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open access

Comparison of Alcogas Aviation Fuel With Export Aviation Gasoline

Description: Mixtures of gasoline and alcohol when used in internal combustion engines designed for gasoline have been found to possess the advantage of alcohol in withstanding high compression without "knock" while retaining advantages of gasoline with regard to starting characteristics. Test of such fuels for maximum power-producing ability and fuel economy at various rates of consumption are thus of practical importance, with especial reference to high-compression engine development. This report discusse… more
Date: November 25, 1919
Creator: Gage, V. R.; Sparrow, S. W. & Harper, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Apparatus for Measuring the Relative Wear of Sole Leathers, and the Results Obtained with Leather from Different Parts of a Hide

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the quality of sole leather. As stated in the introduction, "the development of a simple method for quickly determining the durability of sole leather seemed desirable, and this paper discusses a laboratory apparatus designed for this purpose and also presents the results of tests made to date to determine the relative wear of leather from different parts of the hide" (p. 3). This paper includes illustrations, and photo… more
Date: November 22, 1919
Creator: Hart, R. W. & Bowker, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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