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Primary view of Wibault Two-Seat Monoplane 8C2: An All-Metal Pursuit and Observation Airplane
Serryer, J.
June 1926
Primary view of Coal-Mine Fatalities in May, 1926
Adams, William Waugh
June 1926
Primary view of The chinch bug and how to fight it.
Flint, W. P. (Wesley Pillsbury), 1882-1943. & Larrimer, W. H. (Walter Harrison), 1889-
June 1926
Primary view of Lice, mange, and ticks of horses, and methods of control and eradication.
Imes, Marion
June 1926
Primary view of Propeller Design - A Simple Method for Determining the Strength of Propellers - IV
Weick, Fred E.
June 1926
Primary view of Steam Power Plants in Aircraft
Wilson, E. E.
June 1926
Primary view of The N.A.C.A. CYH airfoil section
Higgins, George J.
June 1926
Primary view of Two 'Gloster' Airplanes: The 'Grouse II,' - Two-Seat Training Airplane, The 'Grebe II,' Single-Seat Fighter
unknown creator
June 1926
Primary view of Planting the roadside.
Mulford, Furman Lloyd, b. 1869
June 1926
Primary view of The Albatros L 72A: A German Newspaper Carrier With Slotted Wings
unknown creator
June 1926
Primary view of Tests of Large Columns with H-Shaped Sections
Tuckerman, L. B. & Stang, A. H.
June 11, 1926
Primary view of Tasks of Air Flow Research
Prandtl, L.
June 1926
Primary view of Calculation of Combining Effects in the Structure of Airplane Wings: A Rational Basis for Estimating the Reduction in the Design Load on Wing Beams Due to the Influence of Ribs and Covering Toward Causing the Beams to Deflect Together
Thalau, K.
June 1926
Primary view of Application of The "Magnus Effect" to the Wind Propulsion of Ships
Prandtl, L.
June 1926
Primary view of Metal Spars
Haddon, J. D.
June 1926
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