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Primary view of Analytical Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report, December 31, 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: July 1 - December 31, 1960
Aerojet-General Corporation
February 22, 1961
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1961
Aerojet-General Corporation
August 10, 1961
Primary view of Chemical Technology Division Annual Progress Report, May 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chemical Technology Division.
September 21, 1961
Primary view of The Cold Pressing of Sinterable UO₂
Levey, R. P., Jr.
March 27, 1961
Primary view of The Design, Installation, and Testing of the Gas-Cooled Reactor UO₂ Irradiation Experiment at the NRTS
Porter, E. H.
September 8, 1961
Primary view of Economic Evaluation of a 300-Mw(e) Supercritical Pressure Power Reactor
Harty, H.; Regimbal, J. J.; Toyoda, K. G. & Widrig, R. D.
June 1961
Primary view of Engineering Evaluation Studies: Heavy Water Moderated Power Reactor Plants
Chittenden, W. A. & Hoveke, G. F.
June 30, 1961
Primary view of Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Control System Manual
Meichle, F. A.
June 23, 1961
Primary view of Evaluation of Iron- and Nickel-Base Alloys for Medium and High Temperature Reactor Applications, Part 1
Pessl, H. J.
February 1961
Primary view of An Evaluation of Reactor Concepts for Use As Separate Steam Superheaters
Lennox, D. H.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Brubaker, R. C.; Martinec, E. L.; Rohde, R. R.; Toppel, B. J. et al.
October 1961
Primary view of Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes: Part 2, Conversion to Solid by Pot Calcination
Perona, J. J.; Bradshaw, R. L.; Roberts, J. T. & Blomeke, J. O.
October 16, 1961
Primary view of Experimental Stress Analysis of EGCR Pressure Vessel
Greenstreet, B. L.; Holland, R. W.; Maxwell, R. L.; Witt, F. J.; Shobe, L. R. & LaVerne, M. E.
Primary view of Fabrication Development of UO2-Stainless Steel Composite Fuel Plates for core B of the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor
Cherubini, J. H.; Beaver, R. J. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
April 18, 1961
Primary view of Failure Test of a Double Chambered NaK-Filled Irradiation Capsule
Kosut, B. S.; Leggett, R. D. & Marshall, R. K.
September 1961
Primary view of Final Design Report: DR-1 Gas Loop
Baars, R. E.
March 1961
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: December 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: March 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: June 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: September 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1960 - March 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
April 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1961 - September 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
October 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1961 - June 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
July 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: September 1, 1960 - December 1, 1960
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
January 9, 1961
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