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open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Hailey Quadrangle of Idaho

Description: Second volume of a report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Hailey quadrangle including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, standard deviation maps, pseudo-contour maps, interpretation maps, flight line and geologic base map, and individual corrected profiles.
Date: December 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Idaho Falls Quadrangle of Idaho

Description: Second volume of a report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Idaho Falls quadrangle including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, standard deviation maps, pseudo-contour maps, interpretation maps, flight line and geologic base map, and individual corrected profiles.
Date: October 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Elk City Quadrangle of Idaho/Montana

Description: Second volume of a report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Elk City quadrangle including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, standard deviation maps, pseudo-contour maps, interpretation maps, flight line and geologic base map, and individual corrected profiles.
Date: November 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Boise Quadrangle of Idaho

Description: Second volume of a report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Boise quadrangle including a detailed geologic summary, interpretation report, standard deviation maps, pseudo-contour maps, interpretation maps, flight line and geologic base map, and individual corrected profiles.
Date: October 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne radiometric and magnetic survey of the Boise, Hailey, Idaho Falls, and Elk City quadrangles including the survey description, specifications, data processing methods, interpretation methods, and regional geologic review.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey of Portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washington: Final Report, Volume 2-I. Twin Falls Quadrangle

Description: From introduction: This volume contains information and survey results pertaining specifically to the Twin Falls NTMS 1:250,000 scale Quadrangle, Idaho, one of a group of 12 such quadrangles in Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Washington included in an aerial radiometric and magnetic reconnaissance survey. General information concerning the instrumentation and methods used in data acquisition, processing, and interpretation is presented in Volume 1 of this final report.
Date: June 1979
Creator: Texas Instruments Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on Uranium and Thorium Content of Intrusive Rocks in Northeastern Washington and Northern Idaho

Description: From summary: The purpose of this study was to delineate favorable areas for uranium resources in northeastern Washington and northern Idaho by identifying granitic rocks with relatively large amounts of uranium and (or) thorium. Results are based on analyses of 344 rock samples; 230 were collected during this study, and data for the rest were taken from previous publications.
Date: September 1978
Creator: Castor, S. B.; Berry, M. R. & Robins, Jerold W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Potential and Geology of the Challis Volcanics of the Basin Creek-Yankee Fork Area, Custer County, Idaho: Final Report

Description: From objectives: The principal objective of this work is to determine those areas that are favorable for concealed uranium deposits beneath the Challis Volcanic rocks in the area north of the Stanley Basin and south of the West Fork of Yankee Fork.
Date: March 1979
Creator: Siems, Peter L.; Albers, Doyle F.; Malloy, Robert W.; Mitchell, Victoria E. & Perley, Philip C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Elk City NTMS NL 11-9

Description: Appendix containing geological survey averages data to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Idaho Falls NTMS NK 12-1

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Idaho Falls quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Idaho Falls NTMS NK 12-1

Description: Appendix containing averages of geological data taken in the Idaho falls quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Hailey NTMS NK 11-3

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Hailey quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Boise NTMS NK 11-2

Description: Appendix containing average geological survey data of the Boise quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana and the Boise Quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Boise NTMS NK 11-2

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Boise quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana and the Boise Quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Hailey NTMS NK 11-3

Description: Appendix containing averages of geological survey data gathered at the Hailey quadrangle to accompany an aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles of Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle of Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho, Idaho Survey - Elk City NTMS NL 11-9

Description: Appendix containing single record geological survey data of the Elk City quadrangle to accompany am aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey of the Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City quadrangles in Idaho and Montana, and the Boise quadrangle in Oregon and Idaho.
Date: September 1979
Creator: EG & G GeoMetrics
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance of the Dubois NTMS quadrangle, Idaho/Montana, Including Concentrations of Forty-Five Additional Elements

Description: This report presents uranium and other elemental data resulting from the Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) of the Dubois NTMS quadrangle in Idaho and Montana. Totals of 1024 water samples and 1600 sediment samples were collected from 1669 locations in the Dubois quadrangle. Water samples were taken at streams, springs, and wells; sediment samples were collected from streams and springs.
Date: August 1980
Creator: LaDelfe, Carol M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geography, Geology, and Water Resources of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, Part 3: Hydrology and Water Resources

Description: This report describes the hydrology and evaluates the water resources of the ERTS, sets these in their regional perspective, and forecasts conditions and effects during future years.
Date: 1959
Creator: Nace, Raymond L.; Deutsch, Morris; Voegeli, Paul T.; Steward, J. W.; Walton, William Clarence; Fowler, K. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Baker 1° x 2° NTMS Area, Oregon and Idaho: Data Report, Supplementary Analytical Data

Description: Supplementary analytical data containing elemental concentration data in surface sediment samples and ground water samples, in addition to areal distribution maps, histograms, and cumulative frequency plots. Also included is site location data for surface and ground water samples, and a user's guide. This data accompanies a report on hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Baker 1° x 2° NTMS Area, Oregon and Idaho.
Date: May 1981
Creator: Cook, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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