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open access

Evaluation of Iron- and Nickel-Base Alloys for Medium and High Temperature Reactor Applications, Part 1

Description: Report discussing the evaluation of the "behavior of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, iron-chromium-aluminum base alloys and nickel-base superalloys, in medium and high temperature simulated reactor environments" (p. 2).
Date: February 1961
Creator: Pessl, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplemental Report on New Production Reactor Power Plant Economic Feasibility Study: Volume 1-S

Description: From purpose and scope of study: This report contains a primary study based on estimated loads and resources deemed most likely to occur and a secondary study based on the sale by the summer of 1961 of an additional 400 MW of power to industries resulting in an equal increase in loads.
Date: February 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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