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open access

Identification of Curium-242 in Irradiated Neptunium

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Curium-242 was experimentally identified as a minor product of the irradiation of neptunium-237 in a nuclear reactor." From Introduction : "Determinations of the half-life, alpha energy, and daughter product of the purified curium nuclide were made in this study to confirm the identity as curium-242."
Date: August 1961
Creator: Carothers, Glenn A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Manual of Experiments in Reactor Physics

Description: Nuclear processes are random in character, and, accordingly, are amenable to statistical treatment. In 1905, shortly after the discover of natural radioactivity, E. Von Schweldler showed that the analytical description of the decay distribution of radioactive substances followed from probability considerations regardless of the mechanism involved in the process of atomic disintegration.
Date: August 1961
Creator: Valente, Frank Anthony; Davidson, J. P. (John Pirnie), 1924-; Gisser, David G.; de Moraes, Octavio L.; Bryce, Donald H. & LoGuidice, Joseph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Safeguards Summary Report for the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility

Description: Summary: This report contains a description of the final design of the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF); an outline of the test and operating procedures, and the organization and responsibilities; and a summary of the hazards and safeguards analyses that have been conducted to evaluate the safety of the facility operations.
Date: August 1, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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