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open access

Determination of Radium 226 in Mill Effluents

Description: Recent attempts at the Laboratory in determining radium-226 in effluents from mills engaged in processing uranium ores several significant sources of error were discovered that had not been previously known. In order to make this information available to interested parties at the earliest possible time, a brief description is provided.
Date: unknown
Creator: Ebersole, Earl R.; Harbertso, Alan; Flygare, J. Kenneth, Jr. & Sill, Claude W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure Cementing of Water Wells on the National Reactor Testing Station Idaho

Description: The purpose of pressure cementing water wells is to prevent the vertical migration of contaminated fluids between the casing and the wall of the hole. This is accomplished by forcing a neat cement grout upward in the annulus behind the casing.
Date: unknown
Creator: Keys, W. Scott
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazardous Material Filter Manual for the National Reactor Testing Station

Description: The Filter Advisory Committee (FAC) was established at the National Reactor Testing Station in June 1961 to review existing filter programz and problems that demanded immediate attention. Due to the absence of the use of filter technology prior to the FAC establishment the FAC recommend the purchase of testing equipment to address the storage of radioactive materials.
Date: unknown
Creator: Held, B. J.; Wehmann, G.; Mousseau, D. R. & Anderson, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactivity Changes Due to Buildup of LI° in the MTR Reflector

Description: The effect on the operational characteristics of the MTR of the Li6 poison produced by the fast neutron reaction has been investigated using the adjoint perturbation and group methods.
Date: unknown
Creator: McMurry, H. L. & Webster. J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report on the MTR Fuel Assembly Data Correlation

Description: The limits of uncertainty inherert in computations of SF material contert of MTR fuel assemblies were calculated. The major source of uncertainty is systematic error in the chemical analysis for U
Date: unknown
Creator: Vance, F. P. & Hudson, M. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Control Techniques in Reprocessing Enriched Uranium

Description: In operating nuclear reactors it is impossible to burn up all fissionable material contained in fuel elements due to buildup of fission product poisons, the depletion of fissionable material and radiation damage to the elements. Accountability in a liquid, liquid solvent extraction type process is described.
Date: unknown
Creator: Huff, G. A. & Tingey, Fred H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor Irradiation of Thorium

Description: Various methods of irradiating thorium in the MTR for production of U233 have been considered. The effects on reactor operation and experiment facilities have also been investigated
Date: unknown
Creator: Leyse, C. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Processing of the Core Fuel Used Initially in the Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-I)

Description: A detailed description of the processing of enriched uranium from the first core of the EBR-I, together with cold runs preceding this active processing. The fuel and aluminum shipping cans were dissolved in nitric acid with mercury catalyst.
Date: unknown
Creator: Erhard, A. E.; Murray, C. L.; Murry, R. F.; Newby, B. J.; Rohde, K. L.; Schilling, F.-P.-- (Frank-Peter) et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pilot Plant Development of a Process for Separating Barium-140 from MTR Fuel

Description: Extensive full scale pilot plant studies, using unirradiated materials, of a precipitation process designed to separate 30,000 to 50,000 curie quantities of high purity barium-140 from a twenty-day-irradiated, two-day-cooled MTR fuel assembly were conducted. Centrifugation was employed to effect liquid-solid separations
Date: unknown
Creator: Legler, Billy Mason, 1925-; Chase, W. L.; Martin, M. D.; Paige, D. M. & Wrigley, P. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pilot Plant Development of a Process for Separating Barium-140 from MTR Fuel

Description: Extensive full scale pilot plant studies, using unirradiated materials of a precipitation process designed to separate 30,000 to 50,000 curie quantities of high purity barium-140 from a twenty-day-irradiated two-day-cooled MTR fuel assembly were conducted
Date: unknown
Creator: Legler, Billy Mason, |d 1925; Chase, W. L.; Martin, M. D.; Paige, D. M. & Wrigley, F. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of First Cycle Scrub Ration Reduction on Decontamination in the "25" Process

Description: The scrub flow ratio in the first cycle of the Hexone solvent extraction process for the recovery and decontamination of uranium from aluminum-uranium alloy fuels has been reduced by a factor of 10. A minimum flow ration of scrub : feed : extractant of 1: 79 : 67 has been plant-tested. Uranium losses were unaffected, and overall fission product decontamination for three cycles was changed only slighty
Date: unknown
Creator: Schilling, F.-P. (Frank-Peter)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiation Damage Problems in the ICPP Barium-140 Separation Process

Description: In the ICPP barium-140 separation process, an MTR fuel element is processed after only two days of cooling. Since the total activity present is of the order of 10(5) curies, it was necessary to investigate the extent and nature of radiation damage to process components, and to devise methods of protecting process solutions where necessary
Date: unknown
Creator: Andelin, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICPP Input Measurement Program

Description: The measurement of residual fissionable material in spent reactor fuel elements requires specialized equipment, methods and control procedures. As a result of processing a variety of fuels at ICPP an integrated measurement generation, control and interpretation system has evolved which provides highly precise measurements from which plant material balances are constructed.
Date: unknown
Creator: Tingey, Fred H. & Rein, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical Progress Report for October Through December 1957: Idaho Chemical Processing Plant

Description: Aluminum-uranium alloy was processed successfully through the ICPP continuous dissolving-TBP extraction system. Process and equipment changes resulted in reduced waste volume. Recovery of uranium from a second zirconium alloy core was initiated. Separation of barium-140 was continued
Date: unknown
Creator: Stevenson, C. E.; Paige, D. M.; Slansky, C. M. & Warzel, F. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of Titanium in the System: HNO3-HC1-H2O

Description: Corrosion resistance of titanium was determined in solution compositions arranged as to give statistical coverage to the HNO3-HC1-H2O ternary diagram up to the point where no water was added to reagent strength acids.
Date: unknown
Creator: Klemens, O. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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