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open access

Adsorption of Xenon in an Activated Charcoal Column

Description: Performance characteristics of two activated charcoal columns at room temperature in separating fission-product xenon from an air stream were investigated by installing each column in the exhaust from an enclosure in which irradiated slugs were dissolved. Breakthrough curves are presented and the variation in xenon concentration within the columns is examined. Theoretical treatments of adsorption columns in the literature are found to agree well with the experimental data. Performance of the co… more
Date: May 11, 1959
Creator: Cantelow, H. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AEC Symposium on Particle-Fluid Mechanics

Description: This report addresses the AEC symposium on particle-fluid mechanics
Date: May 13, 1959
Creator: Thomas, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Alpha Survey Radiac for Field Use

Description: Abstract: An alpha survey radiac employing a photomultiplier tube and scintillation detector has been developed. The instrument utilizes transistor circuitry and operates from two standard flashlight batteries. Four linear ranges are provided with full scale indication on the highest range corresponding to 10,000 g /m2 Pu2 39. The instrument was designed with .a separable probe and a telescoping extension for easier ground monitoring. A thorium metal source is attached to the instrument housing… more
Date: May 14, 1959
Creator: Sinclair, K. & Kiyoi, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of 100-K emergency water requirements after CGI-844 pump failure

Description: The demand plot has a 5-set, modified pump decay curve; it shows that 20,000 gpm emergency flow would be required within 80 seconds of complete pump power failure. Bases for the demand curve are constant bulk inlet temperature of 2 C, constant bulk outlet temperature of 95 C, K-3 I&E fuel elements, and initial reactor flow of 188,000 gpm.
Date: May 28, 1959
Creator: Corlett, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Monthly Progress Report: April 1959

Description: Abstract: This monthly progress report covers the activities of the Army Gas-Cooled Reactor System Program for April 1959. The program includes a water-moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite-moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas-cooled reactor (ML-1), and the coordination of the Gas Turbine Test Facility. [It reports] the progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicable design crit… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Aerojet-General Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program. Monthly Progress Report for April 1959

Description: The Army Gas Cooled Reactor System Program includes water moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas cooled reactor (ML-1), and the co ordination of thc Gas Turbine Test Facility. The progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicabie design criteria, and the fabrication of reactor components are briefly summarized. (For preceding period see IDO-28538… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial cooling of the Columbia River by dam regulation: Part 1

Description: In early July 1958, it appeared that Columbia River temperatures at HAPO would be near 24--50{degree}C by the end of August. River temperatures were averaging 40 to 50{degree}C above 1957 figures and were 3{degree} to 4{degree} above the ten year highs. It seemed desirable to examine the problem to determine if any corrective measure could be taken, since it was apparent that production losses were imminent. The large storage of cold water behind Grand Coulee Dam, normally untapped, was a sourc… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Cooling of the Columbia River By Dam Regulation Part 1

Description: In early July, 1958, it appeared that Columbia River temperature at HAPO would be near 24.5ºC by the end of August. River temperature were averaging 4º to 5º above 1957 figures and were 3º to 4º above the ten year highs. It seemed desirable to examine the problem to determine if any corrective measure could be taken, since it was apparent that production losses were imminent.
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial cooling of the Columbia River by dam regulation. Part 3

Description: The temperatures of the Columbia River was reduced 1 to 30 Centigrade with beneficial effects at HAPO. It is reasonable to expect that future benefits may be possible. It is desirable that the temperature of the river be controlled each year to the maximum extent possible. Instrumentation improvements requested to effect optimum savings. Records of river temperatures and flows should continue to be maintained by IPD as a necessary part of temperature optimization. Where possible, the coincident… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Automatic Analyzing Monitor for Reactor Effluent Cooling Water

Description: From objective: "The objective of this work was to design, develop, assemble, and test and automatic analyzing monitor for recording the prominent isotopes in reactor effluent cooling water."
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Rieck, H. G.; Ratcliffe, C. A. & Schwendiman, L. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Autunite From Mt. Spokane, Washington

Description: Report discussing the coarsely crystalline autunite in granitic rock near Mt. Spokane, Washington. "This report is an abstract of a paper with the same title that is planned for publication in the American Mineralogist."
Date: May 1959
Creator: Leo, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ax-1, a Computing Program for Coupled Neutronics-Hydrodynamics Calculations on the Ibm-704

