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Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses; Second Quarterly Progress Report, (March - May 1962)

Description: The objective of the Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses program is to develop more accurate methods for burnup analysis for general use than the current method of analysis of Ca-137 or Sr-90. The program will require from three to five years of effort.
Date: July 1, 1962
Creator: Rider, B. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Semiannual Progress Report: March 1964

Description: Report documenting ongoing research and developments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Gas-Cooled Reactor Project. From summary: "A study was made of the effect of the energy of extraneous source neutrons on the amplitudes of higher modes in the flux distribution of a subcritical reactor."
Date: July 1964
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Atom Arrangements in Some Iron-Aluminum Solutions, Report No. 1

Description: "Short-range order coefficients were measured at 300 and 400°C for iron-aluminum alloys containing 14.8, 18.2, and 20.0 atomic per cent aluminum. These alloys exhibited a strong preference for unlike near neighbors. The short-range order was greater at the lower temperature and increased as the Fe 3Al composition was approached."
Date: July 12, 1962
Creator: Houska, C. R. & Averbach, B. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cesium-137 In Milk

Description: Samples of liquid milk from Bombay and 27 other stations in India, and imported powder milk from Australia, Denmark, Holland, U.K. and United States have been measured for their cesium-137 and potassium-40 contents.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Vohra, K. G.; Bhatnagar, V. S.; Mishna, U. C. & Ragupathy, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Closest Packing of Spheres (A Unifying Basis for Crystal Structures)

Description: "An intuitive approach to the understanding of crystal structures is presented in terms of the concept of the closest packing of spheres. The qualitative features of the concept are sorted out and correlated by successively treating single, double, triple, and multiple layered arrays of closest packed spheres" (p. ix).
Date: July 30, 1961
Creator: Gehman, William G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consolidated Edision Thorium Reactor Physics Design

Description: The nuclear characteristics of the CETR are described. Core operating lifetime, control-rod worth, and power density distribution are discussed in relation to maximizing the core operating life. Other objectives of nuclear design are to minimize the power-density variation and to assure control of the reactor.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Barringer, H. S.; Flickinger, R. B. & Spetz, S. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consolidated Edison Thorium Reactor: Reactor Vessel Internal Components Design

Description: The design functions and fabrication details for internal components of the CETR are presented and pertinent analytical stress studies are summarized. Functions of the internal components include proper orientation and support for the fuel elements, proper distribution of primary coolant within the reactor vessel, and the establishment of guide channels for the control rods.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Ficor, J.; Collings, D. M.; Sandrock, R. J. & Kalen, D. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Blade Worth by Partial Water Height and Soluble Boron Methods

Description: The series of experiments described in this paper was performed to determine reactivity values of various patterns of fully inserted cruciform control blades. The experiments yielded the worth of fully inserted blade patterns in terms of their holddown characteristics.
Date: July 1960
Creator: MacKinney, Arland L. & Ball, Russell M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cost Study of a 100-Mw(e) Direct-Cycle Boiling Water Reactor Plant

Description: Report issued by the Argonne national Laboratory discussing a technical and economic evaluation of a direct-cycle light-water boiling reactor designed for natural circulation and internal steam-water separation. The reference 100-Mw(e) reactor power plant design evolved from the study should have the best chance (compared to similar plants) of approaching the 8 to 9 mill/kwh total power-cost level. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Bullinger, C. F. & Harrer, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design of a Dynamic Corrosion and Chemical Control Test Loop and Preliminary Out-of-Pile Test Results

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the overall loop design and the means by which this design was developed. These include critical facility measurements, analog computer calculations, hydraulic and heat transfer computations, and the construction and operation of an out-of-pile mock-up loop to determine the dynamic characteristics of the loop."
Date: July 12, 1963
Creator: Zelezny, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Pulsed Neutron Application to Power Reactor Start-Up Procedures. Fifth Quarterly Progress Report, April 1-June 30, 1963

Description: Activities in a program to develop techniques in the use of pulsed neutron sources to measure shutdown parameters related to large thermal power reactors are reported. The development of pulsed neutron source techniques for large power reactors has led to a new theoretical model recently developed by E. Garelis and J.L. Russell, Jr. The theory is presently based on a bare, one-group model with m-delayed precursors and takes all spatial modes into account. Results indicate, however, that the app… more
Date: July 15, 1963
Creator: Garelis, Edward & Meyer, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development Program for Increased Output in the Garigliano Nuclear Reactor. Quarterly Report No. 3

Description: The United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), on May 29, and June 18, 1958, signed an agreement which provides a basis for co-operation in programs for the advancement of the peaceful applications of atomic energy. The work described in this report represents the Joint U.S.-Euratom effort. The over-all development program is designed to obtain the test data and operating experience necessary to eventually realize a 50 percent increase in the output of the Garigliano Nucl… more
Date: July 1, 1963
Creator: Sorlie, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development Program for Increased Output in the Garigliano Nuclear Reactor. Quarterly Report No. 7

Description: The United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), on May 29, and June 18, 1958, signed an agreement which provides a basis for co-operation in programs for the advancement of the peaceful applications of atomic energy. The work described in this report represents the Joint U.S.-Euratom effort. The over-all development program is designed to obtain the test data and operating experience necessary to eventually realize a 50 percent increase in the output of the Garigliano Nucl… more
Date: July 1, 1964
Creator: Howard, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Determination of Contact Conductance for Some Stainless Steel Contacts

Description: "Contact conductances for three semi-smooth and rough stainless steel contacts involving six steels are determined. The procedure and equipment used are fully described, and the results are given. Graphs display thermal conductance and conductivity versus pressure and temperature."
Date: July 1962
Creator: Adamantiades, Achilles
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase, Two-Component Flow in a Horizontal, Converging-Diverging Nozzle

Description: Report that "describes an investigation of the flow characteristics in a horizontal, converging-diverging nozzle for a two-phase, two-component system" (p. 1) using air and water and "attempting to determine the effects of accelerating the liquid phase by the gaseous phase" (p. 1).
Date: July 1963
Creator: Vogrin, Joseph A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Radiation Measurements in Conventional Structures: Part 1, Radiation Measurements in Two Two-Story and Three One-Story Typical Residential Structures Before and After Modification

Description: Report discussing the methods, data, and analysis of results for "An experimental study designed to provide a basis for estimating protection against fallout radiation " (p. v) using one- and two-story structures with basements.
Date: July 1966
Creator: Burson, Z. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extrusion of Uranium Tubes

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Several hundred long, thin-walled uranium tubes were extruded to close dimensional tolerance by a potentially low cost fabrication process in commercial facilities. The principal process steps were; forging uranium ingots, machining the forged ingots into billets, and extruding the billets into tubes. Some 750 tubes (maximum dimensions: 3.5 inches in diameter and 15 feet long) were fabricated by this process. Dimensional control was excellent in that 88% of th… more
Date: July 1961
Creator: Fisher, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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