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open access

Calculation of Suspension Peptization

Description: Report regarding the combination the theories of flocculation, particle repulsion, and particle attraction in order to "understand the flocculation characteristics of TH02 suspensions" (p. 2).
Date: 1960
Creator: Sweeton, F. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Reactor Test Removal and Disassembly

Description: Report documenting the dissection of a reactor called the Aircraft Reactor Test (ART). Includes the removal of the reactor from its test cell, component removal, and plans for a for a disassembly building facility.
Date: 1960?
Creator: Abbatiello, A. A. & McQuilkin, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Core Tester - UT-2

Description: Report that "describes an instrument that nondestructively tests uranium fuel element cores by ultrasonic methods" (p. 2).
Date: July 18, 1960
Creator: Frederick, C. L. & Waldkoetter, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Controlled Potential Coulometer

Description: Report describing the Hanford Laboratory controlled potential coulometer. This includes the theory behind the coulometer, details of its circuitry, and performance tests. Appendix begins on page 23.
Date: July 11, 1960
Creator: Connally, R. E. & Scott, F. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Summary Report for the Hanford Plutonium Critical Mass Laboratory

Description: Report that summarizes the potential hazards of the Hanford Critical Mass Laboratory and presents operation procedures which will limit the probability of a nuclear accident. The report also outlines the planned experimental program, descriptions of the facility, and the administration of nuclear safety in the laboratory.
Date: August 1, 1960
Creator: Reardon, W. A.; Clayton, E. D.; Brown, C. L.; Masterson, R. H.; Powell, T. J.; Richey, C. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculated Equilibrium Distributions for the Uranyl Nitrate - Tributyl Phosphate - Dilute Nitric Acid System for Temperatures Between 25 and 75 C

Description: Report discussing the "equilibrium uranium distribution between an aqueous nitric acid solution and a 30 per cent by volume solution of tributyl phosphate in a hydrocarbon diluent" (p. 2). This includes the necessary equations.
Date: August 12, 1960
Creator: Wilburn, N. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fission-Product Release from UO2

Description: Release of fission products from UO2 with emphasis on fuel elements operated at higher surface temperatures and lower external pressures than those for pressurized-water systems.
Date: September 13, 1960
Creator: Cottrell, W. B.; Culver, H. N.; Scott, J. L. & Yarosh, M. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: November 1959-January 1960

Description: From Summary: "The major objective of the run was the investigation of fuel stability. The reactor operated for long periods at the design power of 5 Mw with none of the usual indications of instability while the system pressure was kept at 1250 psig. Run 21 ended on January 22, so that the reason for an abrupt change in the mixing rate of fuel between the core and blanket could be investigated and a reactor steam-system valve could be repaired."
Date: April 29, 1960
Creator: Briggs, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental Analysis of NS "Savannah" Operation at Camden

Description: Report regarding the nuclear ship "Savannah" and the consequences of nuclear activity that it would release into the surrounding area at its proposed startup site, Camden, New Jersey. Scenarios include activity being released into the atmosphere and hydrosphere, damage to equipment, and effects on a population.
Date: 1960
Creator: Cottrell, William B.; Mann, L. A.; Parker, F. L. & Schmidt, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor Final Safeguard Analysis: Supplement 2, Consequences of a Primary Coolant Leak

Description: Review of previous work is presented in addition to the results of recent studies concerning loss of primary coolant when the system is cold and pressurized and the problem of supplying adequate cooling following the injection of light water.
Date: November 15, 1960
Creator: Wittenbrock, N. G. & Muraoka, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Resin Level Detector

Description: This report describes the development of an ultrasonic instrument for resin level measurements in an ion exchange column.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Hunter, D. O. & Pleasance, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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