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open access

5.6 Mass Spectrographs

Description: In recent years German physicists have been making increasing use of both mass spectrographs in the stricter sense and mass spectrometers which can only measure elative isotopic abundances and use electrical methods of measurement.
Date: unknown
Creator: Evald, H. & Marschall, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

6.70 EV Resonance in U²³⁸

Description: "Using the Brookhaven fast chopper, transmission curves were obtained for the 6.70 +/- .06 ev resonance in U238 using four different thicknesses of natural uranium metal." The measurements for the transmission curves are summarized in the table provided.
Date: November 9, 1953
Creator: Levin, Jules S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

14-Year 113Cd

Description: The half lives of Cd/sup 113m/ and Cd/sup 115m/ have been redetermined to be 14 sintering time 2 years and 44.2 sintering time 0.5 days, respectively. The ratio of Cd/sup 113m/Cd/sup 115m/ yields from thermal-neutron fission of U/sup 235/ is 0.27 sintering time 0.03, and the ratio of (n, ) formation cross sections is 0.31 sintering time 0.03. Combination of these ratios with literature values for the Cd/sup 115m/ fission yield and (n, ) formation cross section gives (1.9 sintering time 0.2) x 1… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Wahl, Arthur C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100-Ton Test : Measurement of the Velocity of Sound

Description: Abstract: The velocity of sound at the time of 100-ton shot at Trinity was measured to be 1116.1 ft/sec. Values of blast pressure computed from the excess velocity are given, but are not considered as reliable.
Date: June 15, 1945
Creator: Barschall, H. H. & Martin, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

568 Report

Description: Final report for a grant contract documenting information about the scope of the project and results.
Date: 1960
Creator: Pollard, Ernest C. (Ernest Charles), 1906-1997
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 704 Program for Computing Thermal Neutron Spectra in Infinite Homogenous Media

Description: A flexible program has been prepared for solution of the neutron balance equation in an infinite homogeneous medium. This program is specifically designed for studying the effects of varying the energy transfer kernel on the resultant neutron spectrum. A rapidly converging iterative procedure is employed. The equation to be solved and the specific input information required by the program in order to compute spectra are explicitly stated. No discussion of the physics of the problem is given.
Date: November 24, 1958
Creator: Nelkin, M S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

11th Quarterly Progress Report Organic Coolant Reclamation, 15 December 1961 to 15 March 1962

Description: The solvent distribution reclamation process using 5, 10, 15, 22, 30, 40 and 50 wt % Core II HB in Santovax-OMP has been accomplished. Cost comparisons of several technically feasible reclamation processes, presented in an earlier report, were reevaluated and are tabulated
Date: unknown
Creator: Scola, D. A.; Adams, J. S. & Richiusa, C. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1A Reactor Inlet Hydraulic Valve Position Detector Temperature. Section I. Core I, Seed 1. Test Results DL-S-258-S, RNI-3

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the internal temperature of the valve position detector for the 1A reactor inlet hydraulic valve with the plant at normal pressure and temperature and at power. The normal operating temperatures for the valve position detector on the 1A reactor inlet hydraulic valve range from a minimum of 287 F to a maximum of 294.7 F.
Date: November 20, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ABCC-NIH Adult Health Study Hiroshima 1958-60. Cardiovascular Project Report Number 6, Heart Size Norm

Description: Data on 13,000 person 15 yr of age or older obtained during detailed clinical examinations, including radiological recorded heart size, were correlated with sex, age, height, and weight of subjects to arrive at a standard heart size for Hiroshima residents This information will be used in investigations cardiovascular disease in the population.
Date: 1964
Creator: Ueda, Shoichi; Russell, Walter J. & Yano, Katsuhiko
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

About an Intense-Light, Silent Discharge Tube for the Spectroscopic Examination of Small Amounts of Substances

Description: One of the problems in the spectrographic investigation of the atomic nucleus is to increase the efficiency of the source of light used for the investigation. Using new procedures outlined in the article new elements may be detected through nuclear change.
Date: unknown
Creator: Schuler, H. & Gollnow, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

About the Importance of Unstable Peroxides of Green Leaf of Plant for Photosynthesis

Description: A. N. Back expressed a hypothesis about the participation of organic peroxide in the process of photosynthesis. Experimental data on this question were very few. This article provides a method of investigation to support the hypothesis.
Date: unknown
Creator: Kuzin, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich & Shkolnik, P. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

About the Model of Bacterial Photosynthesis

Description: At the base of photosynthesis of green sulfur bacteria lies an oxidation-reduction reaction of transferring hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide to carbon dioxide, accomplished with the participation of light energy. Based on experiments the author concludes that chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis plays the role of optical sensitizer.
Date: unknown
Creator: Maximov, N. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

About Thorium

Description: The discussion of the preparation and properties of thorium by Werner von Bolton have led the author to make comments regarding its preparation.
Date: unknown
Creator: Meyer, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

About Thorium

Description: Dr. H. Karsten responds to a critical review of an earlier article on Thorium originally written by Dr. von Bolton and reviewed by Mr. R. J. Meyer.
Date: unknown
Creator: Karstens, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abrasive Blasting for Cleaning Parts

Description: Abstract: A demonstration on August 22, 1945, showed that Alpha or Beta M or K parts, including insulators, can be well cleaned with a pressure-feed abrasive blaster. The abrasive is a slurry of alumina and water mixed with high velocity air in a special feed nozzle. The slurry is continuously recycled.
Date: September 1945
Creator: McWherter, Jack R. & Yerazunis, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Absorption and Scattering of Radiation in Random Aggregates of Pebblers

Description: The attenuation of a collimated monoenergetic beam of radiation in traversing a random aggregate of pebbles is considered. It is found that there is a transmission of radiation over and above that allowed by the main density of material and that transmission is essentially exponential.
Date: unknown
Creator: Smith, Nicholes M., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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