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Chemical Development, Quarterly Progress Report, October-December 1953.

Description: Introduction - The work of the Chemical Development Group has included studies on the thermal and radiation stability of organic materials suitable for reactor coolants, the thermal and radiation stability of zirconium hydride, reactor safety devices involving chemical systems, and general analytical development.
Date: June 15, 1954
Creator: Loftness, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Chemical Effects of 1 Mev Electrons on BrF3 at 25 degrees C

Description: "An investigation of the chemical effects of 1-Mev electrons on BrF3 at 25 degrees C has been carried out. Pressure measurements taken during the irradiation suggest the presence of Br2 and BrF5 as decomposition products and a fractional distillation of the irradiated liquid confirmed their presence. The extent of decomposition was determined both by fraction distillation and spectrophotometric methods. The radiation effect seemed to reach saturation when approximately 10 per cent of the BrF3… more
Date: October 1, 1954
Creator: Yosim, S. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Conceptual Design of a Thorium-Uranium (233) Power Breeder Reactor

Description: From abstract: A conceptual design study has been performed for a sodium cooled, graphite moderated, thermal power-breeder reactor utilizing the Thorium-Uranium 233 breeding cycle. Several aspects of the design of the system are considered but no attempt has been made to supply all the details. It appears that the design presented is feasible and will allow the production of economic power as well as full utilization of thorium resources.
Date: February 1, 1954
Creator: Henrie, J. O. & Weisner, E. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Distribution of Tracer Plutonium and Fission Products Between Molten Uranium and Solid Uranium Oxide, Carbide, and Nitride

Description: "A study has been made of the distribution of tracer fission products and plutonium between small samples of molten uranium and solid uranium oxide, carbine, and nitride. The distribution showed the same behavior i general for all three materials: 1. The rare earth elements, Cs, Ba, and Sr were extracted primarily into the solid scrub phase. 2. Zirconium and Nb partially concentrated in the scrub phase. 3. Plutonium, Mo, and Ru tended to remain completely in the metal phase. The distribution… more
Date: September 15, 1954
Creator: Keneshea, F. J.; Saul, A. M. & Young, C. Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Reactor Irradiation on the Thermal Conductivity of Uranium Impregnated Graphite at Elevated Temperatures

Description: "An experiment to determine the effect of reactor irradiation on the thermal conductivity of uranium-impregnated graphite at elevated temperatures as described. The results show a decrease in the thermal conductivity saturating at [approximately] 60 percent at a temperature of 700 degrees C; at [approximately] 50 percent at a temperature of 1000 degrees C; and at [approximately] 25 percent at a temperature of 1300 degrees C. It was found that after irradiation at a given temperature, exposure… more
Date: April 29, 1954
Creator: Durand, Richard E.; Klein, David J. & Nykiel, Harry H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of the Calder Hall Type of Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Abstract: Presented herein is the preliminary design of a natural uranium, graphite moderated, CO2-cooled reactor and power plant similar to, but larger than, the British Calder Hall plant, with a net electrical output of 130 MWE.
Date: January 18, 1957
Creator: Banks, William F.; Schneider, G. A.; Morgan, William T. & Ash, E. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Analysis of the Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment

Description: Introduction: The description of the Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment, (OMRE), its location, its safety system, and operative procedures have been previously detailed. The present report, although dealing with the subject of OMRE safety, has the more detailed intent of (1) determining the behavior of the OMRE under extremely unlikely sets of conditions; and (2) providing additional design information in the areas of reactivity coefficients, burnout heat flux, and reactor control.
Date: December 15, 1959
Creator: Williams, R. O., Jr.; Allen, W. O.; Ash, E. B.; Scott, W. W.; Shimazaki, T. T.; Sletten, H. L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Heat Generation in Thermal Shields

Description: "Heat production resulting from the absorption of gamma ray photons in thermal shields and the leakage of neutrons and photons from ferritic thermal shields are investigated. The gamma rays considered arise from three types of reactor radiation -- thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, and core and reflector gammas. The energy spectra of the fast neutron leakage and absorption have been investigated in some detail because of the significant contribution of fast neutrons to the heating of the concre… more
Date: August 15, 1954
Creator: Heisler, M. & Wetch, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot-Pressure Bonding of OMR Fuel Plates

Description: Abstract: An alluminum-clad low-enrichment, uranium-alloy fuel element of flat plate configuration has been proposed for the Organic Moderated Reactor (OMR).
Date: November 15, 1959
Creator: Alm, G. V.; Binstock, M. H. & Garrett, E. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Method for Numerically Solving Multi-Group Reactor Equations

Description: "A method for solving multi-group reactor equations which arise in the diffusion approximation is outlined. Considerable work has been done on this problem at KAPL and ORNL. Their approach is to replace the differential equations by difference equations. Complications arise in this method where more than one slowing down medium is present since the fluxes are discontinuous at the interfaces. The primary purpose of this article is to develop an exact integral expression for the neutron flux w… more
Date: September 15, 1954
Creator: Lehman, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

OMR Control-Safety Rod Component Development Tests

Description: Abstract: A magnetic-jack control-safety rod is under development for the 45.5 thermal megawatt Organic Moderated Reactor. The rod is "unitized," i.e., the poison element, drive, position indicator, and shock absorber are contained in a compact assembly which is inserted in a regular fuel channel opening in the core. Tests to develop components capable of operating under these conditions are described and results are reported.
Date: September 15, 1959
Creator: Howell, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment Progress Report: August-October 1956

Description: Report describing technical progress on the design and construction of an Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment (OMRE), to be operated at the National Reactor Testing Station in Arco, Idaho. "This is the second report of the series, and covers the period from August 1, 1956 through October 31, 1956" (p. 3).
Date: November 15, 1957
Creator: Trilling, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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