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open access

Some Observations Regarding Rare-Earth Lactates

Description: From abstract: "Lactates of all the rare earths except lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium were prepared and studied. In the case of lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium the lactates are apparently so soluble that they cannot be crystallized directly from aqueous solution. Products obtained by addition of anhydrous ethanol to sirupy solutions of the light-rare-earth lactates were not well characterized and were deliquescent. Neodymium lactate trihydrate was prepared only by the addition of alcoh… more
Date: March 28, 1962
Creator: Powell, J. E. & Farrell, J. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electron Requirements of Bonds in Metal Borides

Description: From abstract: "Electrical measurements have been made on CaB6, SrB6, BaB6, YB2, YB4, YB6, and YB12 for the purpose of testing models of the electronic structure of the boron atoms in the four boride types represented. The compounds CaB6, SrB6, and BaB6 were found to be semiconductors. The Hall coefficients of YB4 was also measured, but could not be interpreted because the free electron theory does not provide a theoretical value for comparison with experiment. The results are in agreement with… more
Date: May 28, 1962
Creator: Johnson, Robert W. & Daane, A. H. (Adrian Hill), 1919-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Report for SM-1 Core Temperature and Flow Instrumentation (Task XIV) Covering Special Test Procedures.

Description: Abstract: Test procedures for special tests involving in-core SM-1 temperature and flow instrumentation are described (Task XIV Package Tests). These tests involve in-core steady state flow and temperature measurements, loss of flow transients, load transients, reduced primary system pressure operations and reduced element flow. The thermal and hydraulic conditions prevailing in these tests, including steady state and transient burnout rations, are developed. The effects of reduced system pres… more
Date: February 28, 1962
Creator: Bradley, P. L. & Coombe, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

BWR Reference Design for PL-3

Description: Abstract: The natural circulation, direct cycle, boiling water reactor reference design presented in this technical report is the alternate to the preferred preliminary design developed under Phase I of the PL-3 contract. The report presents plant design criteria, summary of plant selection, plant description, reactor and primary system description, thermal and hydraulic analysis, nuclear analysis, control and instrumentation description, shielding description, auxiliary systems, power plant eq… more
Date: February 28, 1962
Creator: Humphries, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PWR Preliminary Design for PL-3

Description: Abstract: The pressurized water reactor preliminary design presented in this volume is the preferred design developed under Phase I of the PL-3 contact. This technical report presents plant design criteria, summary of plant selection, plant description, reactor and primary system description, thermal and hydraulic analysis, nuclear analysis, control and instrumentation description, shielding description, auxiliary systems, power plant equipment, waste disposal, buildings and tunnels, services, … more
Date: February 28, 1962
Creator: Humphries, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wall and Bulk Temperatures for Fluids Flowing in Concentric Annuli

Description: From introduction: "This brief paper deals with the subject of radial temperature differences for heat transfer to fluids flowing through concentric annuli under the following conditions and assumptions: a. constant heat flux; b. fully-established turbulent flow; c. heat transfer through inner wall only; d. physical properties independent of temperature."
Date: May 28, 1962
Creator: Dwyer, Orrington Embry, 1912-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Response of Protective Vaults to Blast Loading

Description: A reinforced-concrete steel-plate-lined vault and steel vault door were exposed to a nuclear detonation (shot Priscilla, about 37 kt, balloon suspended, at 700 ft) at the predicted 75-psi peak incident pressure level (1150 ft from Ground Zero). The vault was designed by the ultimate-strength theory to utilize the additional strain energy available in the elastoplastic and plastic ranges. Flexural and thrust capacities were determined, and shear capacity was computed. It was established that abo… more
Date: May 28, 1962
Creator: Cohen, Edward; Laing, E. & Bottenhofer, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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