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open access

Slowing Down of Neutrons

Description: From introduction: "The Boltzmann equation expressing conversation of particles in phase space is set up."
Date: August 18, 1941
Creator: Breit, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Extraction Method of Purification of Uranyl Nitrate

Description: Technical report. Three extractions of a diethyl ether solution of uranyl nitrate with small portions of water are effective in removing rare earths, as is shown by radio-gadolinium and radio-europium tracer experiments. A study of representative ethers, alcohols, ketones, and esters showed that diethyl ether and a mixture of 85% ethyl methyl ketone with 15% xylene are the best solvents for the extraction.
Date: August 28, 1942
Creator: Myers, L. S., Jr.; Anderson, K. C.; Wexler, Sol & Boyd, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Polarographic Determination of Uranium in Dust Samples

Description: Abstract: "Samples of dust are collected from the atmosphere with a Mine Safety Appliance Co. electrostatic precipitator and analyzed for uranium by means of a dropping mercury electrode apparatus. Two to three micrograms of uranium can be detected in a cell solution volume of 1 ml. Iron, nickel and chromium present in shop dusts do not interfere. Copper may interfere if present in excess but may be removed by a sulfide precipitation. Directions for preparation of cell solution and operation of… more
Date: August 30, 1943
Creator: Smith, Stanton B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Distribution Coefficient of Dâ‚‚O Between Triethylamine and Water

Description: Summary: "Water containing 1.8% D2O was distributed between the two liquid phases formed with triethylamine at 20 and 35 C. The triethylamine was removed from each phase by aseotropic distillation with benzene before analyzing the water by determining its density with a quartz float. The ratios of the concentrations of the D2O in the water layer to that in the amino layer were 1.007 and 1.004 at 20 and 35, respectfully. The differences from unity are about the same as the errors of analysis."
Date: August 31, 1943
Creator: Carlson, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Identification and Crystal Structure of Barium Hydrogen Phosphate

Description: From abstract: "The report describes the complete structure of barium hydrogen phosphate, Ba HPO4, as determined by means of x-ray diffraction. The crystal is orthorhombic, with cell dimensions given by a=5.71 A b=7.05 A c=4.61 A. The calculated density is 4.15gm/cm[^]3 for two molecules in the unit cell. The space group is C[subscript]2v[superscript]7-pmn. The barium, phosphorus, and two sets of oxygen lie in the plane of symmetry. The third set of oxygens are in general positions. Parameters … more
Date: August 8, 1944
Creator: Mooney, Rose C. L.; Compton, A. H.; Allison, Samuel King, 1900-1965; Stearns, J. C. & Zachariasen, William H. (William Houlder), 1906-1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrolytic Production of Uranium from Solutions of its Tribromide in Fused Salts

Description: Abstract. the electrodeposition of uranium metal, in the form of tree-like deposits, from molten strontium halide baths is described. Under the best conditions studied, approximately 40% recovery is attained. Freedom from side-reactions of the reduced uranium with anode products and/or refractory materials, and high cathode current densities appear to be essential to the success of the process. the refining of uranium under similar conditions appears to occur quite readily, with approximatel… more
Date: August 15, 1944
Creator: Webster, Richard A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Carrier Free Zr-Cb Tracer, Problem Assignment No. 263-X61C, Progress Report

Description: Technical report abstract. A rapid procedure for the preparation of very pure carrier-free Zr and Nb tracer involves the chloroform extraction of the cupferrides of Zr and Nb activities from process solutions. Zr and Nb form very stable chloroform soluble cupferrides in acid solutions (CK-993) and are separated from other fission elements almost quantitatively to yield pure mixture of Zr and Nb activity. A minimum of operations is required and the method is easily adaptable to remote control.
Date: August 28, 1944
Creator: Marinsky, Jacob A. (Jacob Akiba), 1918-2005 & Ballou, Nathan Elmer, 1919-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production and Properties of Ceramic Bodies of Alkaline Earth and Other Refractory Oxides

Description: Report discussing the properties and methods of forming ceramic bodies of alkaline earth and other refractory solids. These materials can be used for "reaction chambers, crucibles for melting metals, casting solids, insulation shields, thermocouple shields and other heat resistant bodies...High calcium lime was found to have the necessary chemical and thermal properties for many of the above uses."
Date: August 1945
Creator: Keller, W. H.; Peterson, David & Handlin, Louis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Vacuum Probe, Standard Leaks, and Needle Valve for Use with the Helium Leak Detector

Description: The following report is split into four parts describing the usage of a vacuum probe for leak hunting with the Helium Leak Detector, the two types of Standard Leaks that were designed to measure the sensitivity of the detector, the development of a needle valve adjusted for controlling the flow of a standard mixture of helium and air into the leak detector for a sensitivity check by the single leak method, and a worm and gear adjustment developed to facilitate throttling of the Helium Leak Dete… more
Date: August 1945
Creator: Samuel, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Direct Current Emission Regulator

