Search Results

Primary view of 200-Mwe Prototype Large SGR: Reactor Structure Design and Evaluation
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
Primary view of Addendum to the Spert IV Hazards Summary Report: Capsule Driver Core
Miller, R. W.; McCardell, Richard K. & Lagier, T. F.
February 1965
Primary view of Analytical Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending November 15, 1964
Kelley, M. T.; Susano, C. D. & Fisher, D. J.
January 1965
Primary view of Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1965
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
November 10, 1965
Primary view of Application of Nuclear Power Plants (SNAP Units) to the Manned Orbiting Research Laboratory (MORL)
Botts, W. V.; Marko, M.; McCourt, P. E.; Keshishian, V.; Piccot, A. R. & Budney, G. S.
February 1, 1965
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Quarterly Progress Report: October 1 - December 31, 1964
Aerojet-General Corporation
February 15, 1965
Primary view of Calandria Core Weld Joint Development
Roberts, J. G.
June 30, 1965
Primary view of Calculations of the Madelung Constant and Inverse Twelfth Power Repulsion Factors for the Wurtzite Crystal Structure
Gehman, William G.
July 25, 1965
Primary view of Carbide Fuels in Fast Reactors
Wheelock, C. W.
September 15, 1965
Primary view of Close-in Air Blast from a Row Charge in Basalt
Vortman, Luke J.
August 4, 1965
Primary view of Comparative Fuel Cycle Evaluations, Low Decontamination Pyroprocessing, and Aqueous Reprocessing: Part 2. UC Fuel in a Thermal Reactor
Mattern, K. L. & Colby, L. J., Jr.
February 15, 1965
Primary view of Corrosion of the Volatility Pilot Plant INOR-8 Hydrofluorinator and Nickel 201 Fluorinator During Forty Fuel-Pprocessing Runs with Zirconium-Uranium Alloy
Youngblood, E. L.; Milford, R. P.; Nicol, R. G. & Ruch, J. B.
March 1965
Primary view of Crater Measurements
Spruill, Joseph L. & Paul, Roger A.
March 1965
Primary view of Deep-Pool Reactor for Water Desalting
Bechtel Corporation
January 30, 1965
Primary view of Development, Acceptance and Qualification Testing of the SNAP 10A Ejectable Heat Shield
Sperow, H. L.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of The Development of an Improved Thermionic Energy Converter: Third Quarterly Technical Report
Radio Corporation of America. Direct Energy Conversion Department.
April 1965
Primary view of Development of High-Temperature Electrical Ground Test Heaters for the SNAP 10A Program
Blevitt, R.; Paine, G. & Sudar, S.
March 1, 1965
Primary view of Effect of Carburization on the Low Strain Rate Behavior of Type 304 Stainless Steel: Interim Report
Stone, D. H. & Schwartz, A. D.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of An Elliptic Integral Computer Package for Magnetic Fields, Forces, and Mutual Inductances of Axisymmetric Systems, and a Versatile Line-Tracing Routine
Garrett, M. W.
April 1965
Primary view of Evaluated Neutron Cross Sections for Tritium
Stewart, Leona
February 1965
Primary view of Experience in the Shipment of Yankee Fuel Assemblies for Post-Irradiation Examination
James, B.; Payne, D. D. & Walchli, H. E.
February 1965
Primary view of Fast Flux Test Facility Studies Progress Report: April 1965
Astley, E. R.
April 1965
Primary view of Fatigue Characteristics of 37-Tube, Modular, Steam Generator Head
Lemcoe, M. M.
February 20, 1965
Primary view of Final Design of Sodium-Heated, Modular, Steam Generators for the SCTI
Casey, D. F.; Hammer, J. J.; Logan, D. & Williams, M. C.
February 1, 1965
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