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open access

1. K+ Charge Exchange - Search For K+ Charge Exchange

Description: An experiment was designed utilizing a charge-exchange reaction to study the decay and interactions of the neutral K mesons produced. The experiment produced no events that could be interpreted as either the decay or interaction of neutral K mesons. The nature of the experiment and the possible explanations of this unexpected result are presented in this paper.
Date: July 29, 1959
Creator: Birge, Robert W.; Courant, Hans J.; Lanou, Robert E., Jr. & Whitehead, Marian N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-N charge-discharge rates

Description: Figures have and can be generated that indicate a higher charge-discharge rate if required before 105-N will be comparable with existing reactors. Also, these figures show an apparent operating cost incentive to increase the charge-discharge rates proposed for 105-N. Although these figures may be true by themselves, other figures developed from the same information and stated on a basis that affords a true comparison, show that the proposed rates for 105-N are compatible with those in existing … more
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Nesbitt, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: Phase 1 Report

Description: From preface: This report covers Phase I of the authorized work, consisting of determination of the specific reactor concept and size for the most economic reactor, preparation of a reference design of the most promising concept and estimated capital and generating costs, evaluation of the variations in cost as a function of unit size, and evaluation of the reductions in ultimate costs for a power station having multiple units of the same type.
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 235 Mw Coal-fired Generating Plant

Description: "This study is one of four initiated in 1958 by the Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, to assess the feasibility of power generation through the use of certain types of nuclear reactors. These studies are available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C."
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Presented at the 1958 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, December 9, 1958. Experimental and theoretical work on the selflimiting response of reactors to step and ramp insertions of reactivity is discussed along with the general characteristics of self-limiting power bursts. The static characteristics of the cores investigated are presented and the techniques of measurement are discussed. Data from step and ramp tests are presented and compared with the predictions of a theoretical … more
Date: July 23, 1959
Creator: Forbes, S. G.; Bentzen, F. L.; French, P.; Grund, J. E.; Haire, J. C.; Nyer, W. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The national laboratory concept, laboratory objectives, the staff, research facilities. research activities, and administration are discussed in general terms and a financial statement is given. Fairly detailed accounts are given for the research programs in the fields of physics, accelerator development, instrumentation, applied mathematics, chemistry, nuclear engineering, biology, and medicine. (W.D.M.)
Date: July 1, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Application of Spencer's Method to the Stieltjes and Hamburger Moment Problems

Description: Given the moments of a function it is often desirable to obtain a numerical approximation of the function. A method for estimating the solutions of the Stieltjes and Hamburger moment problems is developed. Calculations indicate that the method is both feasible and accurate. (auth)
Date: July 1, 1959
Creator: Guilinger, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Aqua Recia Flowsheet for Uranium Dissolution

Description: Relatively long time cycles are required for the standard nitric acid dissolution of enriched uranium using safe batch size techniques for criticality control. Upwards of forty eight hours are required for the total dissolution of solid of I and E enriched slugs in nitric acid. The dissolution capacity may be increased by: (1) using a dissolver critically safe by virtue of its geometry or, (2)increasing the rate of uranium dissolution. Dilute agua regia -- a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric a… more
Date: July 21, 1959
Creator: Shefcik, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: 306 Mw Power Reactor Conceptual Design

Description: From introduction: In general, the objective of this study is to provide for the development of the conceptual design criteria for the most promising type of boiling water reactor and associated complete electrical generating plant consistent with a schedule calling for start of construction in July 1960.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 2]: Separate Studies

Description: From introduction: This section presents the principal results of the optimization study done to establish the economic basis for selection of the core and fuel design.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 306 Mw Coal-Fired Installation

Description: From introduction: The objectives of this study are to determine the estimated capital and energy costs of this typical conventional coal-fired installation, consistent with a schedule calling for completion of construction April 1964.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Centrifugal Casting of Aluminum-Uranium Alloys

Description: "Centrifugal-casting techniques were investigated as a method of producing hollow cylindrical extrusion billets of aluminum-35 w/o uranium. Among the variables evaluated were melt temperature, mold and pouring-spout configurations, mold speed, and method of pouring. With the equipment employed it was found that the best castings were produced stilizing a pouring temperature of 2400 F, a heavy-walled steel cylinder rotating between 700 to 900 rpm for the mold and bottom-pouring technique employi… more
Date: July 20, 1959
Creator: Daniel, Norman E.; Foster, Ellis L. & Dickerson, Ronald F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Centrifugal-casting techniques were investigated as a method of producing hollow cylindrical extrusion billets of aluminum-35 wt.% uranium. Among the variables evaluated were melt temperature, mold and pouring-spout configurations, mold speed, and method of pouring. With the equipment employed it was found that the best castings were produced utilizing a pouring temperature of 2400 ction prod- , a heavy-walled steel cylinder rotating between 700 and 900 rpm for the mold and a bottom-pouring tec… more
Date: July 20, 1959
Creator: Daniel, N.E.; Foster, E.L. Jr. & Dickerson, R.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

