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open access

Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Hazards Summary Report, Supplement I

Description: Report that "is a supplement to IDO-16332, "The Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Hazards Summary Report", presenting information on the conduct in the Facility of certain experiments which are expected to be operated in the Engineering Test Reactor" (p. 3).
Date: January 24, 1958
Creator: deBoisblanc, D. R.; Burdick, Earl E. & DeBoer, T. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Initial Measurements on the Angular Distribution of Deuterium Plasma Produced by a Pulsed Spark Source

Description: Abstract: "The deuterium plasma which is ejected by a 6000-ampere pulsed current through a rail-type spark source has a yield in the forward direction which is a factor of 5 to 10 greater than that in the perpendicular direction. This effect is believed to be due to the magnetic propulsion of the plasma."
Date: March 24, 1955
Creator: Bostick, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Doppler and related measurements in a soft fast-reactor spectrum

Description: This report deals with a group of both theoretical and experimental investigations which have been carried out, utilizing Core 15, one in a series of critical assemblies that have been constructed at Atomics International's Epithermal Critical Experiments Laboratory (ECEL).
Date: March 24, 1969
Creator: Springer, T. H.; Tuttle, R. J.; Otter, J. M. & Pachall, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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