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Search Results

open access

Design Bases for ICPP Waste Calcination Facility

Description: Report regarding a waste calcination unit that "will convert the fission product-containing aluminum nitrate solutions" "to granular alumina and fission product oxides" (p. 5).
Date: January 16, 1959
Creator: MacQueen, D. K. & Stevens, J. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Heat Transfer in an Annulus with Asymmetric Heating

Description: Report concerning the "determination of the validity of using tube flow correlations for calculating pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics in thin annuli," the "validity of using Stein's heat flux asymmetry correction for parallel planes to calculate the heat transfer in asymmetrically heated thin annuli," and the "investigation of the effects of eccentricity on pressure drop, heat transfer, and temperature distribution in concentric ring fuel elements" (p. 5).
Date: February 1959
Creator: Lisin, Alexander Vladimir; Mackewicz, W. V. & Reynolds, William C., 1933-2004
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Design 30,000 KW Prototype Partially Enriched Uranium, Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant (Prototype of an Optimum Plant) for United States Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations Office contract no. AT(10-1)-925

Description: Report containing the preliminary design for a nuclear reactor plant and its facilities. Includes a description of systems, safety procedures, costs, and a glossary.
Date: March 1959
Creator: Kaiser Engineers
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savannah River Project Site Report: 30,000 KW Prototype Partically Enriched Uranium Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant for United States Atomic Energy Commission Idaho Operations Office

Description: Report describing a modified prototype of a nuclear reactor that uses partially uranium-enriched fuel and is cooled by helium. The construction site, site safety aspects, and design and construction costs are included.
Date: March 1959
Creator: ACF Industries Incorporated. Nuclear Products - ERCO Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Monthly Progress Report: April 1959

Description: Abstract: This monthly progress report covers the activities of the Army Gas-Cooled Reactor System Program for April 1959. The program includes a water-moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite-moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas-cooled reactor (ML-1), and the coordination of the Gas Turbine Test Facility. [It reports] the progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicable design crit… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Aerojet-General Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Pile Loop Tests of GCRE Elements (I-IT and I-I'T)

Description: Report documenting two in-pile loop experiments conducted at the Battelle Research Reactor-Gas Cooled Reactor (BRR-GCR). These experiments test heat transfer calculations and the behavior of the fuel element under severe thermal-cycling conditions.
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Nakazato, S.; Williams, P. M. & Wilson, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Hazards Summary Report for the ML-1 Nuclear Power Plant

Description: From abstract: "Neutronic characteristics, the control and instrumentation system, equipment description and plant safety considerations of the ML-1 (mobile, low power) nuclear power plant. The site is described with reference to geology, climate, and population density."
Date: September 30, 1959
Creator: Linenberger, G. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Organic Cooled Reactor : Conceptual Design

Description: Report presenting the design, research programs, and design objectives for an Organic-Cooled Reactor.
Date: December 1, 1959
Creator: Huffman, John R.; Nyer, W. E. & Rainwater, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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