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open access

Nuclear Track Image Intensifier

Description: "The design of the nuclear track intensifier was further analyzed to compare performance with design objectives. A preliminary analysis of the electron optics showed that the tube design suffers a small degree of astigmatism, which is increased in actual tabes by misalignment of parts, One tube was successfully completed and tested. Transit time of electrons from cathode to screen was determined to be 2.5 x 10/sup -8/ sec, 0.5 x 10/sup -8/ sec. Decay characteristics of several standard phosphor… more
Date: December 30, 1960
Creator: DesRochers, R. D.; Stern, H. A. & Ezard, L. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Boundary Layer Between a Plasma and a Magnetic Field - I

Description: "The problem of a steady boundary layer or sheath between a plasma and a magnetic field is considered. A self-consistent transition layer is found which joins a uniform magnetic field at plus infinity with a collisionless field-free plasma region with arbitrary velocity distribution at minus infinity, i.e., a magnetic field profile is found such that the exact particle orbits in this field produce a current which gives rise to this field. An interesting feature of the solution is that, with any… more
Date: December 28, 1960
Creator: Grad, Harold, 1923-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thalluim in Meteorites

Description: Procedures for the separation and concentration of microgram to nanogram amounts of thallium from gram amounts to galena and meteorite metal, sulfide, and silicate phases were developed and are described. The thallium is extracted from aqueous bromide of chloride solutions of moderate acidity using diethyl ether. A device for elimination of the large volumes of solvent by dropwise evaporation is described. Organic matter in the residue is destroyed by treatment with aqua regia, and the thall… more
Date: December 20, 1960
Creator: El-Badry, Hamed M.; Hodge, Edwin S.; Baer, William K. & Kohman, Truman Paul, 1916-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Device for Continuous Detection of Hydrogen in Sodium

Description: Abstract: A device to detect the presence of hydrogen in sodium has been developed. Such a device, installed in a sodium heated steam generator, would signal the presence of water in the sodium resulting from a leak in the sodium-water barrier.
Date: December 15, 1960
Creator: Strahl, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the Green's Function for Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Waves. II

Description: "As an extension of an earlier paper the Green's function is evaluated for the Lundquist equation linearized about uniform magnetic field, constant matter density, and zero flow velocity. It is assumed that all quantities are functions of two space variables and time only. In the general magnetic field configuration considered here a pure Alfvén disturbance no longer exists; there is instead a wave with properties of both the Alfvén and fast‐slow disturbance."
Date: December 15, 1960
Creator: Weitzner, Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Anion Exchange of Neptunium in Nitrate Solutions

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "The absorption and elution of the anionic nitrate complex of neptunium (IV) were studied with several anion exchange resins and under a wide variety of conditions." From Introduction : "The objective of this study was to provide a technical basis for selecting process conditions for the recovery of Np."
Date: December 1960
Creator: Burney, Glenn A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Comparison of Radiation--Induced Graft Copolymerization Utilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators

Description: "The grafting of methacrylic acid, styrene (2: 1 mole ratio) co-monomer mixture on polypropylene film and fabric, was studied to compare electron accelerators and isotopes as sources of radiation. An aluminum block that contalns i/8-in.-deep pockets covered with Mylar film for holding sample and monomer during mutual irradiatlon was developed. A preliminary comparison was made in post grafting polypropylene film and fabric preirradiated with Cow and with an electron accelerator source. It was f… more
Date: December 1, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Elastic Scattering of Negative Pions by Protons at 226 MEV

Description: "In 1935, Yukawa proposed that a field must exist, analogous to the electromagnetic field but different in nature, which is responsible for the attraction between a proton and a neutron in a nucleus. He was led to the prediction of the existence of particles, quanta of this field, with mass intermediate between that of the electron and proton. In 1947, using photographic plates, the Bristol group led by Powell confirmed the existence of these particles, meons."
Date: December 1960
Creator: Kellman, Simon
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PBM, A Two-Group, Two-Region Reactor Model for Homogeneous, Highly Absorbing Systems and Machine Codes for Its Application

Description: A nuclear model has been developed for homogeneous, two-region reactors possessing a relatively large percentage of epithermal absorption in both the core and blanket region. A number of new IBM 650 programs have been developed and existing programs modified to form a group of programs, compatible with the nuclear model and with each other, which can be used for preliminary evaluation of the effed of design variable on reactor characteristics.
Date: December 1960
Creator: Sanderson & Porter, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Molecular Association and Electronic Structures of Nickel (II)

Description: "A new phenomenon which can, under certain circumstances, account for anomalous magnetic and spectral behavior of planar nickel(II) complexes has been discovered. This is a molecular association of the solute molecules in solvents of low coordinating power. It is shown that the magnetic moment and spectrum of bis(2.6-dimethyl1-3,5-heptanediono)nickel(II), Ni(DIBM)z, dissolved in toluene, are dependent upon both temperature and concentration.
Date: November 30, 1960
Creator: Cotton, F. Albert (Frank Albert), 1930-2007 & Fackler, John P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SM-1 Research and Development Program: Long-lived Induced Activity Buildup During SM-1 Core I Lifetime. Task XVIII, Phase I

Description: Abstract: The results of activity buildup studies in the SM-1 performed during Core I lifetime (June 3, 1957 to April 28, 1960) are reported. Data are presented on the extent, nature, and mechanism of the buildup of long-lived gamma emitting nuclides in the reactor primary system. Radiation levels after reactor shutdown are presented, as well as mathematical equations used to account for the observed activity levels. The data have shown that Co60 is the major contributor to radiation levels in… more
Date: November 30, 1960
Creator: Bergmann, C. A.; Bergen, C.; Cox, J. F.; Chupak, J. & Grant, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Mechanism of Radiation Induced Gelation in Monomer-Polymer Mixtures

Description: "Additional mixtures of polymers and multi-unsaturated monomers have been prepared, irradiated and the gel content determined. The gel content determination of crosslinked polyolefins has been investigated in detail. The multi-unsaturated monomers used and radiation conditions applied up to this time have not given significant gel contents for polypropylene. the polypropylene resin used has been characterized by differential extraction."
Date: November 22, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Algorithm for Construction Feasible Schedules and Computing Their Schedule Times

Description: "An algorithm for the generation of feasible schedules and the computation of the completion times of the job operations of feasible schedule is presented. Using this algorithm, the distribution of schedule times over the set of feasible schedule—or a subset of feasible schedules—was determined for technological orderings that could occur in a general machine shop. These distributions are found to be approximately normal. Biasing techniques corresponding to “first come first serve,” random choi… more
Date: November 15, 1960
Creator: Heller, Jack & Logemann, George
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor Final Safeguard Analysis: Supplement 2, Consequences of a Primary Coolant Leak

Description: Review of previous work is presented in addition to the results of recent studies concerning loss of primary coolant when the system is cold and pressurized and the problem of supplying adequate cooling following the injection of light water.
Date: November 15, 1960
Creator: Wittenbrock, N. G. & Muraoka, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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