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Primary view of Metallurgy Research Operation: Quarterly Progress Report, January - March 1965
Cadwell, J. J.; Bierlein, T. K.; Bement, A. L.; Dillon, R. L. & Wheeler, R. G.
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Fast Flux Test Facility Studies Progress Report: April 1965
Astley, E. R.
April 1965
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1965 - September 1, 1965
Hardy, Edward P., Jr. & Rivera, Joseph
October 1, 1965
Primary view of U.S. Reactor Containment Technology: a Compilation of Current Practice in Analysis, Design, Construction, Test, and Operation, Volume 2
Cottrell, William B. & Savolainen, A. W.
Primary view of Irradiation Performance of Thoria-Urania Fuel Materials: Quarterly Technical Report, Number 2, October - December 1964
Babcock & Wilcox Company
October 1964
Primary view of Fire Test of Wooden-Jacket Shield for Radioisotope Shipping Container
Horn, Leonard H.
March 23, 1964
Primary view of A Sequence for Predicting Waste Transport by Ground Water
Nelson, R. William
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Geophysical Seismic Evaluation Study at Hanford
Brown, Ruth E. & Raymond, John R.
December 1964
Primary view of Static Tests of Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum and Carbon Steel
Richman, R. B.
February 1965
Primary view of INDEX: a Computer Program for Indexing X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns
Goebel, J. B. & Wilson, Archie Spencer
January 1965
Primary view of PRTR second generation shim assembly
Rasmussen, D. E.
November 1964
Primary view of Numerical Results for EGCR Moderator-Element Stress Problems
Hulbert, Lewis E. & Redmond, Robert F.
July 3, 1961
Primary view of The Liquid Metal Thorium Breeder Reactor
unknown creator
February 1960
Primary view of U.S. Reactor Containment Technology: a Compilation of Current Practice in Analysis, Design, Construction, Test, and Operation, Volume 1
Cottrell, William B. & Savolainen, A. W.
August 1965
Primary view of Assembly of Fifty Prototype Fuel Elements for the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor
Wick, E. A. & Heestand, R. L.
December 23, 1960
Primary view of Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: May-July 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Failure Test of a Double Chambered NaK-Filled Irradiation Capsule
Kosut, B. S.; Leggett, R. D. & Marshall, R. K.
September 1961
Primary view of Final Design Report: DR-1 Gas Loop
Baars, R. E.
March 1961
Primary view of Standardization and Evaluation of Grain Size Test for Uranium Fuel
Spice, R. D.
July 1964
Primary view of Magnetic Force Welding Sintered Aluminum Powder Materials
Mills, L. E.
March 1962
Primary view of Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report, July 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Health Physics Division.
October 31, 1961
Primary view of Chemical Technology Division Annual Progress Report, May 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chemical Technology Division.
September 21, 1961
Primary view of An Alpha, Beta, Gamma Hand and Shoe Counter - Model 2
Spear, W. G.
June 2, 1958
Primary view of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Intrumentation and Controls Division Annual Progress Report: 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Instrumentation and Controls Division.
February 3, 1961
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