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Search Results

[Plates I-X]

Description: Illustrations accompanying a report investigating the locations of vanadium-bearing phosphatic shale in West-Central Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho. The set includes seven maps (Plates I and V-X) showing the location of rock formations in the area and three charts (Plates II-IV) showing the correlation between the occurrence of vanadium deposits and the thin persistent beds of phosphate rock, oolite, siltstone, dolomite, and limestone with which they are interbedded.
Date: July 23, 1942
Creator: Rubey, William Walden & McKelvey, V. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Table IV - Estimated Reserves of Vanadium-Bearing Rock In Areas of Extraction

Description: Table showing the estimated reserves of vanadium-bearing rock in the Paris-Bloomington, Montpelier, Sublette Ridge, Swift Creek, and Strawberry Creek - Greys River Divide extraction areas in west-central Wyoming and southeastern Idaho. Indicated tonnage and inferred tonnage values are given for each area in millions of tons, along with the percentage of vanadium ore rock, maximum and minimum thickness, and average thickness of the rock in the extraction area.
Date: July 23, 1942
Creator: Rubey, William Walden & McKelvey, V. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Possible New Volatile Compound of Uranium

Description: A report discussing a possible new volatile compound of uranium, its probable properties, and attempts to synthesize it. Though the possible new compound was not successfully synthesized, the author provides suggestions for future work.
Date: July 1943
Creator: Lander, John Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Test Results on Clinton Alpha Amplifier Used with an Offner Columbia Scaler

Description: Technical report describing development of the Clinton alpha amplifier. The circuit for the Clinton alpha amplifier which is used with an Offner scaler is shown attached to the report. It consists of a pre-amplifier mounted in a cylindrical alpha chamber, followed by a three state amplifier and a pulse height selector in a separate cabinet. Pulses are fed from the pulse height selector in the amplifier to the input tube of the Offner scaler. Through the third stage of the amplifier, this circu… more
Date: July 1, 1944
Creator: Ostdahl, H. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contributions to the Water Problem

Description: Technical report describing the investigation of the short-lived activities produced in oxygen compounds by irradiation with pile neutrons. The most prominent of these activities in cooling water is a beta and gamma emitting activity of about 8 second half-life. Because of its production by epicadmium neutrons it was believed to be the 8 second N16 produced in the pile by n,p on O16. The identification has been accomplished and it is established that the 8 second activity is N16. Part 2 of the… more
Date: July 3, 1944
Creator: Novey, Theodore B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress Report: Development and Construction of Alpha-Counting Equipment

Description: Abstract: An ionization chamber for use in counting alpha particle activity from the air has been devised for counting samples collected with the electrostatic precipitator. The chamber is an adaptation of the breech-locking standard chamber, with a cylindrical high voltage electrode into which the collection foil is placed, and a coaxial rod as a collecting electrode. A geometrical efficiency of close to 50% is obtained.
Date: July 4, 1944
Creator: Borkowski, C. J.; Dandl, R. A.; East, J. K. & Firminhac, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Radiation on the Corrosion of Metals by Water

Description: Technical report. Long-time tests have been made on the effect of various types of radiation on the corrosion of 2S aluminum in simulated W water. In no case was any acceleration of corrosion by the radiation observed; the effect of radiation, if any, appeared to be a protective one. Deuteron irradiation did accelerate the corrosion of mild steel at low flow rates in hot water of pH 6 to 7, but no appreciable effect was observed with copper, stainless steel, or tuballoy. The general theory … more
Date: July 6, 1944
Creator: Allen, A. O. (Augustine O.); Bowman, M. C.; Goldowski, Nathalie; Larson, R. G. & Treiman, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Healing of Fast-Neutron-Induced Changes in Graphite. II. The Effect of Heating During Exposure, Interim Report on Problem 323 MLC 2301

Description: Technical report. The effect of temperature during pile exposure on the fast-neutron-induced change in properties of graphite was studied. Temperatures up to 125 degrees C have no effect upon the rate of increase of elastic modulus; pieces exposed at 300 degrees C on the other hand show no change at all in elastic modulus. The increase in electrical resistance s an inverse function of the temperature of exposure at all temperatures in the range 60 to 300 degrees C.
Date: July 10, 1944
Creator: Neubert, Thomas A.; Novick, A.; Schenck, R. & Shapiro, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgical Laboratory, Chemical Research - Radiation Chemistry, Report for the Month Ending June 30, 1944

