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open access

Solidification of High-Level Radioactive Fuel Reprocessing Wastes by Spray and Pot Calcination: Hot-Cell Pilot Plant Studies

Description: Report regarding the calcination of full level Purex and Redox waste carried out "in a remotely operated pilot plant consisting of a radiant-heat spray calciner and a pot calciner and their associated off-gas equipment" (p. 4). This contains details of the calcination, effects on the waste, and difficulties encountered.
Date: September 1964
Creator: Allemann, R. T.; Roberts, F. P. & Upson, U. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

X-Ray Fluorescence Tables: Program Description

Description: Report discussing the mechanics of X-Ray and COMBO computer programs.
Date: July 20, 1964
Creator: Amsbury, W. P.; Lee, W. W.; Rowan, J. H. & Walden, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Stresses in Bellows

Description: Abstract: Design charts and systematic design forms are presented for simplified calculations to check the number of convolutions and thickness required to limit the deflection and pressure stress range in three types of bellows.
Date: October 15, 1964
Creator: Anderson, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Subsurface Fracturing from Shoal Nuclear Detonation: Final Report

Description: Abstract: A fracture-evaluation experiment in conjunction with the Shoal nuclear detonation in granite was undertaken to determine the extent of subsurface shock-induced fractures. Preshot and postshot geophysical logs in a hole drilled from the surface through the zone of fractures indicated that fractures extended at least 5.3 cavity radii laterally from the point of detonation. Quantitative measurements of permeability increases resulting from the detonation were planned, but were not comple… more
Date: June 1964
Creator: Atkinson, Charles H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Piqua Nuclear Power Facility Operations Analysis Program Progress Report Number 3: July-December 1963

Description: Progress report for the Piqua Reactor Operations Analysis Program describing observations and analyses at the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF). The program goals are to monitor operations and collect data in order to ensure that the plant's operation is safe, to improve design and performance, to evaluate the performance and lifetime of the plant's components and systems, to evaluate plant safety and safeguards, and to disseminate all information to the scientific community.
Date: July 15, 1964
Creator: Auleta, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ichiban: The Dosimetry Program for Nuclear Bomb Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - A Status Report as of April 1, 1964

Description: From Abstract: "The approach to the problem has been as fundamental as possible with emphasis on quantitative measurements and calculations of the energy, angular, and spatial distributions of weapons radiations in an air-over-ground geometry. Spatial distributions of dose in various shields, including Japanese dwellings, have been measured. Techniques have been developed in Japan for verifying the location of survivors and accurately describing their shielding environments."
Date: April 1964
Creator: Auxier, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation Performance of Thoria-Urania Fuel Materials: Quarterly Technical Report, Number 2, October - December 1964

Description: From introduction: "Complete exploitation of the advantages of thorium as a fertile material in thermal and particular resonant spectrum reactors has been inhibited by the lack of quantitative physical property data for thoria and thoria-urania fuels."
Date: October 1964
Creator: Babcock & Wilcox Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Criticality-Accident Dosimetry Studies

Description: Experiments were carried out to (1) explore possibilities for developing a less expensive device than the Hurst threshold detector unit (TDU) for monitoring possible accidental critical reactions in uranium-processing facilities, (2) to study the precision and accuracy of the TDU, and (3) to evaluate the ORNL film badge in mixed neutron-gama radiation fields.
Date: October 15, 1964
Creator: Bailey, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report: The Cesium-137 Power Program

Description: From introduction: The technology of isotopic power generation, though recent, is a logical extension of the search for power from the atom. Controlled fission of uranium utilizes only a fraction of the total energy made available from this nuclear process.
Date: May 1964
Creator: Banks, Hampden O., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Coolant Impurity Removal Equipment at the OMRE

Description: Abstract: The experimental application of centrifugal clarification, precoat filtration, conventional filtration, and adsorption to the removal of impurities from a bypass stream of irradiated reactor coolant at the Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment is described and evaluated.
Date: October 15, 1964
Creator: Barbour, P. & Davis, W. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Y-Nd and Sc-Nd Phase Systems

Description: Technical report. From Introduction : "In a recent study by Spedding, et al. on some rare earth alloy systems, an intermediate phase was found to form when a light rare earth (ABAC stacking) was alloyed with a heavy rare earth (ABAC stacking). This intermediate phase was found to have the structure of samarium metal with the stacking ABABCBCAC and was designated "delta". Since the cause of this rather unusual structure occurring in either samarium metal or these alloys is not known the study of… more
Date: February 1964
Creator: Beaudry, B. J.; Michel, M.; Daane, A. H. & Spedding, F. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analog Computer Simulation of a Pulsed Extraction Column

Description: Report describing "computer techniques used in the simulation and parameter determination, how the data were prepared for inclusion in the computer simulation, (and) methods used in presenting the results" (p. 3-4).
Date: September 1964
Creator: Benham, R. D. & Wilburn, N. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The High Flux Isotope Reactor: Volume 2, Selected Construction Drawings

Description: Report containing a series of drawings detailing the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's high flux isotope reactor, its surroundings, and its systems.
Date: August 1964
Creator: Binford, F. T.; Cramer, E. N. & Cramer, E. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SNAP 10A Structural Analysis

Description: Abstract: this report discusses and summarizes all stress analysis done on the SNAP 10A system; it also mentions many of the structural tests which were accomplished.
Date: July 15, 1964
Creator: Boulanger, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wire Chamber -- Computer System

Description: First paragraph of report: M. Neumann and H. Sherrard reported the development of a wire spark chamber experiment toward receiving digitized spark information. Since late 1962 our effort has been directed toward a wire-chamber with a core memory, using standard ferrite cores, and toward an on-line operation between spark chamber and computer.
Date: June 1964
Creator: Bounin, J.; Miller, R.; Neumann, M.; Sarma, J. & Sherrard, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaporation of Iron-, Nickel-, and Cobalt-Base Alloys at 760 to 980°C in High Vacuums

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing the evaporation of alloys in high vacuums. As stated in the introduction, "the investigation encompasses measurements of the evaporation rates, identification of the evaporating elements, and correlation of these measurements to the alloy composition for specimens in both the polished and oxidized conditions" (p. 2). This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: November 1964
Creator: Bourgette, D. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Pressure Vessel Material Surveillance Program at the Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Abstract: A materials exposure program has been established in the Garigliano Nuclear Power Plant to measure the effect of neutron irradiation and time at temperate on the mechanical properties of the reactor pressure vessel steel. Base metal specimens were made from portions of the pressure vessel steel, and weld heat-affected zone and weld metal samples were taken from a weldment made from the pressure vessel steel and simulating a pressure vessel circumferential weld since there are no longi… more
Date: March 1964
Creator: Brandt, F. A. & Kobsa, I. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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