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open access

Test of Buried Structural-Plate Pipes Subjected to Blast Loading

Description: From abstract: Two 20-ft-long 7-ft-diameter 10-gauge structural-plate pipes, having longitudinal joints with eight bolts per foot, were buried and tested in the Smoky event of Operation Plumbbob at predicted pressure levels of 195 and 265 psi. The depth of burial was 10 ft over the crown of the pipe.
Date: July 28, 1961
Creator: Williamson, R. A. & Huff, P. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Response of Protective Vaults to Blast Loading

Description: A reinforced-concrete steel-plate-lined vault and steel vault door were exposed to a nuclear detonation (shot Priscilla, about 37 kt, balloon suspended, at 700 ft) at the predicted 75-psi peak incident pressure level (1150 ft from Ground Zero). The vault was designed by the ultimate-strength theory to utilize the additional strain energy available in the elastoplastic and plastic ranges. Flexural and thrust capacities were determined, and shear capacity was computed. It was established that abo… more
Date: May 28, 1962
Creator: Cohen, Edward; Laing, E. & Bottenhofer, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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