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open access

Bulk ThO2, a Reactor Material

Description: Thorium, a fertile material, is of interest to the Reactor Program in the production of U233. Thorium can be extracted and processed to a very pure bulk metal for fabrication into solid fertile elements. There are advantages, technical and economic, for using fabricated bulk thorium dioxide rather than the metal in some applications. It is the purpose of this paper to point out these advantages and to present briefly the technology related to fabrication, radiation damage and chemical processin… more
Date: May 24, 1956
Creator: Johnson, J. R. & Warde, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Demonstration of the Zirflex Process on Irradiated PWR Blanket Fuel

Description: Fifteen PWR blanket fuel specimens, varying in burnup from 80 to 1100 Mwd/T, were declad with boiling 6 M NH4F-1.0 M NH4NO3 before the UO2 core was dissolved in 10 M HNO3-uranium and plutonium losses to the decladding solution were less than 0.2% in nearly all runs.
Date: August 24, 1959
Creator: Gens, T. A.; West, G. A. & Ferris, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Corrosion Products and Additives in Homogeneous Reactor Fuel III. Polarographic Determination of Iron(III)

Description: An ion-exchange -- polarographic method was developed for the determination of iron(III) in Homogeneous Reactor Fuels. Copper, which interferes, is removed from the fuel by plating it onto a cadmium coil. Iron is oxidized to iron(III) by potassium permanganate, and the iron(III) is separated from interfering metal ions by ion exchange on a Dowex 1 resin column that is in the sulfate form. The iron(III) in the effluent is determined polarographically in 0.5 M sodium citrate solution as supportin… more
Date: October 24, 1955
Creator: Horton, A. D.; Thomason, P. F. & Raaen, H. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Trace Amounts of Sulfur in Fluoride Salts

Description: A method has been developed for the determination of total sulfur in fluoride salts using the methylene blue procedure. Reduction of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide is achieved through the use of a new reducing mixture consisting of stannous chloride dissolved in concentrated phosphoric acid. The new mixture is effective on microgram amounts of sulfate and offers a major advantage over the red phosphorous reducing mixtures in that larger samples may be taken for analysis. The procedure has been app… more
Date: June 24, 1957
Creator: Gilbert, T. W. & White, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EGCR Graphite Permeability Tests: Results of Forced Flow Experiments on EGCR Moderator-Grade Graphite

Description: A knowledge of helium permeation rates through the various graphite components is necessary for EGCR design calculations. Helium-permeability and porosity were determined at room temperature for specimens from a typical EGCR moderator-grade graphite block.
Date: March 24, 1961
Creator: Ward, W.T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electronuclear Research Division Semiannual Progress Report For Period Ending March 20, 1955

Description: The ORNL 86-in. cyclotron is being modified to provide for deflection of the proton beam. It is expected that operation will be resumed late in the spring. Nuclear physics work was limited, for the most part, to interpretation of previously collected data and to making preparations for utilizing the deflected beam. It was found that for certain isotopes the production rates could be almost doubled by operating at a slightly reduced energy and a much larger current. With the use of the ORNL 63-i… more
Date: June 24, 1955
Creator: Livingston, Robert S. & Howard, F. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimated Gamma Radiation Levels at Access Holes in the HRT Shielding

Description: An estimate has been made of the gamma radiation levels at access holes in the HRT Shielding when the plugs have been removed to service or maintain the reactor. In every case the radiation level at the holes was greater than the maximum permissible exposure rate of 0.3 roentgens per week. The radiation through the holes can be attenuated to some extent by flooding the reactor cell up to the flange to be disconnected. However, shielding would still be required and it is more practical to provid… more
Date: January 24, 1957
Creator: Collins, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of the Present Status of Swirl-Flow Heat Transfer

Description: Available swirl-flow data for pressure drop, heat transfer under both nonboiling and boiling conditions, and burnout have been collected and compared on common bases. Though different sets of data are in some disagreement, semiquantitative overall trends are discernible. It is shown that swirl flow allows attainment of greater heat-transfer rates under a variety of conditions, both without boiling and at burnout, than are characteristic of axial flow at the same pumping power.
Date: April 24, 1961
Creator: Gambill, W.R. & Bundy, R.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Tests - Electrolytic Dissolution of Perforated Zircaloy-2 Screens

Description: The intent of the program described in this report was to develop a method of removal of the core screens of the HRT. The purpose of the test was to determine first, if perforated zircaloy-2 screen samples could be electrolytically dissolved in small bench tests, under controlled conditions, and then to translate this experience to the development of proper equipment to perform a full-scale mockup demonstration of practicability.
Date: November 24, 1959
Creator: Draper, B. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Thermal-Conductivity Fin Material for Radiators

