pinch and the additional information it can obtain to what the analogous linear pinch can get.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

14-Year 113Cd

Description: The half lives of Cd/sup 113m/ and Cd/sup 115m/ have been redetermined to be 14 sintering time 2 years and 44.2 sintering time 0.5 days, respectively. The ratio of Cd/sup 113m/Cd/sup 115m/ yields from thermal-neutron fission of U/sup 235/ is 0.27 sintering time 0.03, and the ratio of (n, ) formation cross sections is 0.31 sintering time 0.03. Combination of these ratios with literature values for the Cd/sup 115m/ fission yield and (n, ) formation cross section gives (1.9 sintering time 0.2) x 1… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Wahl, Arthur C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Handling, Service and Waste Disposal Buildings Drain Test. Section I. Test Results DL-S-230 (T-641115)

Description: The purpose of the test was to prove the integrity of the non-active drains, the special drains, the sanitary drains, the chemical waster drains and the storm water drains by means of a water flow test and visual inspection. The two roof boxes and the one floor drain of 1B Auxiliary Equipment Room did not drain properly. The lab sink in the west end of the Radiochemistry Lab drained to the Special Monitored West Transfer Tank instead of the Monitored Waster Transfer Tank. All other drains funct… more
Date: March 31, 1959
Creator: Barclay, Richard E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section II. Fourth Performance. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine critical bank heights and bank worths for various rod configurations at normal plant operating temperature and pressure. The critical bank heights and bank worths were determined for various rod configurations after 560 EFPH's of reactor operations are charted in the report.
Date: March 31, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Coefficients of Reactivity. Test Results DL-S-151 (T-550132). Section I. Fourth Performance

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the temperature and pressure coefficients of reactivity at sere power. The value for the temperature coefficient at the operating temperature of 523 F with 556.6 EFPH plant operation was 2.5 (delta E/F) x 16(-4). The magnitude of the temperature coefficient at the plant operating temperature (523 F) indicated the reactor is very stable during normal operations. The pressure coefficient varied from values of 1.41(deltaE/psig) x 10(-6) at 1437 psig to a.57… more
Date: January 31, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Station Start-up Test. Test Results DL-S-163 (T-554923). Section 1

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the station operating characteristics during a start-up with all reactor coolant loops initially cold, requiring chemical addition and the turbine cold. The plant was successfully taken from a cold condition to generator synchronizing in accordance with Volume I, Chapter 43, Station Start-up no. 1. Twice during the test malfunctioning equipment delayed the completion of the test. The 1B boiler drum level indication required repair work and the 1D loop wa… more
Date: January 31, 1959
Creator: Eckenrode, Gerald E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of Chemical Engineering Progress Report for September 1, 1957 Through June 30, 1958. Part I. Thermal Conductivity of Deuterium Oxide

Description: The thermal conductivity of heavy water was found to vary from 0.345 at 105 deg F through a maximum of 0.375 at about 265 deg F to 0.371 at 339 deg F. The conductivity was determined by a steady-state method in a cylindrical apparatus having an over-all length of 11.35 inches and a liquid layer about 0.061 inch thick. A temperature drop of approximately one degree Fahrenheit across the liquid was maintained. The temperature drop was measured with thermistors. The apparatus was calibrated with l… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Baker, B. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Functions of Aging. Insolubilization of Protein as a Function of Aging. Final Report

Description: Whole-body x irradiation was used to accelerate the onset of senescence in female white rats. Comparisons of nonirradiated and irradiated tissues have been made using histological, physical, and enzyme techniques. The data amassed to date indicate that x irradiation causes a reduction of 20.6 percent in alpha- amino nitrogen liberated by tryptic hydrolysis in liver homogenates. This reduction in amino nitrogen is not observed, however, in muscle homogenates. Shrinkage temperature determinations… more
Date: March 31, 1959
Creator: Bjorksten, Johan, 1907-; Andrews, Fred A.; Trenk, Bruce & Bailey, Julia
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stored Energy: Growth and Annealing Status of Graphite Moderator in the BNL Research Reactor. Final Report

