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open access

The Coulometric Determination of Acid

Description: Introduction: "The need for a method of acid determination which could be used for small samples and easily adapted to remote control led to the investigation of the use of electrolytically generated base for the titration of acid in certain solutions. The use of electrolytically generated base for the titration of acetic acid in the presence of nitric acid has been reported (1)."
Date: March 1, 1950
Creator: Carson, W. N. & Ko, Roy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Development of Plutonium Electrodeposition Methods : Interim Report

Description: From introduction: "The following report presents a body of information obtained in the Health Instrument Development Laboratory from September, 1948, to the present, and is intended to be a preliminary review of [the study of electrodeposition of plutonium]. Many improvements in technique and methods and investigations along lines not explored are suggested by the present work. These will be undertaken as time permits, and reported at a later time."
Date: March 1, 1950
Creator: Schwendiman, L. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Manual of Radiation Protection Standards

Description: "The following is an alphabetical listing of terms and units in common usage at Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Other terms and definitions may be added as the need becomes apparent or as revisions or additional terms are issued by the NCRP and ICRP."
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Halogen Collector Test Program

Description: Report documenting the Halogen Collector Test program, which was undertaken to provide "methods of removing trace quantities of radioactive iodine from an air stream" (p. 1). The report includes designs of the program and the test facility, test results, analysis of these results, and encountered problems. Appendices begin on page 38.
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Wear and Galling of Various Fuel Element Support Materials on Autoclaved Zircaloy-2 Interim Report No. 2

Description: This is the second of two reports describing the phases of a study of the wear and galling of autoclaved Zircaloy-2 by various fuel element support materials. The first report (1) showed that increasing contact area between the autoclaved Zircaloy-2 support and the autoclaved Zircaloy-2 process tube will not significantly improve the fuel support performance, and that a large flat contact area between the fuel supports and the process tube would be impractical to endeavor to achieve and maintai… more
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: Weber, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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