Description: The following report describes a current beam modulation designed to replace the standard regulator and to achieve an ion beam free from amplitude modulation.
Date: August 4, 1945
Creator: White, J. R. & Cameron, A. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Metal-Dielectric Junction of High-Voltage Insulators in Vacuum and Magnetic Field

Description: From introduction: "This study is concerned with the shape of the electrodes of high-voltage insulator and with the method of joining them to the dielectric. The study is limited to insulators operating in vacuum, with special interest in the cases where strong magnetic fields are present. It is further limited to insulators with the high-voltage electrodes maintained at negative potential. The object of the study was to obtain information that would aid in improving the design of the insulator… more
Date: August 8, 1945
Creator: Kjofoid, M. J.; Alger, Raymond S. & Graves, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Crystal Structures of Some Uranium Compounds : a Summary from the Ames Laboratory

Description: Introduction. Some forty different uranium compounds have now been given diffraction study at Ames. Reports of these investigations are scattered in the Project literature; many have been reported in a sentence or two as a note along with chemical or metallographic reports. To make the results of this crystal structure work more available this summary of the Ames work has been compiled. (A similar summary has already been published from the Chicago laboratory.)
Date: August 15, 1945
Creator: Rundle, R. E.; Baenziger, N. C. & Wilson, A. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Geometry and Voltage Variations on the Operations of the Phillips Ion Gage

Description: Abstract: "The study of ten P.I.G. geometries with copper electrodes and d.c. voltage indicates that from a pressure of 0.1 to about 3.0 microns, depending upon the gage, there is a consistent change in the air pressure-current characteristics of a P.I.G. as the geometry and voltage are changed. At higher pressures discontinuities appear in the gage current and prohibit its use as a pressure gage. In all useful geometries, the greater the applied voltage above 1000 volts, the shorter the useful… more
Date: August 22, 1945
Creator: McKinney, C. R.; Eggen, Donald T.; Bishop, A.; Arnold, W. A. & Starr, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Crystal Structure Studies of the System NaF-UF4, NaF-ThF4 and NaF-LaF3

Description: Abstract: In the NaF-UF4 system the following intermediate phases have been found: NaUF5, -Na2UF6, -Na2UF6 and NacUF7. NaLaF4 is the only intermediate phase observed in the system NaF-LaF3. In the course of an incomplete study of the system NaF-ThF4 the phases NaTh2F9, -Na2ThF6, -Na2ThF6 and Na4ThF8 have been observed. Crystal structure data are given for all the phases.
Date: August 1946
Creator: Zachariasen, William H. (William Houlder), 1906-1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Dissolution of Thorium Metal and Thorium Dioxide in HNO3 - HF and HNO3- ( NH4 ) 2 SiF6 Mixtures

Description: Abstract. A satisfactory method has been found for dissolving thorium metal and thorium oxide in heat-treated 25-12 stainless steel vessels without excessive corrosion of the vessels. The dissolution medium consists of strong HNO3 containing a small amount of fluoride or fluo-silicate. the fluoride required has no harmful effects on a subsequent solvent-extraction step for a separation of uranium isotopes from the dissolved thorium.
Date: August 2, 1946
Creator: Schuler, Frederick W.; Steahly, Frank L. & Stoughton, Raymond W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of Uranium From Fiberglass Air Filters

Description: Abstract: Various procedures for extracting uranium from fiberglass air filters have been tested and compared. Satisfactory results which involve the least amount of handling are obtained by simply washing the material with hot 1:1 hydrochloric acid.
Date: August 5, 1946
Creator: Adams, R. H.; Rogers, J. A. & Brown, K. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mass Spectrometric Observation of C14

Description: This report describes observations of a sample of Carbon-14, or radiocarbon, made using the method of mass spectrometry.
Date: August 14, 1946
Creator: Ingrham, Mark G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Charge on Uranium(VI) in Acid Solution

Description: Abstract. The distribution coefficient of U(VI) between perchloric acid solutions and benzene solutions of TTA has been measured as a function of the acidity. It was possible to interpret the data in terms of the charge on the U(VI) species present in the aqueous phase. The experiments indicate that U(VI) exists as an ion charge +2 at acidities from 0.1M to 2.5M. In the interpretations of the distribution data, it was necessary to know the acidity coefficient of the uranyl chelate in the ben… more
Date: August 15, 1946
Creator: King, Edward L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process Monitor, Mark 10, Model 20

Description: This report describes a specific apparatus used to monitor the intensity of gamma radiation. The report includes a diagram of the apparatus.
Date: August 17, 1946
Creator: Jesse, William P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effects of Fast Neutrons on the Ability of Mice to Take Forced Exercise

Description: From abstract: "In an attempt to gain some insight into the physiological condition of mice surviving massive doses of radiation, a study of their vitality was undertaken. It was assured that the ability of these animals to do forced work would be a measure of their vitality, Stimulating exposed animals to run in exercise wheels to their fullest capacity, has resulted in a demonstration of a striking vitality less during a post-irradiative period, when no other effects are demonstrable by gross… more
Date: August 22, 1946
Creator: Stapleton, G. K. & Curtis, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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