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open access

Stress Corrosion Cracking in Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys

Description: Investigation conducted to determine the cause of cracking, during tension, on the surface of tensile specimens of uranium-molybdenum alloys.
Date: August 12, 1963
Creator: Pridgeon, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Versatile Spectrometer Magnet Power Supply

Description: Early results from actual laboratory operation of a more versatile magnet supply.
Date: April 15, 1963
Creator: Groppe, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design and Performance of Levitation Melting Coils

Description: The purpose of this study was to provide a means for evaluating the various parameters involved in the design and performance of levitation coils.
Date: April 26, 1963
Creator: Hulsey, William Jewell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Diethers as Uranium Extractants

Description: Report on the determination of several physical properties, pertinent to uranium extraction, for a number of ethers and related compounds.
Date: January 14, 1963
Creator: Googin, J. M.; Harper, W. L.; Phillips, L. R. & Postma, Fred W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cubic Spline, a Curve Fitting Routine

Description: A method of mathematically fitting a curve through a given ordered set of points has been developed and programmed in fortran computer language.
Date: 1963
Creator: Fowler, A. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Shipboard Cobalt-60 Radiopasteurizer for Marine Products

Description: Report issued by the Brookhaven National Laboratory discussing the shipboard cobalt-60 irradiator. As stated in the introduction, "this report discusses the conceptual design of a cobalt-60 shipboard irradiator for use to improve the keeping quality of fish landed aboard commercial fishing trawlers operating out of ports along the eastern seaboard of the commercial United States" (p. 1). This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: June 30, 1963
Creator: Manowitz, B.; Kuhl, A. O.; Galanter, L.; Armel, J.; Black, K. M.; Klaassen, W. J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report : Large Reactor Study for Sea Water Distillation

Description: From introduction: This report presents the results of a study of large nuclear reactor systems for supplying energy for the distillation of sea water.
Date: July 1963
Creator: Bechtel Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiolysis of Organic Fluids, Annual Progress Report: October 1, 1961-September 30, 1962

Description: From introduction: This report reviews the Susie program (particularly reactor dosimetry and data analysis) as well as other items that represent a smaller share of the total effort.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Bolt, R. O.; Burrous, M. L.; Carroll, J. G.; Hall, K. L.; Sweeney, M. A. & Tobriner, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerospace Nuclear Safety: October 1 - 4, 1963

Description: Proceedings on aerospace nuclear safety.
Date: October 1963
Creator: Sandia Corporation. Technical Information Division III.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Summary Report of the Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment-1

Description: Report describing the Gas-Cooled Reactor test facility, its ongoing testing and evaluations of a test reactor, and its operating conditions and characteristics.
Date: October 1963
Creator: Chesworth, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1963 - September 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: October 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: September 1, 1962 - December 1, 1962

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: January 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flora of Healthy Dogs: [Part] 2. Isolation of Enteroviruses from Lower Intestines

Description: Fecal specimens from apparently healthy dogs were inoculated into MK, DK, HeLa, and CP cells. Twenty-six cytopathic agents were isolated in MK, 11 in HeLa, and 4 in CP, but none in DK cells. Neutralization tests indicated that all but one of the viruses were either strains of ECHO type 6 or were closely related to it. Twenty-one of 29 dogs were carrying the virus.
Date: June 1963
Creator: Clapper, W. E. & Pindak, F. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1963 - June 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1962 - March 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: April 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Temperature Irradiation of UO₂-BeO Bodies

Description: From introduction: "Irradiation experiment performed to simulate burnup data under close to reactor temperatures."
Date: January 1963
Creator: Titus, G. W. & Saling, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design of a Dynamic Corrosion and Chemical Control Test Loop and Preliminary Out-of-Pile Test Results

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the overall loop design and the means by which this design was developed. These include critical facility measurements, analog computer calculations, hydraulic and heat transfer computations, and the construction and operation of an out-of-pile mock-up loop to determine the dynamic characteristics of the loop."
Date: July 12, 1963
Creator: Zelezny, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fundamentals in the Operation of Nuclear Test Reactors: Volume 2, Materials Testing Reactor Design and Operation

Description: Second volume of reports on the operation of nuclear test reactors. It includes six chapters: engineering description fo the materials testing reactor, reactor control components and instrumentation, reactor control circuitry, reactor operation, reactor shutdown and tank work, and supplemental facilities at the materials testing reactor.
Date: October 1963
Creator: Phillips Petroleum Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Pile Radiation Corrosion Experiments with Zirconium, Titanium, and Steel Alloys in 0.17 m UO2SO4 Solutions at 280°C

Description: In-pile loop experiments L-2-15 and L-4-16 were two of a series designed to test the radiation corrosion of Zircaloy-2 and other possible reactor construction materials in UO2SO4 solutions under various conditions of radiation intensities, temperatures, solution compositions, and velocity flow past specimens.
Date: June 10, 1963
Creator: Jenks, G. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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