Description: The presentation includes a very general outline of the program, a semi- detailed flow diagram which emphasizes the physics and control aspects of the calculation, and then a detailed flow diagram and listing of the program (which is written in Fortran). Explanatory notes accompany thc diagrams. Following the notes on the program, master lists detailing thc roles of the sense switches, sense lights, pauses, and stops are presented. The operating instructions are then given, followed by a sample… more
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Okrent, D.; Cook, J. M.; Satkus, D.; Lazarus, R. B. & Wells, M. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Blackness Theory and Coefficients for Slab Geometry

Description: ''Blackaess theory'' is described as a class of procedures for matching a high order transport approximation in one region to a low order approximation in a second region. The matching conditions are presented as a generalization of the Marshak boundary conditions. The blackness coefficients necessary in setting up the conditions are defined and tables are given for slab geomrtry. A method which allows all regions to be treated by means of the blackness coefficients is developed and applied to … more
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Maynard, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Braze Alloys v.s. Atmospheres : Final Report Project 1325

Description: Summary. At the time this project was initiated, all brazing had been confined to small retorts of ten cubic feet capacity or less. Larger assemblies were scheduled which required retorts of over 100 cubic feet capacity. Hydrogen atmospheres had given the best results, however, there was considerable reluctance to use hydrogen in these large retorts from a safety standpoint. It was thought that thru the use of PMC 2252, an argon - 2 1/2% hydrogen gas atmosphere which in non-explosive, suffici… more
Date: May 21, 1959
Creator: Rogers, S. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Braze Ring Mold for Sintering & Casting

Description: Technical report of an investigation to determine a suitable material for sintering and casting of braze rings. Braze rings afford an excellent means of preplacing braze alloy on tube to head joints of radiators, heat exchangers, and similar applications. A cast ring is especially desirable because of its increased strength. Previous efforts at casting had used welding grade carbon blocks with the desired ring cavities machined into their surface. Conclusion: Stackpole grade 331 electro-graphi… more
Date: May 14, 1959
Creator: Rogers, S. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brief Review of Heat Transfer Problems Encountered in the Production of Magnetic Fields

Description: The design of internally cooled electrical coils for the production of high intensity magnetic fields presents many new aspects and combinations of the familiar modes of heat transfer. However, the customary methodology appears to be sufficient for preliminary analysis and understanding of those problems. This methodology comprises the derivation of a qualitative, approximate equation expressing the relative performance of the various parts of a system, followed by an examination of this equati… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Alexander, L G
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brief Review of Heat Transfer Problems Encountered in the Production of Magnetic Fields

Description: The design of internally cooled electrical coils for the production of high frequency intensity magnetic fields presents many new aspects and combinations of the familiar modes of heat transfer. However, the customary methodology appears to be sufficient for preliminary analysis and understanding of those problems. This methodology comprises the derivation of a qualitative, approximate equation expressing the relative performance of the various parts of a system, followed by an examination of … more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Alexander, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The burns to the skin of anesthetized rats were determined for the thermal radiation pulses of a carbon arc on a hot-wet uniform when spaced 5 mm from the skin. The radiant exposures to cause burns resulting in eschar were tion pulses corresponding to 250, 1000, 2900, and 10,000 kiloton detonations, respectively. The threshold lesions were caused by volatile products not associated with ignition. The associated temperatures were recorded. (auth)
Date: May 12, 1959
Creator: de Lhery, G.P.; Derksen, W.L.; Garde, E.A.; Monahan, T.I. & Mixter, G. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This code finds inelastic cross-section matrix elements (transfer matrix) for hot monatomic moderator for multigroup calculations by numeric- analytic double integration of Cohen's formula. Several approximations to the actual neutron density ean be used as weight functions over the velocities of the initial groups. Modified and supplemented results are presented on binary cards and/or tape for direct input into the Argonne Transport Theory Codes or the SNG Code, or for offline output. (auth)
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Bareiss, E.H.; Denes, J.E. & Jankus, V.Z.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report, April 1959

Description: Production of Pu from separations plants was only 58% of April commitment because of Purex difficulties. UO{sub 3} production, shipments met schedules. Pu shape production and shipments exceeded forecast by 14%. Purex HS column, repaired Oct 1958, developed another leak and was bypassed April 18, resulting in Pu and U that required reprocessing. A Palm recovery run at Purex with all- reducing flowsheet, resulted in 87% recovery and excellent decontamination of product. The prototype dual-pass s… more
Date: May 21, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conversion of Mica-Window G-M Tube Lead-Pig Counters to Scintillation Detection

Description: Because of the excessive vertical fragility and high replacement costs of mice-window G-M tubes used in vertical and horizontal lead-pig shelf counters, it was requested that a simple system of conversions to reliable scintillation detection be accomplished.
Date: May 11, 1959
Creator: Spear, W. G. & Crouch, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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