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open access

Recent Total Neutron Yield Measurements

Description: The report summarizes results obtained since September, 1951, by total neutron yield experiments using 190 Mev deuterons and the MnSo4 tank method (UCRL-1375 and UCRL-1480). A new method of beam monitoring has resulted in establishing firmly the absolute yield for solid uranium and thorium primary targets backed by a solid uranium secondary. The beam monitoring was done by using a primary target built into a faraday cup. This method circumvents errors caused by recombination in the ionizatio… more
Date: January 21, 1951
Creator: Crandall, W. & Millburn, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide Production by Irradiation of Air

Description: In regard to the production of ozone and various nitrogen oxides in air by action of x-rays or gamma rays, thre seems to be no direct experimental data which can be used. There is some data on the action of alpha particles on air and some on the action of cathode rays.
Date: December 21, 1950
Creator: Newton, A. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Dosimetry in and Around Human Phantoms By Use of Nuclear Track Emulsion

Description: The validity of the nuclear track emulsion technique for fast-neutron dosimetry is examined in the exposure of a human phantom to PuBe neutrons, Semiautomatic track scanning and high-speed data analysis obviate the major disadvantages of emulsion dosimetry, and allow the absolute differential proton track energy spectrum at various locations in the phantom to be obtained without a serious cost in time. From this are calculated the total absorbed local tissue dose due to proton recoils and the l… more
Date: April 1962
Creator: Akagi, Hiroaki & Lehman, Richard L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Dosimetry in and Around Human Phantoms By Use of Nuclear Track Emulsion

Description: The power of nuclear track research emulsion as a fast neutron dosimeter is examined in the exposure of a human phantom to PuBe neutrons. Semiautomatic track scanning and high-speed data analysis obviate the major disadvantages of this dosimeter, and allow the following basic information to be obtained without a serious cost in time: the rulative proton recoil energy spectrum, the absolute differential proton track den sity spectrum, and the average proton recoil energy at various locations in … more
Date: November 30, 1961
Creator: Akagi, Hiroaki & Lehman, Richard L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydromagnetic Ionizing Waves

Description: One of the techniques by which highly ionized plasmas can be generated in the laboratory makes use of strong, electromagnetically driven shock waves propagating into a cold gas. In this paper the phenomenon is analyzed as a one-dimensional single-fluid hydromagnetic problem, neglecting dissipation behind the wave.
Date: December 26, 1961
Creator: Kunkel, Wulf B. & Gross, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evidence For a T = 0 Resonance in the Z[ ] System

Description: In previous letters we have reported a Av resonance, called Y*1, observed through the study of the interaction of 1.15-Bev/c K* mesons in hydrogen in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory 15-in. bubble chamber. We now wish to report the results of the study of the three reactions [formula](1), [formula](2) and [formula](3).
Date: April 28, 1961
Creator: Alston, Margaret H.; Alvarez, Luis W., 1911-1988; Eberhard, Phillippe; Good, Myron L.; Graziano, William; Ticho, Harold K., 1921-2020 et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests on a High Current R.F. Joint in Vacuum

Description: An R.F. joint tester was designed to determine the relative heating and tendency toward arching at high RF current density (100 amps/linear inch) of a 12 inch diameter circular copper butt joint in vacuum with several types of inserts and at various amounts of axial loading, ranging from a very small contact pressure to one of 1400 pounds per linear inch of joint.
Date: July 25, 1951
Creator: Wharton, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Ion Exchange Study of Possible Hybridized 5f Bonding in the Actinides

Description: A study was conducted on the elution behavior of curium (III), americium (III), plutonium (III), actinium (III), plutonium (IV), neptunium (IV), uranium (IV), thorium (IV), neptunium (V), plutonium (VI), uranium (VI), lanthanum (III), cerium (III), europium (III), ytterbium (III), ytterium (III), strontium (II), barium (II), radium (II), cesium (I) with 3.2 M, 6.2 M, and 12.2 M HCI solutions from Dower-50 cation exchange resin columns. These elutions show that in high concentrations of hydroch… more
Date: August 28, 1951
Creator: Diamond, R. M.; Street, K., Jr. & Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

300-KV Pulser Transformer and Pulser.

