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open access

Pyrophoricity of Uranium in Reactor Environments

Description: Report discussing information relative to the pyrophoricity of uranium for the purpose of reactor core fire safety. The report includes physical and chemical properties of uranium.
Date: January 22, 1960
Creator: Zima, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Resin Level Detector

Description: This report describes the development of an ultrasonic instrument for resin level measurements in an ion exchange column.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Hunter, D. O. & Pleasance, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conversion of UNH to UO3 : Terminal Report

Description: Feasibility of conversion of uranyl nitrate to uranium trioxide by the continuous addition of concentrated uranyl nitrate solution to hot, agitated UO3 powder.
Date: January 10, 1951
Creator: Maness, R. F. & Clagett, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Sample Changer

Description: Automatic sample changer developed to increase the number of samples that can be handled daily.
Date: January 3, 1957
Creator: Rankin, M. O. & Harvey, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of Construction Materials in 234-5 Project Solutions

Description: The following report covers the construction materials selected for laboratory corrosion studies and the determination of their corrosion rates in process solutions.
Date: January 31, 1950
Creator: Koenig, W. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Polarographic Analysis of UNH in the IAW Stream

Description: The following report describes two rapid, micro methods for the determination of UNH in Redox waste samples that had been developed fir the concentration range 0.2 to 100 g/l.
Date: January 17, 1949
Creator: Alkire, G. J. & Carson, W. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Separation of Trace Amounts of Radioactive Cs From Macro Quanitites of Sodium and Potassium Salts

Description: Summary: A method for the separation of cesium from macro quantities of sodium and potassium using an ion exchange resin, Dowex 50, has been developed. A 95% recovery of cesium with a reduction of the solid content of 95% was found possible. Curves illustrating the effect of acidity, column length, and flow rate are presented in the report. The sodium form, hydrogen form and ammonium form of Dowex 50 were investigated; the hydrogen form was found to give the best separation.
Date: January 27, 1950
Creator: Thorburn, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Collection and Analysis of Active Particles

Description: Abstract: This report gives the results of a radiochemical analysis of particles collected by electrostatic precipitation from ventilation air of the "B" plant at Hanford Works.
Date: January 27, 1950
Creator: DeLong, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of vegetation for I¹³¹

Description: Report detailing an analysis of the deposition of I-131 on vegetation. Analysis was necessary to determine the potential hazards of the gases from the dissolution of the metal on vegetation.
Date: January 27, 1950
Creator: Leboeuf, M. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Rapid Method for Determining Preferred Orientation in Rolled Uranium Rods

Description: Report covering an experiment on a method for determining the crystallographic orientation within uranium rods. From summary: "The crystallographic orientation existing in rolled uranium rods may be determined by comparing the diffraction pattern obtained from an unknown specimen with the diffraction pattern obtained from a sample known to be randomly oriented."
Date: January 7, 1953
Creator: Sanderson, M. J.; Cummings, W. V., Jr. & Hurst, R. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of Aluminum in Alum Coagulated Process Water

Description: The following report provides the results of an accelerated corrosion test that was performed to compare the effect of two coagulants on the corrosion rates of aluminum slug jacket alloy and 72S. Additionally, some analytical data on the water from the two treatments were obtained and are presented in this report.
Date: January 22, 1952
Creator: Dalrymple, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Test of Water Quality by Impingement

Description: Report discussing an impinging experiment "to test the pitting tendencies of different qualities of water," specifically, alum coagulated water without sodium dichromate, alum coagulated water plus 2 ppm sodium dichromate, and ferrifloc coagulated water without sodium dichromate.
Date: January 8, 1953
Creator: Houck, William C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Line Scintillation Gamma Monitor : Preliminary Specifications

Description: From introduction: "The following recommendations represent the best estimate, based on present knowledge, of the requirements for generally applicable or "universal" instrument for the continuous monitoring of radioactive process streams in terms of their gamma activity."
Date: January 22, 1953
Creator: Upson, U. L. & Connally, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests and Application of Differential Pressure Micromanometer to 305 Building Instrumentation

Description: Report discussing tests conducted in an attempt to adapt a micromanometer for use in measuring variations of about 0.003 mm Hg in atmospheric pressure. Additionally, a method for making full use of the micromanometer sensitivity and extending its range is described.
Date: January 16, 1953
Creator: Hildreth, N. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Weighting Factors for Radically Flattened Piles

Description: The following report calculates pile reactivity changes that result from different pile loadings where it is desirable to have available values of (flux)2 d(volume) for various flat zone radii. This information was found for a cylindrical pile having circular flat zones and an effective radius of 598 cm., by integrating over a cross sectional volume of one cm. thickness.
Date: January 10, 1952
Creator: Woodruff, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical applications of refractive index

Description: Report detailing the refractive index of solutions of uranyl nitrate, nitric acid and aluminum nitrate. This report builds upon preliminary data and a brief discussion that from a previous report. This report covers more accurate and detailed data that had be accumulated following the initial report.
Date: January 9, 1955
Creator: Burger, L. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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