Description: This report is the result of a study to develop heat-resistant fin materials possessing a high thermal conductivity for air radiators. Since an economical and commercially feasible product was desired, the investigation was restricted primarily to a study of electroplated copper, clad copper, and copper alloys. Sheet material 0.008 to 0.010 in. thick was evaluated for fabricability and for metallurgical stability and thermal conductivity at 1500°F. From the results of the rests it was concluded… more
Date: January 24, 1957
Creator: Inouye, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Experiment Quarterly Progress Report [for] Period Ending August 31, 1950

Description: Technical report containing the detailed design of the equipment within the reactor shield, reviewed in 1950. Contains various summaries on engineering design and development, reactor physics, chemical studies, and corrosion.
Date: October 24, 1950
Creator: Winters, C. E.; Gall, W. R.; Graham, C. B.; Quarles, L. R.; Stein, J. M.; Clewett, G. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lecture Notes on Reactor Controls

Description: This course on reactor controls is for the purpose of acquainting the student with some of the elementary considerations involved in setting up a control and safety system for a nuclear reactor. This material is the outgrowth of the notes prepared for the lectures on Reactor Controls given in the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technologu. The lectures given by T. E. Cole in 1953-1955 are the basis of portions of the subject matter on reactor kinetics. Many suggestions and ideas contributed by E. R… more
Date: June 24, 1959
Creator: Walker, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Merchant Ship Reactor Final Safeguards Report, Volume 6: Environmental Analysis OF NS "Savannah" Operation at Camden

Description: "An analysis is presented of the accidental release of activity following the operation of the NS "Savannah" at the New York Shipbuilding Corporation docks in Camden, New Jersey. Although a number of accidents are considered, the report is primarily concerned with the environmental activity levels and subsequent exposures which would result from the "maximum credible accident" (p. v).
Date: January 24, 1961
Creator: Cottrell, W. B.; Parker, F. L.; Mann, L. A. & Schmidt, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Parametric Study of a Gas Cooled Reactor

Description: The results of a parametric study on a gas cooled reactor are reported on herein. The system considered was a helium cooled, UO2 fueled arrangement with the fuel assemblies consisting of clusters of long cylindrical elements, each element covered b a stainless steel jacket. The axial power distribution was assumed to be a "chopped cosine" having an axial peak-to-average power 1.32.
Date: July 24, 1959
Creator: Epel, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Secondary Refrigerant for HRT Refrigeration System

Description: The criteria for selection of an HRT secondary refrigerant system refrigerant to replace Freon-11 are given. The properties of Amsco which make it desirable are tabulated and it is compared with triethyl phosphate (the second choice) and Freon-11.
Date: January 24, 1957
Creator: Robertson, R. C. & McLain, Howard A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tabular Summary of In-File Rocking Autoclave Solution Corrosion Data

Description: A non-critical tabulation of in-pile rocking autoclave data is presented. Exposure conditions, corrosion data, analytical results, and references to other reports on the data are tabulated. This report together with a previous tabular summary (ORNL CF-58-6-92, June 18, 1958) lists statistics pertinent to all the in-pile solution rocking autoclave experiments performed by the REED Radiation Section to date.
Date: September 24, 1959
Creator: Davis, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorex Thorium Nitrate Product Specifications

Description: Activity and ionic impurity specifications are presented for Thorex thorium nitrate products. Two sets of specifications are given, one set for direct handling during refabrication of production reactor thorium metal slugs and the second for refabrication of future power reactor thorium metal elements by semi-remote technics. Consideration was given to the health hazard problems associated with each process step between the Thorex process and final refabricated source material in order to arriv… more
Date: May 24, 1956
Creator: Arnold, E. D. & Wischow, R. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Breeder Reactor Evaluation. Part I. Fuel Yield and Fuel Cycle Costs in Five Thermal Breeders

Description: The performances of aqueous-homogeneous (AHBR), molten-salt (MSBR), liquid-bismuth (LBBR), gas cooled graphite-moderated (GGBR), and deuterium-moderated gas-cooled (DGBR) breeder reactors were evaluated in respect to fuel yield, fuel cycle costs, and development status. A net electrical plant capability of 1000 Mwe was selected, and the fuel and fertile streams were processed continuously on-site.
Date: May 24, 1961
Creator: Alexander, L. G.; Carter, W. L.; Chapman, R. H.; Kinyon, B. W.; Miller, J. W. & Van Winkle, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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