CGI-844: 100-K coolant back-up system scope requirements

Description: Several decisions regarding basic project philosophy must be made in order to proceed with scope design and the preparation of equipment procurement specifcations. The purpose of this document is to present as much pertinent data as possible to allow the project representatives to become familiar with the problems involved. A meeting of Representatives is planned for the near future after receipt of project authorization to discuss the scope of this project and its relationship to CG-775. Emerg… more
Date: July 28, 1959
Creator: Watson, D. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee as a Source of Uranium: Final Report

Description: From major objective: The over-all aim of the study has been to obtain a thorough geologic picture of the Chattanooga shale in the area under consideration, with emphasis upon stratigraphic relationships and associated special problems from which, in turn, implications may be obtained as to the origin and age of the formation and possibly the source of the uranium. The study has not been aimed primarily at exploration for uranium and its economic aspects.
Date: July 1, 1959
Creator: Stockdale, Paris B. & Klepser, Harry J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report, June 1959

Description: Production of Pu from separations plants and output of unfabricated Pu exceeded commitments. Purex plant set a new record high for U processed. Production and shipments of UO{sub 3} met schedules. Purex solvent extraction battery performed below normal, probably because of poor solvent quality. NaOH addition to Redox coating removal waste is being reduced. A 3fold improvement in Recuplex product Al impurity was achieved by means of a specific gravity difference > 0.15 between dilute aqueous fee… more
Date: July 22, 1959
Creator: MacCready, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Technology Division, Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report for April 1959

Description: A concentration cell electrode was installed in a fritted glass surface and was used to measure the surface KCl concentration while water was being transpired through the surface into a mixed tank of 0.1 M KCl. The results from the first Fluorox run made with crude UF/sub 4/ showed that 85.3% of the theoretical amount of UF/sub 6/ was accounted for, with 17.9% being collected in cold traps and the remainder being consumed in various side reactions. Installation was completed of apparatus to stu… more
Date: July 21, 1959
Creator: Bresee, J. C.; Haas, P. A.; Horton, R. W.; Watson, C. D. & Whatley, M. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The stability of unclad zirconium hydride was investigated as a reactor moderator in carbon dioxide coolant. Two ranges of hydride were tested, an alpha- plus deltaphase hydride (ZrH/sub 0.9 plus or minus 0.2/) and a delta-phase hydride (ZrH/sub 1.5/). The delta-phase hydride exhibited excellent dimensional stability, but suffered as great as 20% hydrogen loss at 1200 deg F, together with severe corrosion. The alphaplus delta-phase hydride swelled and warped in a temperature gradient but did no… more
Date: July 1, 1959
Creator: Shoemaker, H.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The control of beryllium hazards

Description: From abstract: "The toxicological properties of beryllium and compounds of beryllium are briefly reviewed, together with the historical development of the recommendations for maximum permissible beryllium air concentrations. The application of the enclosure technique presently in use at this laboratory for the control of beryllium hazards is described... Monitoring procedures used to evaluate the performance of enclosures are discussed."
Date: July 15, 1959
Creator: Lindeken, Carl L. & Meadors, Orville L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The toxicological properties of beryllium and compounds of beryllium are briefly reviewed, together with the historical developmert of the recommendations for maximum permissible beryllium air concentrations. The application of the enclosure technique for the control of beryllium hazards is described. Emphasis is placed on the design objectives of partial and total enclosures and the related function of auxiliary components. Monitoring procedures used to evaluate the performance of enclosures a… more
Date: July 15, 1959
Creator: Lindeken, C. L. & Meadors, O. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Core-Temperature Excursions Following a Piping Failure in the Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor

Description: An evaluation of the temperature excursion and its possible consequences arising from loss of coolant from the Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor (PRTR) was made for four different postulated ruptures in the primary heavy water coolant system. As a basis for the evaluation, a series of computations was made. These were based on incremental heat and mass balances for sections of Zircaloy-clad UO/ sub 2/and Pu- Al fuel elements. Solutions to each problem defined by the postulated break size and its l… more
Date: July 1, 1959
Creator: Lemmon, A. W., (Jr.); Alexander, C. A.; Hulbert, L. E. & Filbert, R. B., (Jr.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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