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20,000 KW Nuclear Power Plant Study for United States Atomic Energy Commission

Description: Introduction: In September of 156, Gilbert Associates, Inc., entered into a contract with the United States of America, acting through the United States Atomic Energy Commission, for the study and preliminary design of a nuclear power plant being considered for integration into a central station power system at an overseas site.
Date: July 7, 1957
Creator: Gilbert Associates, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 37,500 KW Power Reactor with Competitive Possibilities

Description: The following report follows the study on economics of nuclear power generation using a light water reactor.
Date: February 26, 1954
Creator: Thompson, W. I. & Cohen, Karl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

6144-Channel Time-of-Flight Analyzer

Description: Report describing a 6144-channel analyzer designed and built for the purpose of analyzing time-of-flight during studies of slow neutron scattering at Hanford Laboratories. This includes descriptions of the analyzer, its logic and circuits, and its test mode.
Date: September 1964
Creator: Walker, R. A. & Russell, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accidental Radiation Excursion at the Y-12 Plant, June 16, 1958: Final Report

Description: This report describes the circumstances leading to the accident, attempts to reconstruct the nuclear reactivity conditions, and reviews the dosimetric means and results which were used to help determine the exposure of affected employees.
Date: September 12, 1958
Creator: Patton, F. S.; Bailey, J. C.; Callihan, A. D.; Googin, J. M.; Jasny, G. R.; McAlduff, H. J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum to the Spert IV Hazards Summary Report: Capsule Driver Core

Description: From abstract: "explain all important features pertaining to a new pulsed irradiation reactor, the Capsule Driver, Core, and to analyze the potential problems and hazards of operating this reactor in the existing Spert IV facility."
Date: February 1965
Creator: Miller, R. W.; McCardell, Richard K. & Lagier, T. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: Phase 1 Report

Description: From preface: This report covers Phase I of the authorized work, consisting of determination of the specific reactor concept and size for the most economic reactor, preparation of a reference design of the most promising concept and estimated capital and generating costs, evaluation of the variations in cost as a function of unit size, and evaluation of the reductions in ultimate costs for a power station having multiple units of the same type.
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 235 Mw Coal-fired Generating Plant

Description: "This study is one of four initiated in 1958 by the Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, to assess the feasibility of power generation through the use of certain types of nuclear reactors. These studies are available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C."
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor: Final Shielding Design Report

Description: From abstract: "This report has been prepared as a design reference document describing the calculation methods and engineering results for shielding analysis work done during the design of the Advanced Test Reactor."
Date: December 1963
Creator: Howard, J. O. & Jacks, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor Servo Regulator Rod Test Program

Description: From abstract: "Verify rod mechanism characteristics reported by the United Shoe Machinery Corporation, demonstrate that rod mechanism characteristics were compatible with reactor kinetics and that over-all reactor system behavior was stable, and to recommend system modifications needed for satisfactory performance."
Date: February 1964
Creator: Pickett, R. T., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor Turbo Report

Description: From abstract: "The time-dependent behavior of the Advanced Test Reactor was calculated by the Babcock & Wilcox Company on the Philco 2000 computer, using the Turbo depletion program."
Date: January 1964
Creator: Turner, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AEC Hot Cells and Related Facilities

Description: Foreward: The primary purpose of this report is to present as an accumulation of basic information on the hot cells constructed to date by the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
Date: May 1958
Creator: Fosdick, Ellery R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Reactor Test Removal and Disassembly

Description: Report documenting the dissection of a reactor called the Aircraft Reactor Test (ART). Includes the removal of the reactor from its test cell, component removal, and plans for a for a disassembly building facility.
Date: 1960?
Creator: Abbatiello, A. A. & McQuilkin, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Alpha, Beta, Gamma Hand and Shoe Counter - Model 2

Description: Experimental combination hand and shoe counter redesign as a compact, simplified, register readout instrument no larger than the present Five-Fold called Model 2.
Date: June 2, 1958
Creator: Spear, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analog Computer Simulation of a Pulsed Extraction Column

Description: Report describing "computer techniques used in the simulation and parameter determination, how the data were prepared for inclusion in the computer simulation, (and) methods used in presenting the results" (p. 3-4).
Date: September 1964
Creator: Benham, R. D. & Wilburn, N. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analog Simulation of the Hanford N-Reactor Plant, Part 1: Description of the Overall Simulation Model

Description: Report that describes Hanford Laboratories' overall N-Reactor plant simulation model and its use to study the characteristics of the plant, plant operational procedures, and the effects of plant, operator, and control system malfunctions.
Date: September 1, 1964
Creator: Swanson, C. D.; Coughren, K. D.; Dionne, P. J. & Thieme, G. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending November 15, 1964

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing progress and work conducted by the Analytical Chemistry Division. Instrumentation, analytical methods, reactor projects, service analysis, and special research is presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: January 1965
Creator: Kelley, M. T.; Susano, C. D. & Fisher, D. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology: 1961

Description: "An Automated Spectrograph has been developed for the analyses of beryllium contained on filter paper discs. With this instrument, unattended analyses can be carried out on a number of samples following simple sample preparation. Filter paper discs representing beryllium in the atmosphere as well as those used for evaluating surface contamination are accommodated. Included in the uniting are an automatic electrode changer, analytical gap servo control, spectrograph, signal detector, and compute… more
Date: June 1962
Creator: Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Health Physics Annual Report for 1963

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing work and progress made by the Health and Physics Division during 1963. Instrumentation, personnel monitoring, and laboratory monitoring is presented. This report includes maps, tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: August 1964
Creator: Morgan, K. Z.; Davis, D. M.; Hart, J. C.; Abee, H. H.; Gupton, E. D. & Warden, A. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Nuclear Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending September 10, 1956

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing work completed by the Applied Nuclear Physics Division during 1956. Summaries of experiments conducted and project developments are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: November 20, 1958
Creator: Blizard, E. P.; Simon, A.; Callihan, A. D.; Clifford, C. E.; Maienschein, F. C. & Peelle, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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