Description: The present sthtus, past annealing procedures and experiences, future annealing procedures, annealing sehedule, revised annealing procedure (1958), procedure for combating a graphite fire in fuel channel, high-temperature stored energy, and graphite burning experiments are reportcd for the BNL Research Reactor. The following subjccts are discussed in the appendixes: control of radiation damage in a graphitc reactor; annealing of graphite moderator structure in the BNL; annealing operation in BN… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production test IP-262-A-11-FP, evaluation of projection fuel elements for use in ribbed process tubes: Demonstration loadings

Description: The objective of this test is to demonstrate the feasibility of projection fuel elements for use In existing process tubing and to determine the reduction in rupture rates or hot-spot incidence so achieved. This test is to authorize, (a) charging 20 columns of bumper type fuel elements and 20 columns of control elements per reactor into B, D, DR, F, and R Reactors for irradiation up to 1200 MWD/T exposure, and (b) irradiation of four columns each of enriched (0.947%) bumper and enriched (0.947%… more
Date: December 31, 1959
Creator: Hall, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production test authorization IP-217-A-supplement, uranium sample irradiation (HAPO-218)

Description: The object of this production test is to authorize the irradiation of samples of natural uranium for use in the fission product volatilization program. Any empty central zone PCCF and/or process tube at B, D, DR, or H Reactors will meet the requirements of this authorization.
Date: August 31, 1959
Creator: Zima, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Development of the boiling water UO/sub 2/ fueled Variable Moderator Reactor (VMR) is conducted under contract for the USAEC. The initiation and progress of work under Phase I of the contract, Physics and Kinetic Analysis and Initial Evaluation,'' and the preparation for Phase II, Critical Experiment and Analysis of Results,'' are reported. A hydrodynamic flow sheet representing the sequence of calculations for the BOCH program was prepared. A preliminary block diagram of the kinetics model of … more
Date: August 31, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NUCLEAR BATTERY--THERMOCOUPLE TYPE. Quarterly Progress Report No. 8 for October 1, 1958 to December 31, 1958

Description: A demonstration battery containing an 880-curie polonium-2l0 heat source was constructed and tested. The battery initially had an open circuit voltage of 23.6 volts, a maximum output of 161 milliwatts, and an overall efficiency of 0.57%. Details for the construction of the battery generator are given. (For preceding period see MLM-CF-58-4-59.) (auth)
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Blanke, B.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pathfinder Atomic Power Plant Measurements of Nuclear Parameters of Boiler and Superheater Lattices

Description: Experiments are described which were designed to yield information pertinent to the evaluation of the nuclear parameters of various fuel-moderator lattices in the environment of the Sioux Falls Power Reactor (Controlled Recirculation Boiling Reactor) core. The test lattice section was enclosed in an element which replaced one of the fuel elements of the Penn State Reactor. Parameters measured were U/sup 236/ neutron capture cadmium ratio, space-averaged thermal neutron flux ratios, and reactivi… more
Date: August 31, 1959
Creator: Jacobs, A. & Vollmer, R.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: ThO/sub 2/-UO/sub 2/ fuels have been studied because of certain advantages possessed by this type of fuel over UO/sub 2/. Pellets of ThO/sub 2/- UO/sub 2/ have been found to be highly stable dimensionally under irradiation. Various experimental assemblies which have been irradiated have included Al, Zircaloy, and stainless steel cladding, with the annulus surrounding the pellet filled with air, He, NaK, or Pb. A full-scale core of pellets lead-bonded to Al tube-plates has been used successfully… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Kittel, J.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Zirconium Diboride, Boron Nitride, And Boron Carbide Compatibility with Austenitic Stainless Steel

Description: The compatibility of zirconium diboride, boron carbide, and boron nitride with type 304 stainless steel was evaluated as a function of temperature (1000-1200°C), time (1-3 hr). Appropriate loadings of the boron compounds and stainless steel powder were blended and fashioned into a compact powder metallurgically. Each compact was roll clad into a plate and subsequently heat treated at a temperature equal to the initial sintering temperature. Metallographic examination of the fabricated and heat-… more
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Cherubini, Julian H. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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