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Primary view of Lion Fighting a Serpent
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Primary view of Lion Fighting a Serpent
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Primary view of Leopard Devouring a Crocodile
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Primary view of North American Indians
Catlin, George
Primary view of Portrait of Louis-François Bertin
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Primary view of Interior of the Palm House
Blechen, Karl
Primary view of Interior of the Palm House
Blechen, Karl
Primary view of [Two Letters from James Stewart]
Stewart, James A. & Moore, Ziza
September 4, 1832
Primary view of [Letter from James Stuart to L. Moore, September 5, 1832]
Stuart, James
September 5, 1832
Primary view of [Letter from James Stuart to L. Moore, November 4, 1832]
Stuart, James
November 4, 1832
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