Description: Technical report with short reports on (1) P-9 recovery from UO2F2 solution; (2) Correlation of theories on action of radiation on matter; (3) Literature surveys on organic compounds and on chemistry of UO2F2; (4) effect of radiation on organic compounds; and (5) Effect of radiation on 100 area construction materials.
Date: July 14, 1944
Creator: Hogness, T. R. (Thorfin Rusten), 1894- & Burton, Milton, 1902-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Behavior of Some Solid Materials Under Pile Operating Conditions

Description: Technical report abstract. The present state of knowledge concerning the effect of pile radiation on a variety of solid materials is reviewed. Radiation corrosion will not be a serious hazard for aluminum or stainless steel but it can be for iron or lead if either are exposed to water. Apart from corrosion the principal uncertainty is in regard to the Wigner effect on the behavior of metals. There is at present no ground for optimism regarding the behavior of tuballoy. The effect on alumin… more
Date: July 20, 1944
Creator: Burton, Milton, 1902- & Seitz, Frederick, 1911-2008
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Dibutyl Carbitol Extraction Procedure for the Separation of Tubanyl and Phosphate Ions

Description: "This report is concerned with the effectiveness of this washback procedure in reducing the phosphate concentration and also with other methods by which the simultaneous extraction of phosphate along with tuballoy may be minimized."
Date: July 12, 1945
Creator: Lord, E. J.; Andrews, L. J. & Gates, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report on a Differential Ionization Chamber

Description: From abstract: "A chamber was constructed with three electrodes dividing the space into two regions of 800 c.c. The surfaces of one of these were coated with boron carbide. With opposite potentials on two electrodes, ion currents to the collecting electrode due to gamma rays were practically cancelled and ion currents due to alpha rays induced by slow neutrons were measured."
Date: July 15, 1945
Creator: Broxon, James William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Preparation of TCl₄ With Hexachloropropylene

Description: Report discussing various reaction methods for preparing TCl₄ with hexachloropropylene, as well as various methods for drying the TCl₄ after the reaction. Experimental methods are described in detail, and experimental results are presented.
Date: July 27, 1945
Creator: Pitt, B. M.; Curran, W. F.; Schmitt, J. M.; Wagner, E. L. & Miller, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Note on the Determination of Lead in Pitchblende

Description: Technical report describing a procedure for the determination of lead in pitchblende. The procedure was determined as needed in the course of an investigation of the processing of pitchblende for the production of uranium. Summary: The volumetric dichromate method for the determination of lead was selected from among several methods investigated as being best suited for a rapid determination of lead in pitchblende. The method as described is accurate to within 1% and it does not require the … more
Date: July 1946
Creator: Braddock, T. R.; Martin, G. L. & McCoy, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Note on the Use of Ion Exchange Resins for the Purification of Urinary Purines, Kynurenic Acid, and Coproporphyrin: (Preliminary Report)

Description: Abstract: "Preliminary studies are reported on the use of the ion exchange resins for the adsorptions of purines, uracil, nucleotides, kynurenic acid, and coproporphyrin. Adenine and guanine are adsorbed on IR-100 resin from neutral solution and eluted by HCl. Kynurenic acid and coproporphyrin are adsorbed from neutral solution on IR-4 resin and eluted by HCl. Coproporphyrin is strongly adsorbed on IR-100 resin from either acid, alkaline, or neutral solution. Kynurenic acid is poorly adsorbed o… more
Date: July 1946
Creator: Schwartz, Samuel; Wattenberg, Lee & Zagaria, Ralph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Separation of Uranium From Thorium: The Oxalic Acid Leach

Description: From Abstract: "The use of the oxalic acid method for the separation of uranium from mixed thorium-uranium peroxides has been investigated, and appears to be the most satisfactory of the obvious methods of separation. One oxalic acid leach removes nearly all of the uranium from the thorium with approximately one mg Th/L remaining in the uranium solution phase."
Date: July 3, 1946
Creator: Christopherson, E. W.; Grady, H. R.; Woodard, R. W. & Larson, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Factors Affecting the Extraction of Uranium with Dibutyl Carbitol

Description: Abstract: "This is a compilation of the material in several reports on the extraction of uranium from aqueous solutions with dibutyl carbitol. Data is presented concerning the optimum conditions for the extraction of the uranium and elimination of impurities."
Date: July 8, 1946
Creator: Weaver, Boyd S. & Larson, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Factors Affecting the Precipitation of Uranium Peroxide

Description: Abstract: "This is a compilation of the data on uranium peroxide precipitations appearing in several reports. The solubility product is measured. The effect of many individual ions on the hydrogen peroxide decomposition rate and the complexing of uranium is demonstrated. Studies on plant and other highly contaminated solutions are not included."
Date: July 8, 1946
Creator: Mogg, D. W. & Larson, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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