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Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1959
Aerojet-General Corporation
July 31, 1959
Primary view of Fabrication of the PRTR Zircaloy-2 High Pressure Process Tubes
Knecht, R. L.
July 31, 1959
Primary view of In-Pile Loop Tests of GCRE Elements (I-IT and I-I'T)
Nakazato, S.; Williams, P. M. & Wilson, W. D.
July 2, 1959
Primary view of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: Phase 1 Report
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
July 1959
Primary view of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 235 Mw Coal-fired Generating Plant
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
July 1959
Primary view of Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: 306 Mw Power Reactor Conceptual Design
Ebasco Services Incorporated
July 1959
Primary view of Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 2]: Separate Studies
Ebasco Services Incorporated
July 1959
Primary view of Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 306 Mw Coal-Fired Installation
Ebasco Services Incorporated
July 1959
Primary view of Organic Cooled Reactor Study [Part 3]: Reactor Concept Evaluation
Bechtel Corporation
July 1959
Primary view of Organic Cooled Reactor Study [Part 4]: 75 Mw Power Plant Conceptual Design
Bechtel Corporation
July 1959
Primary view of Attenuation in Water of Radiation from the Bulk Shielding Reactor: Measurements of the Gamma-Ray Dose Rate, Fast Neutron Dose Rate, and Thermal-Neutron Flux
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
July 8, 1958
Primary view of A Neutron Absorption Alignment Chart
Nisle, Robert G.
July 30, 1957
Primary view of 20,000 KW Nuclear Power Plant Study for United States Atomic Energy Commission
Gilbert Associates, Inc.
July 7, 1957
Primary view of Liquid Metal Reactor Experiment Preliminary Hazards Evaluation, July 1957
Babcock & Wilcox Company
July 1957
Primary view of Scintillation Spectrometry : Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue
Heath, R. L.
July 1, 1957
Primary view of Joint Design for Making Root Pass Welds without Filler Material
Lemon, L. C. & Smith, W. R.
July 9, 1956
Primary view of Engineering Test Reactor : Engineering Design and Safeguards Report
Kaiser Engineers
July 1956
Primary view of Polonium
Moyer, Harvey Vernon; Gnagey, Lloyd B. & Rogers, Adrian J.
July 1956
Primary view of Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: April - June 1954
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
July 29, 1954
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