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open access

Rotating Machinery for Gas-Cooled Reactor Application

Description: From foreword: Representatives from various organizations met to discuss progress in the development of rotating machinery for gas-cooled reactors. The equipment covered included main blowers, shaft seals, gas turbines, gas bearing compressors, and other types of special compressors for reactor or experimental applications.
Date: June 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology: 1961

Description: "An Automated Spectrograph has been developed for the analyses of beryllium contained on filter paper discs. With this instrument, unattended analyses can be carried out on a number of samples following simple sample preparation. Filter paper discs representing beryllium in the atmosphere as well as those used for evaluating surface contamination are accommodated. Included in the uniting are an automatic electrode changer, analytical gap servo control, spectrograph, signal detector, and compute… more
Date: June 1962
Creator: Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Major Parameters on Cycle Efficiency and Cost for a Gas-Cooled Reactor Turbine Power Plant

Description: Cycle study performed on a closed loop Brayton cycle incorporating a gas-cooled nuclear reactor, regeneration, and compressor intercooling. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of various cycle parameters on efficiency and cost.
Date: October 5, 1962
Creator: Miskell, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EOCR Control Rod and Driver Fuel Hydraulic Tests

Description: Report discussing the results of experiments on an EOCR prototype control rod, control rod drive, and driver fuel assembly that were extensively tested in 500 deg F Santowax and 132 deg F water. These tests not only established the operating characteristics of these assemblies but also revealed a number of deficiencies in the various components. It includes descriptions of the control rod, control rod drive, and driver fuel assembly together with descriptions of their method of operation.
Date: October 19, 1962
Creator: Harrison, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Pile Loop Investigations of Corrosion of Zircaloy-2 and Other Possible Reactor Materials in 0.04 m UO2SO4 AT 280°C

Description: One of a series of experiments to test the radiation corrosion of Zircaloy-2 and other possible reactor construction materials in UO2SO4 solutions under various radiation intensities, temperatures, solution compositions, and velocities of flow past specimens.
Date: May 5, 1962
Creator: Jenks, G. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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