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open access

Quarterly Progress Report on Reactor Development: 4000 program

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing progress made on reactor development. Progress made on the core, pressure vessel and shield, and the power plant are presented. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: July 31, 1954
Creator: McLain, Stuart
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scintillation Spectrometry : Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue

Description: Report presenting a collection of gamma spectra containing samples of the response of NaI(TI) scintillation detectors to a large number of the more frequently encountered radioactive nuclides.
Date: July 1, 1957
Creator: Heath, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Pile Loop Tests of GCRE Elements (I-IT and I-I'T)

Description: Report documenting two in-pile loop experiments conducted at the Battelle Research Reactor-Gas Cooled Reactor (BRR-GCR). These experiments test heat transfer calculations and the behavior of the fuel element under severe thermal-cycling conditions.
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Nakazato, S.; Williams, P. M. & Wilson, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Neutron Absorption Alignment Chart

Description: From introduction: "Neutron absorption alignment chart for the measurement of neutron flux density."
Date: July 30, 1957
Creator: Nisle, Robert G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ductility of Brazed Stainless Steel Joints

Description: Abstract: "The ductility of Type 310 stainless steel T-joints brazed with GE-62 brazing alloy was measured at room temperatures 1200, 1650, and 1800 F. The measure of ductility was taken as the plastic axial strain required to crack braze fillets in T-section tensile specimens. At elevated temperatures, the ductility of as-brazed joints approximated that of the stainless steel, but at room temperature the brazed joints had only one-tenth the ductility of the base metal. Annealing for 16 hr at 1… more
Date: July 8, 1953
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Stacy, J. T. & Eddy, N. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Further Studies on Large-Batch Melting of Uranium

Description: The following report focuses on an investigation made to determine if vacuum melting was an absolutely necessary step in the metallurgical process of melting and casting uranium.
Date: July 11, 1955
Creator: Rengstorff, George W. & Lownie, Harold W., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Grain Refinement of the As-Cast Uranium-5 w/o Chromium Alloy by Ternary Additions

Description: Abstract: "Refinement of grain size of the base uranium-chromium eutectic alloy (uranium-5 w/o chromium) by ternary additions is discussed. Thirteen additions to the base alloy were investigated, and three additions were found to exhibit worthwhile grain-refinement tendencies. The three alloys, uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w.o molybdenum, uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w/o germanium, and uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w/o niobium, were heat treated to produce final grain-size structures of between 0.015 … more
Date: July 5, 1955
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Dickerson, Ronald F.; Murr, William E. & Bauer, Arthur A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Plasma Oscillations on the Table-Top Model

Description: The following report describe the effect of plasma oscillations using a table-top model and the probable magnitude of the quantities needed to reach complete ionization.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary Report on Thorium Metal Quality for Production Reactor Use

Description: From abstract: "Background material leading to the development of the metal quality of reactor-grade thorium is given. The metal should be sound and of uniform hardness, free of internal cracks and inclusions, and corrosion resistant. It should contain only small amounts of natural uranium, thorium oxide, and elements that act as reactor poisons. Because of their effect upon metal quality, various methods for the production of thorium are discussed. Use of consumable electrode arc melting as th… more
Date: July 1958
Creator: Hayes, Edgar E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of exploration at Lost Creek schroeckingerite deposit, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, July 1951-February 1952: an interim report

Description: "his interim report presents the grade and tonnage data collected during exploration at the Lost Creek schroeckingerite deposit, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Between July 1951 and February 1952. Discussions of he geologic results of exploration (lithology, mineralogy, structure, origin, etc.) are not included in this report and consequently the detailed lithology and structure have been omitted from the illustrations (figs. 1-7)"
Date: July 1952
Creator: Sheridan, Douglas M.; Collier, John T. & Sears, Richard S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FMPC Solvent Treatment Area - Process Design

Description: This memorandum presents the process design for the solvent reast area of the Feed Materials Production Center. The purpose ofthe transmittal is to provide the basis for the detailed mechanical design and layout of this section of the refinery. Drawings, flowsheets, and specifications are included.
Date: July 6, 1951
Creator: Pfeiffer, Carl & Maerker, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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