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open access

Ionic Equilibria and Anion Exchange of Uranyl Sulfate Solutions

Description: Theoretical investigation on the nature of ion exchange of acidified uranyl sulfate solutions with Dowex 21K, a strong base ion exchange resin.
Date: September 28, 1962
Creator: Stein, P. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials for Fluorine Generator Anode Assemblies

Description: Corrosion of anode assembly materials in fluorine generators is pronounced, therefore, selection of the proper materials for construction is important. Several metals and alloys have been tested for corrosion resistance when anodic in a fluorine test cell. In general, copper, copper alloys and magnesium alloys offer the best corrosion resistance.
Date: September 28, 1956
Creator: Simmons, R. E.; Rossmassler, W. R.; Hoskins, C. W. & Johnston, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation and Analysis of a 3000 KW Liquid Metal Model Steam Generator

Description: Abstract: A 3000 kw (thermal) bayonet duplex tube model steam generator was performance-tested in a liquid metal test loop at MSA Research Corporation, Callery, Pennsylvania, under the cognizance of Atomics International.
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Webster, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactivity Absorbed by Xenon-135 in the SRE

Description: Abstract: The measurement and calculation of the reactivity absorbed by Xe135 as functions of time after shutdown for the SRE are described.
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Woodruff, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uniformly Reactive Uranium Dioxide from a Single Oxidation-Reduction Cycle

Description: Abstract: By use of a modified thermobalance and reactor as the primary experimental tool for sample preparation and evaluation, a process has been developed by which parent uranium feed materials of a widely variable reactivity and composition may be converted to a uniformly reactive uranium dioxide.
Date: August 28, 1963
Creator: Orrick, N. C.; Jones, C. G.; Hale, C. F.; Barber, E. J. & Rapp, Karl E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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