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open access

Direct Conversion of the TF₆ to TCl₄

Description: The following report provides a general summary of some methods that could be used to convert hexafluoride into tetrafluoride, but is mainly devoted to the work done on the conversion of tetrafluoride to tetrachloride.
Date: September 25, 1945
Creator: Calkins, Vincent P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies of Porphyrin Metabolism, 3. The Relation of Erythropoiesis to the Excretion of Coproporphyrin by Dogs and Rabbits, and to the Concentration of Coproporphyrin and Protoporphyrin in Rabbit Erythrocytes

Description: Report discussing studies regarding porphyrin excretion and hemoglobin metabolism in animals with phenylhydrazine anemia, and studies regarding the coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin in the red blood cells of rabbits.
Date: November 25, 1945
Creator: Schwartz, Samuel; Glickman, Marcia; Hunter, Rosie & Wallace, Jean
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Processing Leach Solutions From Pyrosulfate Fusions of Salvage Residues for the Recovery of Tuballoy

Description: Report discussing two methods for "the elimination of sulfate and second group interferences in the extraction of tuballoy from residues which have been processed by the pyrosulfate fusion method." Advantages for one of the methods are mentioned.
Date: January 25, 1946
Creator: Ryon, A. D.; Aikin, L. M. & Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Factors Affecting the Penta-Ether Extraction Uranium

Description: This report discusses the contributions of the workers at Tennessee Eastman Corporation in the investigation of limiting conditions in the application of penta-ether (aka. dibutoxytetraethylene).
Date: July 25, 1947
Creator: Musser, D. F.; Krause, D. P. & Smellie, Robert H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Dimensions of Untamped Conical Vessels

Description: Abstract: "The need often arises for determining the critical chemical concentration of uranium solution in the conical bottom of a plant reactor or storage vessel, or the dimension if the concentration is known. This report describes the mathematical analysis of Poisson's equation for a spherical sector, which approximates a right circular cone. The ratio of the critical dimension of an equivalent sphere to the height of the sector for various sector angles is derived from a comparison of firs… more
Date: August 25, 1947
Creator: Murray, Raymond
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Iodine Exchange Reaction

Description: This report discusses an analysis on the exchange reaction between iodine and unipositive iodine with pyridine.
Date: August 25, 1948
Creator: Kleinberg, Jacob & Sattizahn, James
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Direct Current Electromagnetic Pumps

Description: Abstract: "A number of direct current conduction type electromagnetic pumps for liquid metals were constructed. Pumping capacities of over 400 gpm and efficiencies of over 50 percent were obtained. NaK alloy at temperatures up to 400 C was used in the test. The large currents required were obtained from rectifiers or from a homopolar generator constructed for the purpose."
Date: October 25, 1949
Creator: Barnes, A. H.; Smith, F. A. & Whitham, G. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor Project : Addendum to Reactor Building Wing Report, Design Report No. 27A

Description: "Changes, corrections and additions to the original report are included in this addendum. These are brought about by further development of the design by Blaw-Knox, AHL and ORNL. The changes in the original wiritings are listed below in accordance with the main headings, pages and paragraphs to which they apply. Following this is a list of the contemplated personnel in the MTR program. This listing sets out the number of offices and the office furniture requirements. Also numbers for lockers, s… more
Date: November 25, 1949
Creator: Link, L. E. & Guzik, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Spectrophotometric Determination of Silicon in Zirconium

Description: Report presenting background and instructions on completing spectrophotometric determination of silicon in zirconium, which relies on the solubility of silicon tetrachloride in a small amount of nitric acid solution and the complexing of fluorides with boric acid.
Date: February 25, 1951
Creator: Read, E. B. & Martin, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aqueous Homogeneous Reactors for Producing Central-Station Power

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing aqueous homogeneous reactors used in central-station power. As stated in the introduction, "it contains an evaluation of the potentiality of producing power only, as exhibited by aqueous homogeneous systems" (p. 6). This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: May 25, 1951
Creator: Briggs, R. B.; Haubenreich, P. N.; Sanders, J. P.; Aven, R. E.; Zapp, F. C.; Segaser, C. L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests on a High Current R.F. Joint in Vacuum

Description: An R.F. joint tester was designed to determine the relative heating and tendency toward arching at high RF current density (100 amps/linear inch) of a 12 inch diameter circular copper butt joint in vacuum with several types of inserts and at various amounts of axial loading, ranging from a very small contact pressure to one of 1400 pounds per linear inch of joint.
Date: July 25, 1951
Creator: Wharton, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Vapor Traps for Handling Liquid Sodium

Description: An active program is a present underway to develop equipment to handle liquid metals. Among the metals being studied are sodium and sodium--potassium alloy (the latter commonly referred to as NaK). In many of the systems being studied this liquid metal is pressurized by inert gas in the lines. At times it is necessary to bleed off some of this gas from the system. Although the gas is allowed to escape at a temperature at which the vapor pressure of sodium is extremely small, it has been found t… more
Date: August 25, 1951
Creator: Erickson, A. J.; Gregory, C. L. & Lang, P. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Experimental Determination of Fission Product Heating After Shutdown of the Low Intensity Training Reactor

Description: Technical report containing the general arrangement of the Low Intensity Training Reactor and outcomes of experiments that have been performed in the reactor to measure the rate of fission product heat dissipation from the fuel pieces after loss of water. [From Summary, Introduction]
Date: September 25, 1951
Creator: Beall, S. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Chemistry of Raw Materials Section Progress Report for October 1, 1951 to December 31, 1951

Description: This progress report discusses the work during the fourth quarter of 1951. During this quarter, "the uranium raw materials program at ORNL has been devoted to studies of uranium chemistry and to the development of processes for deriving uranium and byproducts from various types of ores" (From introduction).
Date: January 25, 1952
Creator: Brown, K. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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