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open access

Average Charge of Daughter Atoms After Beta Decay

Description: Chemical effects follow beta decay have recently been noted. In each case an increase in oxidation state of the daughter atom has been observed. The results of the studies thus far indicate that orbital electron loss accompanying beta decay is negligible.
Date: July 1952
Creator: Wexler, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Density Transients in Boiling Liquid Systems. Report 52-17.

Description: A program was undertaken to study the density response of a liquid-vapor system when subjected to a change in the magnitude of a distributed heat source. The density transients would be caused by the initiation, growth, and collapse of the vapor bubbles and by their travel into or out of the specified volume. The program is both analytical and experimental and the end objectives are as follows: (1) to obtain a record of the density transient associated with a change in distributed volume heatin… more
Date: July 1952
Creator: Martin, William L.; Mead, Bruce R.; Greenfield, M. L.; Lipkis, Robert; Romie, Fred E.; Wong, Ging et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Primary Plant Control and Instrumentation. Section I. Test Results DL-S-125, T-550079

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine if the main coolant pump stator and bearing water temperature monitors and the "Primary Coolant Pump Noise Monitors" operate properly. The 1A, 1B and 1C pump bearing water temperature monitors operated satisfactorily. It is believed that the data for the 1D Bearing Water Temperature shown in Table I should be tabulated ad 1D stator temperature. This discrepancy is clarified in the note on Table I. The 1A and 1C pump stator temperature monitors operate s… more
Date: July 22, 1958
Creator: Shramko, John, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement No. 1. Projections of Costs, 1959-1975 for Nuclear-Conventional Power Plant Cost Study. Conventional Coal Fired Power Plants : 25,000 KW to 325,000 KW for Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

Description: In order to establish a basis for comparing the estimated cost of nuclear power plant designs, a set of general and detailed design considerations for conventional coal-fired power plants was established. Five preliminary designs of conventional coal-fired power plants ranging in size from 25to 325 mw were selected, and cost estimates were prepared. Supplement 1 shows a year by year projection of costs for the period 1959-1975.
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Chittenden, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Free-Free Gaunt Factor in an Ionized Medium

Description: A study is presented of the free-free radiative scattering of electrons in the Debye screened potential. Three different approximate solutions are shown, with different solutions, in general, covering different regions of validity. For the case of greatest physical interest, that of ''small screening,'' the screened Gaunt factor is very simply related to the unscreened Gaunt factor. In particular, a simple criterion is obtained to measure the importance of screening in free-free scattering. (au… more
Date: July 29, 1958
Creator: Green, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility of Establishing a National Burial Ground for Radioactive Waste in the Northeastern United States

Description: A search has been made within a 125-mile radius of Erie, Pennsylvania, to discover a possible site for a national land burial ground to receive and bury low and intermediate level radioactively contaminated waste. The new burial facility would serve a sixteen state section of the northeastern United States. Estimated unit burial costs and computed transportation charges indicate that a centrally located site within the section is both feasible and desirable. It will be necessary to make complet… more
Date: July 15, 1956
Creator: Morgan, James M., Jr. (James Markus), 1923- & Renn, Charles E. (Charles Easterday), 1905-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flow-Gating I : Report No. 83

Description: The simple problem occurring in a computer of transferring a zero or a one from one place to another in a selective fashion is considered by discussing the transmission of information from one Eccles-Jordan flipflop to another. It is assumed that non-overlapping voltage bands represent the zero and one signals the bands being caused by parameter drift.
Date: July 10, 1958
Creator: Poppelbaum, W. J. (Wolfgang J.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of the Reaction Between Hot Molybdenum and Liquid Oxygen. Final Report

Description: Cylindrical molybdenum samples 0.05" diameter by 5" long, 0.10" diameter by 5" long, 0.375" diameter by 4" long and 1.75" diameter by 3" long were heated in inert atmospheres to various temperatures up to 2290 F and plunged into liquid oxygen. All samples heated to temperatures below 1600 F quenched with substantially no weight loss. For high temperatures, samples up to 0.375" diameter behaved differently than the larger samples, in that once ignited they burned until completely consumed. Sampl… more
Date: July 1958
Creator: Goodale, T. C.; Ragent, B.; Samuels, A. & Wallace, N. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermoelectric Properties of the Plasma Diode

Description: It is well known that thermionic emission into vacuum is accompanied by a Peltier cooling of the vacuum metal interface. The interface may be thought of as a junction between two conductors: the metal, and an electron gas whose distribution is determined primarily by space charge. The addition of a small amount of easily ionized gas to the vacuum region does not affect the Peltier cooling of the interface, but is does squeeze the space charge region to about one micron and replaces most of the … more
Date: July 25, 1958
Creator: Lewis, H. W. & Reitz, John R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Sodium Vapor Formation on the Operation of the Enrico Fermi Reactor : an Estimate

