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open access

Application of the Variational Method to the Calculation of the Time Dependence of the Neutron Flux in Small Pulsed Slabs, Cylinders and Spheres

Description: The variational method is applied to the monoenergetic time dependent transport equation to obtain a simple relation for the asymptotic decay constant in small pulsed assemblies. The results indicate that flat trial functions may be a reasonable representation of the flux distributions in the thin slab limit. This approach is superior to many of the usual transport approximations.
Date: December 16, 1963
Creator: Judge, F. D. & Daitch, Paul B. (Paul Bernard), 1925-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Resonance Capture Approximations

Description: The program KRUDE, which solves the slowing down and adjoint equations for a mixture of resonance and nonresonance isotopes in an infinite homogeneous medium, was used to evaluate some resonance capture approximations (variational and successive) that use linear combinations of narrow and wide resonance fluxes. Results obtained for resonance capture in the 291-ev resonance of Zr/sup 91/ and the 192-ev resonance of U/sup 238/ are compared, and three methods for including Doppler effects in the v… more
Date: December 16, 1963
Creator: Edgar, K. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Economic Evaluation of a 300 Mwe Fast Supercritical Pressure Power Reactor

Description: Report regarding Hanford Laboratories' 300 Mwe fast supercritical pressure power reactor. This includes descriptions of the plant and reactor, their operations, safety systems, and plant economics. Appendices begin on page 107.
Date: December 9, 1963
Creator: Aase, D. T.; Fox, J. C.; Hennig, R. J.; Peterson, R. E.; Stewart, S. L. & Toyoda, K. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Containment of Fragments from a Runaway Reactor

Description: Introduction: This report covers a year's activity in the continuation of a program designed to explore the missile hazard resulting from a reactor excursion.
Date: December 2, 1963
Creator: Botsford, N. B.; Keough, D. D. & White, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Delta]I = 1/2 Rule for Non-Leptonic Strangeness-Changing Decay Processes

Description: Gell-Mann and Pais were the first to suggest that the non-leptonic decay processes of strange particles may be subject to an isospin selection rule, allowing only those decay transitions which involve a change [delta]I = 1/2 in to total isopin of the system. At present, however, there is really no theoretical framework for the description of weak interactions into which this selection rule fits in a natural and compelling way. The report includes sections on the 91) decay processes of the [care… more
Date: December 2, 1963
Creator: Dalitz, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1925-2006.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-Phase Pressure Losses Quarterly Progress Report: Seventh Quarter, August 12, 1963 - November 11, 1963

Description: Technical report describing that the pressure drop along an annular channel with dimensions D(1) = 0.375 inch; D(2) = 0.875 inch, L = 70 inches. Flow was vertical and upward, and only the internal surface was heated. Subcooled conditions existed at the inlet, with two-phase conditions at the exit. Groups of three radial spacer pins on 18-inch centers along the channel, held the inner surface concentric with the outer surface. The single phase loss coefficient for each spacer group is K(8) = 0.2… more
Date: December 2, 1963
Creator: Janssen, E. (Engineer) & Kervinen, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses; Eighth Quarterly Progress Report, (September - November 1963)

Description: The objective of the Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses program is to develop more accurate methods for burnup analysis for general use than the current method of analysis of Ca-137 or Sr-90. The program will require from three to five years of effort.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Rider, B. F.; Ruiz, C. P.; Luke, P. S., Jr.; Peterson, J. P., Jr. & Smith, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor: Final Shielding Design Report

Description: From abstract: "This report has been prepared as a design reference document describing the calculation methods and engineering results for shielding analysis work done during the design of the Advanced Test Reactor."
Date: December 1963
Creator: Howard, J. O. & Jacks, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fabrication of UO2-Stainless Steel Dispersion Fuel For Borax-V Nuclear Superheat

