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open access

Description and Vibrational Analysis of the Molecular Spectrum of Polonium

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing the vibrational analysis of the molecular spectrum of polonium. Experimental procedures, results, and analysis are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: January 29, 1957
Creator: Charles, G. W.; Hunt, D. J.; Pish, G. & Timma, D. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Liquid Metal Reactor Experiment Research and Development Program, June 1957

Description: Report containing research and development undertaken regarding the Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor Experiment. This includes engineering information concerning the design, construction, and operation of the experiment.
Date: June 1957
Creator: Babcock & Wilcox Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Martensitic Reaction for Uranium

Description: Series of isothermal transformation studies for improvement in fabrication and reactor performance of uranium fuel elements.
Date: June 25, 1957
Creator: Bement, A. L. & Wallace, W. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scintillation Spectrometry : Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue

Description: Report presenting a collection of gamma spectra containing samples of the response of NaI(TI) scintillation detectors to a large number of the more frequently encountered radioactive nuclides.
Date: July 1, 1957
Creator: Heath, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

20,000 KW Nuclear Power Plant Study for United States Atomic Energy Commission

Description: Introduction: In September of 156, Gilbert Associates, Inc., entered into a contract with the United States of America, acting through the United States Atomic Energy Commission, for the study and preliminary design of a nuclear power plant being considered for integration into a central station power system at an overseas site.
Date: July 7, 1957
Creator: Gilbert Associates, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Neutron Absorption Alignment Chart

Description: From introduction: "Neutron absorption alignment chart for the measurement of neutron flux density."
Date: July 30, 1957
Creator: Nisle, Robert G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Atomic Energy Facts: a Summary of Atomic Activities of Interest to Industry

Description: Introduction: Atomic Energy Facts is designed to serve as an introduction to nuclear operations in the United States and as a handbook of related information for the use of industrial firms and other active or interested in atomic energy.
Date: September 1957
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Standard Practices for Design of MTR and ETR Safety Circuits

Description: Report containing notes for designing safety circuits for the Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) and Engineering Test Reactor (ETR).
Date: September 15, 1957
Creator: Jones, L. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: May-July 1957

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing quarterly progress made by the Homogeneous Reactor Program. Descriptions of progress and studies conducted are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: October 10, 1957
Creator: Briggs, R. B.; Winters, C. E.; Beall, S. E.; Lane, J. A.; Bohlmann, E. G.; Ferguson, D. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of the Spert-I, -II, and -III reactor facilities

Description: Report containing "[a] brief description and design data summary of each of the SPERT Reactor Facilities is presented. Engineering, operating, and physics data are tabulated for use as basic references" (p. 3)
Date: November 1, 1957
Creator: Montgomery, C. R.; Norberg, J. A. & Wilson, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plating Thickness Tester

Description: An electromagnetic eddy current instrument is described that is capable of measuring copper and nickel plating 1 to 8 mils thick plated on bismuth mandrils of various sizes and shapes.
Date: November 15, 1957
Creator: Fitch, C. E., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solid State Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending August 31, 1957

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing annual progress made by the Solid State Division. Work and research progress made during 1957 is presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: November 26, 1957
Creator: Billington, D. S. & Crawford, J. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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