Description: Photographs and working drawings are presented for a small (approximately 4.25 X 7 X 9 inch) 300Kv pulse transformer having double-conical secondaries each with a corona ring at its greatest diameter. The pulser circuit is shown but no text is included.
Date: November 1951
Creator: Heller, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Discriminator Calibrator

Description: To calibrate a pulse height discriminator, the amplitude of the calibrating pulse must be known. If the amplitude is known, the discriminator dial may be calibrated in terms of the input signal required to just trip it. This is the purpose for which the Discriminator Calibrator was designed. It produces pulses of variable but known amplitude with a rep. rate variable from 3 pps to 4000 pps. The main use of this unit at the UCRL is in conjunction with scalers at fixed counting locations.
Date: November 27, 1951
Creator: Stripeika, Alex J. & Newton, Gene B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Barley Roots

Description: The uptake of carbon dioxide by plant roots preparations has been demonstrated by various authors. In addition to confirming the fact of fixation, I have investigated the effect of a number of factors involved and the compounds in which the absorbed carbon appears, using carbon-14.
Date: November 30, 1951
Creator: Poel, L. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Considerations Regarding Stability of MTA Mark I as a Closed-Loop System

Description: The basic scheme under consideration in this research on stability of closed-loop of the Mark I machine is one in which a voltage proportional to the magnitude of the rf fields in the cavity acts to control rectifier voltage output. It is recognized that such is not the only scheme for maximization of output which may be conceived, but only what seems to be a logical and direct way of attaining such an objective.
Date: November 1, 1951
Creator: Waddell, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffusion Equation Green's Functions for Box Problems

Description: The use of diffusion theory to attempt to reproduce the chemical data of Hicks and Stevenson for the spatial distribution of neutrons in a solid block of uranium that is bombarded by 190 Mev neutrons is described.
Date: December 27, 1951
Creator: Adelman, F.; Lepore, J. & Rosenblum, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drift Tube Model Magnet Report

Description: Early in the design of the Mark I accelerator it was decided to install magnetic lenses in the drift tubes. A number of model magnets were constructed and tested to determine the best design for these lenses. This report includes only the results of the tests on the final models of the magnets that are designed for Mark I.
Date: June 27, 1952
Creator: Sewell, D. & Parmentier, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flux in a Rectangular Cavity.

Description: A problem proposed by E. Hart to determine whether there are locally high or low neutron densities at the corners of a cubical cavity in a graphite lattice. To simplify the computations consider an infinite two dimensional lattice with a square cavity that has a point source of neutrons at the center (see Figure 1).
Date: February 4, 1952
Creator: Rosenblum, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Distribution of Pu(VI) and Pu(III) in Thenoyltrifluoracetone-Benzene-Nitric Acid Mixtures

Description: The distribution coefficients of Pu(VI) and Pu(III) have been measured as a function of the TTA, hydrogen ion, and nitrate ion concentrations in the TTA-benzen-nitric acid system. The extraction constants for Pu(VI) and Pu(III) are 1.4 X 10(-2) and 2 X 10(-5), respectively.
Date: February 2, 1952
Creator: Heising, D. L. & Hicks, T. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Spectrum of Neutrons from 3-10 MEV

Description: The energy distributions of neutrons in the 3-10 Mev energy range resulting from the bombardment of thin U targets are being investigated by the measurement of proton recoils in photographic plates.
Date: February 11, 1952
Creator: Adelman, Frank
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modes of Acceleration of Ions in a 3-DEE Cyclotron.

Description: The analysis shows that a symmetrical three-dee cyclotron accelerating ions below relativistic velocities has the property that ions of different e/m rations can be accelerated without changing the frequency of the electrical power supplied to the dees or the value of the magnetic field. The energy gain per revolution of the ions which can be accelerated in the various modes are found, considering three identical dees of arbitrary angular widths. For these calculations it has been assumed tha… more
Date: February 29, 1952
Creator: Jakobson, M.; Heusinkveld, M. & Ruby, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Heat and Entropy of Ionization of Anhydrous Acetic Acid.

Description: Studies of ionic entropies in methanol and ammonia have led to the suggestion that ionic entropies in water are abnormally high. An explanation of this hypothesis may be given in terms of entropies of solvation and the high degree of hydrogen bonding in water. When an ion enters water, more disorder is created than when it enters another, less hydrogen-bonded, solvent.
Date: April 1952
Creator: Jolly, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of the Energy of Neutrons Emerging from the Target by Means of Their Spatial Distribution

Description: As there is no accurate measurements of the energy distribution of neutrons emerging from large uranium blocks, it becomes of importance to see how much information of this kind can be derived from the slowing down distribution of the neutrons in a water tank.
Date: March 5, 1952
Creator: Brown, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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