Description: This technical report presents the results of some simplified calculations concerning the two-phase flow of sodium in the Enrico Fermi reactor. The rather large value for the specific volume of sodium vapor coupled with the resistance of the top axial blanket sections resulted in large pressure drops for even small values (by weight) of net vapor. It is concluded that the formation of any sodium vapor in the Enrico Fermi reactor produces "boiling disease", i.e. triggers an unstable condition wh… more
Date: July 1957
Creator: Kroeger, H. R. & Stephenson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sodium Boiling Calculations

Description: The equations are derived for making rough calculations of the pressure drop required to produce a given mass flow through a subassembly for a given heat generation for cases where the vapor volume fraction is 0.9 or less. The ratio of vapor velocity to liquid velocity is left as a parameter that is varied form unreasonably low to unreasonably high values.
Date: July 2, 1957
Creator: Nicholson, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Notes on the A-2-Compiler System

Description: "An account is given of an extensive study of the A-2 Compiler System for the Remington Rand Univac digital computer. In particular, the following topics are discussed: application and performance of subroutines, segmenting, and introduction of subroutines to the library."
Date: July 15, 1957
Creator: Lanza, G. &
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Regulated Power Supply for a High Current Magnet

Description: Current regulation of a Bitter type electromagnet powered by a 10 kw. motor-generator set has been achieved by control of the generator exciting field. An error signal, obtained by comparing the voltage drop across a series resistor in the magnet circuit with a reference voltage, is fed back with appropriate amplification to the grids of series tubes in the generator field supply. Magnetic fields from 400 gauss to 10 kilogauss in a fixed gap (1.5 in. width and 3.5 in. diameter) are obtainable w… more
Date: July 1959
Creator: Block, Richard B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Path of Triple Point for spherical Shocks Above a Rigid Plane

Description: Paths of trip points of Mach reflections produced by 0.5-oz pentolite detonations have been observed for various burst heights. The slopes, Y, at points on the curved path are found to vary from values of Y predicted from plane shock wave data. This discrepancy is attributed to the shock strength conditions at the early inception of the Mach reflection, which later influence the triple point equilibrium, and in lesser degree to radius of curvature effects.
Date: July 13, 1954
Creator: Todd, Jay. Jr. & Schellenbaum, Ralph L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Shape of a Shock Wave Derived from a Spherical Shock Wave Incident on a Concave Wedge

Description: When a one-half ounce spherical charge of high explosive is detonated over a flat plane bounded by a 5 degree incline, the type of phenomenon encountered depends on the distance from ground zero to a beginning of the incline. If this distance is 48" the wave assumes a smooth contour on the plane. Detailed investigation of the shock velocity above the plane reveals that there is a pressure gradient along the shock front for a considerable region which replaces the usual triple point.
Date: July 7, 1954
Creator: Todd, Jay, Jr. & Schellenbaum, Ralph L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Emission Rate of Fission Products from a Hole in the Cladding of a Reactor Fuel Element

Description: It is assumed that when a hole appears in the cladding of a reactor fuel tube the fission products in the space between the fuel and the cladding will diffuse towards the hole. There they are swept away by the flow of steam past the hole. The process of diffusion is assumed to be governed by the ordinary diffusion equation with the boundary condition that the density of the fission products is zero at the surface of the hole. The diffusion equation is solved for the case of steady-state emissio… more
Date: July 26, 1956
Creator: Helstrom, Carl W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Numerical Integration Scheme for Problems Involving Contour Representations

Description: The definition of the Lebesgue integral is used to develop a numerical integration method in which the integral is evaluated directly from a contour plot of the function. It is useful in working from weather maps, potential surfaces, etc., but was particularly designed to assist in reducing blast diffraction space-time diagrams to simple, meaningful quantities.
Date: July 6, 1955
Creator: Hudson, C. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Principles and Techniques of Ultrasonic Inspection

Description: Ultrasonic inspection for subsurface flaws is widely used in American industry. This report reviews the general principles and specific techniques of ultrasonic testing. The information is based on a review of the technical literature plus the experience of the Quality Assurance Department at Sandia Corporation in applying this nondestructive testing technique to quality evaluation programs.
Date: July 2, 1953
Creator: Psillas, H. C. & Ballard, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Datatron digital Computer Program for least-Squares Analysis of Variance

Description: A digital computer program for calculating least-squares solutions and making analyses of variance of sets of overdetermined linear equations is described. The entire code is reproduced with sufficient description of the program to enable anyone familiar with the Electrodata Datatron Computer to use it for similar problems.
Date: July 1955
Creator: Rollett, J. S. (John Sidney)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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