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open access

The HASL Bone Program 1961-1964

Description: Report documenting the measuring of strontium-90 levels contained in the bones of children and adults of various age brackets across the United States.
Date: August 16, 1965
Creator: Rivera, Joseph & Harley, John H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation Plan and Hazards Report - Operation BREN

Description: Report discussing "descriptions of the HPRR and the Co^60 source, their operating procedures, the manner in which they will be used, and possible hazards are included."
Date: January 1962
Creator: Sanders, F. W.; Haywood, F. F.; Lunin, M. I.; Gilley, L. W.; Cheka, J. S. & Ward, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground Roughness Effects on the Energy and Angular Distribution of Gamma Radiation From Fallout

Description: Report examining "[t]he effect of ground roughness, or surface irregularities, on the radiation field above ground which had been contaminated with fallout from the explosion in the atmosphere of a nuclear device (Smallboy Event)" (p. v).
Date: December 1963
Creator: Huddleston, C. M.; Burson, Z. G.; Kinkaid, R. M. & Klingler, Q. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of East-Central New York and West-Central New England (ARMS-I)

Description: Report concerning "[a]n airborne gamma-radiation survey of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and parts of New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont" (p. 5) made between 1958 and 1960 that indicated that a broad range of radioactivity exists in those areas depending on the type of bedrock. Correlations are drawn between this radioactivity and the geology of the region.
Date: August 1962
Creator: Popenoe, Peter
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Meteorological Tower Data, April 1950 - March 1952, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Description: Report issued by the Brookhaven National Laboratory discussing data collected from two BNL meteorological towers. As stated in the introduction, "results are presented in graphic form rather than tabular form" (p. 1). This report includes tables, maps, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: June 1957
Creator: Singer, Irving A. & Raynor, Gilbert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Argonne National Laboratory Idaho Division Summary Report: July-September, 1960

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory covering a summary report of the work conducted by the Idaho Division. Experimental work and progress made on reactors are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: 1960
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Idaho Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICPP Waste Calcining Facility : Safety Analysis Report

Description: Report documenting a study "made of the radiological hazards associated with operation of the ICPP Waste Calcination Facility" and contains "[d]etails of the safety analysis and extensive information on the process, equipment, and operation procedures" (p. iii). Each section has its own pagination.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Lakey, L. T. & Bower, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U-233 Power-Breeder Reactor: Reactor Design and Feasibility Problem

Description: Report containing information regarding several designs of breeder reactors that utilizes the circulation of solid particles consisting of a fuel-moderator mixture, from the core to a separate heat exchanger vessel from which the solids flow freely to and through the core by gravity" (p. 13). Appendix begins on page 117.
Date: January 1954
Creator: Halik, R. R.; Beckberger, L. H.; Haibeck, J. M.; Mealia, J. E.; Northrop, W. A.; Rees, D. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Photogrammetric Techniques for Environmental Surveillance of Amchitka Island, Alaska, Annual Progress Report, July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970

Description: Report concerning surveys made to determine the abundance and distribution of otters at Amchitka Island, Alaska, as well to document the effects of an underground nuclear reactor.
Date: March 1972
Creator: Stephan, Joachim G. & Mercier, Ian M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Radiation Damage on SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A Reactor Vessels

Description: Report describing the status of the SM-1, SM-1A, and PM-2A reactors, specifically regarding the effects "of irradiation on nil-ductility transition temperature and the associated problem of brittle fracture." (p. iii)
Date: October 14, 1961
Creator: McLaughlin, D. W.; Rowekamp, B. J.; Chittum, R. A.; Coombe, J. R.; Kelleman, R. W.; Bobe, P. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Radiation Measurements in Conventional Structures: Part 1, Radiation Measurements in Two Two-Story and Three One-Story Typical Residential Structures Before and After Modification

Description: Report discussing the methods, data, and analysis of results for "An experimental study designed to provide a basis for estimating protection against fallout radiation " (p. v) using one- and two-story structures with basements.
Date: July 1966
Creator: Burson, Z. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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