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open access

Metallurgical Laboratory, Chemical Research - Radiation Chemistry, Report for the Period Ending January 15, 1945

Description: Technical report with short reports covering (1) Effect of radiation on water and aqueous systems; (2) Effect of neutrons on graphite; (3) Effect of radiation on solid compounds; and (4) Scattering, stopping-power, ion-pair production, etc.
Date: February 1, 1945
Creator: Burton, Milton, 1902- & Allen, A. O. (Augustine O.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accumulation and Distribution of Radioactive Strontium, Barium-Lanthanum, Fission Mixture and Sodium in Goldfish

Description: This report details an experiment undergone to determine the amount of radioactive strontium, barium-lanthanum, fission mixture, and sodium accumulated by and distributed within non-feeding goldfish. The report includes tables detailing the findings.
Date: February 15, 1945
Creator: Prosser, C. Ladd (Clifford Ladd), 1907-2002; Pervinsek, William; Arnold, Jane; Svihla, George & Tompkins, P. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Complexing Agents for the Solvent Extraction of Uranium from Thorium. I. The Use of Thiocyanate in the Extraction of Uranium. II. The Use of Antipyrine in Solvent Extraction

Description: Abstract. In the first section of this technical report a new method of extracting uranium from thorium nitrate solution is discussed. This method consists of extracting an aqueous solution of thorium nitrate, nitric acid, sodium sulphate, and potassium thiocyanate with hexone. By this procedure, using an equal volume of hexone it is possible to extract 83 percent of the uranium while only 0.3 percent of the thorium is extracted. other experiments show that even greater separations are possi… more
Date: February 16, 1945
Creator: Reas, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Rapid Method for Determination of Water in TO₃

Description: Summary: A set of conditions is described for a ten minute determination of water in TO₃ by ignition and absorption of the evolved water in magnesium perchlorate. Complete conversion to T₃O₃ is obtained under these conditions, so that total loss on ignition and total T (plus non-volatile impurity) content may also be obtained. It has been found unnecessary to employ Cu foil to prevent interference by nitrates, which may be present with a nitrate/water ratio as high as 5, and in an amount that d… more
Date: February 16, 1945
Creator: Barash, Bernard B.; Lee, Franklin B. & Curtiss, Edgar O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quantitative Recovery of Tuballoy From Tuballoy Tetrafluoride

Description: Report discussing various procedures for recovering tuballoy from tuballoy tetrafluoride, also called "green salt." Results from trial runs of each procedure are presented.
Date: February 22, 1945
Creator: Gates, J. W., Jr.; Andrews, L. J. & Schaap, Ward B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Research -- Extraction and Properties of U233; Report for the Period Ending December 15, 1944

Description: Technical report containing short articles on (1) Determination of physical constants for U233; (2) Determination of decay chain of U233; (3) Extraction of U233; (4) Extracting solvents for uranium; (5) Factors affecting the extraction uranium and thorium by organic solvents, especially ether; and (6) Analysis of ore samples for protoactinium.
Date: February 24, 1945
Creator: Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999; Manning, F. M. & Katzin, L. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of Tuballoy From Solutions Containing Fluoride Ion

Description: "Another extraction method is described herein for the quantitative recovery of tuballoy from solutions containing high concentrations of fluoride ion. The method consists of the addition of aluminum nitrate to the solution in order to complex the fluoride ion, followed by saturation with calcium nitrate and extraction of the tuballoy with dibutyl carbitol.
Date: February 27, 1945
Creator: Smith, Fred; Tober, Frank W., 1919-1995; Lord, E. J.; Andrews, L. J. & Gates, J. W., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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