Description: Report describing the development, fabrication, and nondestructive and destructive evaluation of stainless steel-clad fuel plates, the evaluation of fuel subassemblies, and the assembly of fuel element components at Argonne National Laboratory.
Date: December 1963
Creator: Kramer, W. C. & Bean, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground Roughness Effects on the Energy and Angular Distribution of Gamma Radiation From Fallout

Description: Report examining "[t]he effect of ground roughness, or surface irregularities, on the radiation field above ground which had been contaminated with fallout from the explosion in the atmosphere of a nuclear device (Smallboy Event)" (p. v).
Date: December 1963
Creator: Huddleston, C. M.; Burson, Z. G.; Kinkaid, R. M. & Klingler, Q. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICPP Waste Calcining Facility : Safety Analysis Report

Description: Report documenting a study "made of the radiological hazards associated with operation of the ICPP Waste Calcination Facility" and contains "[d]etails of the safety analysis and extensive information on the process, equipment, and operation procedures" (p. iii). Each section has its own pagination.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Lakey, L. T. & Bower, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preshot and Postshot Structure Survey

Description: From introduction: This report documents the preshot and postshot condition of all structures within 10 miles of Ground Zero, plus structures at Salt Wells and surface structures at mines that were included in the mine survey.
Date: December 1963
Creator: Holmes & Narver
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Structural Survey of Private Mining Properties

Description: From introduction: The pre-shot and postshot mine surveys indicated that no damage attributable to the Shoal event occurred to any of the sixteen private mining properties.
Date: December 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Piqua Nuclear Power Facility Operations Analysis Program Progress Report Number 2: 1963

Description: Progress report for the Piqua Reactor Operations Analysis Program describing observations and analyses at the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF). The program goals are to monitor operations and collect data in order to ensure that the plant's operation is safe, to improve design and performance, to evaluate the performance and lifetime of the plant's components and systems, to evaluate plant safety and safeguards, and to disseminate all information to the scientific community.
Date: November 30, 1963
Creator: Auleta, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Buckling Measurements : Heavy Natural Uranium Tubular Fuel Assemblies

Description: One-region buckling measurements that were made on a series of D/sub 2/O- moderated lattices of heavy uranium metal tubes in the Process Development Pile at Savannah River Laboratory are presented. The purposes of these measurements are to provide normalization points for lattice bucklings and to extend the study of natural uranium- D/sub 2/O systems. The dependence of buckiing on the moderator-to-fuel ratio is studied for two types of lattices.
Date: November 20, 1963
Creator: Dunklee, A. E. & Graves, William E. (William Ernest), 1941-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility of a Liquid Phase Chemonuclear Ozone Process

Description: At the Chemonuclear Workshop held at Brookhaven National laboratory in November 1962 it was pointed out that the production of ozone from oxygen by a liquid phase fission fragment chemonuclear process appears to have reasonable economic potential. The maximum theoretical reaction yield for the formation of ozone from oxygen is a "G" value of 68 molecules for 100 ev based on heat of reaction data. The authors felt a "G" value of 15 to be reasonable for this study. the reactor system chosen has l… more
Date: November 19, 1963
Creator: Cagnetta, J. P.; Goellner, D. & Steinberg, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Influence of the Doppler Effect on the Meltdown Accident

Description: The influence of the Doppler effect in the core disassembly process following a meltdown accident is examined with a Bethe-Tait type model in which the Doppler effect, as well as core disassembly, is considered in the reactor shutdown process. It is shown that a strong negative Doppler effect can radically reduce the explosive energy release in such an accident. (auth)
Date: November 18, 1963
Creator: Wolfe, B.; Friedman, N. & Riley, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Beta Radiation Processing at Rigorous Conditions

Description: Introduction: The literature reflects ever expansive studies of radiation chemistry over the past twenty years However, in the application of radiation processing to chemical reactions, in general and excepting a few isolated cases, the yield of useful products have been so low as to preclude practical utilization. Thus, for many reactions,radiation alone at ambient conditions is not a sufficient agent for economical production. Hence, we are led to the investigation of radiation effects on … more
Date: November 15, 1963
Creator: Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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