Search Results

Primary view of Vanadium-Bearing Phosphatic Shale in West-Central Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho
Rubey, William Walden & McKelvey, V. E.
July 23, 1942
Primary view of Monazite in concentrates from Idaho placer operations : memorandum report
Geological Survey (U.S.). Trace Elements Office.
March 1948
Primary view of Operating Manual for the MTR, Section Two -- Exclusion Area, Materials Testing Reactor
Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division.
Primary view of Chemical Processing Instrumentation and Control Research Program
Schneider, Harry
September 18, 1957
Primary view of Geography, Geology, and Water Resources of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, Part 3: Hydrology and Water Resources
Nace, Raymond L.; Deutsch, Morris; Voegeli, Paul T.; Steward, J. W.; Walton, William Clarence; Fowler, K. H. et al.
Primary view of Geography, Geology, and Water Resources of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho: Appendix 2, Basic Hydrologic Data
Nace, Raymond L.; Deutsch, Morris; Voegeli, Paul T.; Stewart, J. W.; Walton, William Clarence; Fowler, K. H. et al.
Primary view of Hydrogeochemical Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Stanley Area, South-Central Idaho
Illsley, Charles T.
July 1961
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1961
Aerojet-General Corporation
August 10, 1961
Primary view of ICPP Waste Calcining Facility : Safety Analysis Report
Lakey, L. T. & Bower, J. R.
December 1, 1963
Primary view of Thorium and Rare Earth Resources of the Lemhi Pass Area, Idaho and Montana: Summary Report
Sharp, Byron J. & Hetland, Donald L.
July 1968
Primary view of Preliminary Report on Uranium and Thorium Content of Intrusive Rocks in Northeastern Washington and Northern Idaho
Castor, S. B.; Berry, M. R. & Robins, Jerold W.
September 1978
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Hamilton National Topographic Map, Idaho and Montana. Volume 1
Geodata International
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Hamilton National Topographic Map, Idaho and Montana. Volume 2
High Life Helicopters, Inc.
Primary view of Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Raw Data Report for Sandpoint NTMS Quadrangle, Washington, Idaho, and Montana
Ciminesi, Frank J.
February 1979
Primary view of Uranium Potential and Geology of the Challis Volcanics of the Basin Creek-Yankee Fork Area, Custer County, Idaho: Final Report
Siems, Peter L.; Albers, Doyle F.; Malloy, Robert W.; Mitchell, Victoria E. & Perley, Philip C.
March 1979
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey of Portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washington: Final Report, Volume 2-H. Pocatello Quadrangle
Texas Instruments Incorporated
May 1979
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey of Portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washington: Final Report, Volume 2-I. Twin Falls Quadrangle
Texas Instruments Incorporated
June 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Hailey, Idaho Falls, Elk City Quadrangles of Idaho/Montana and Boise Quadrangle, Oregon/Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
September 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Boise Quadrangle of Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Idaho Falls Quadrangle of Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Elk City Quadrangle of Idaho/Montana
EG & G GeoMetrics
November 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Hailey Quadrangle of Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
December 1979
Primary view of Uranium Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Data Release for the Ashton NTMS Quadrangle, Idaho/Montana/Wyoming, Including Concentrations of Forty-Two Additional Elements
Shannon, Spencer S., Jr.
August 1980
Primary view of Uranium Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance of the Dubois NTMS quadrangle, Idaho/Montana, Including Concentrations of Forty-Five Additional Elements
LaDelfe, Carol M.
August 1980
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