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Isotopic Sources of Secondary Radiation : Interim Technical Report Covering the Period from June 15, 1958 to March 1, 1959

Description: During the first eight months of this program the emphasis has been places on experiments and calculations on the x-ray target configurations and materials. We have found, by extending the experimental information using Pm147, Kr85, and Sr90-Y90, as well as by developing the theoretical x-ray production for these sources, the approximate conditions under which isotopic sources will emit nearly monochromatic x-rays suitable for gaging and radiographic application in the 10 to 100 Kev photon ener… more
Date: March 17, 1959
Creator: Voyvodic, L. (Louis)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of Parallel Flow Oscillator Studies. Progress Report No. 2

Description: From the results of the tests it is clear that changing from series to parallel flow effects little or no change i the nature of the reactivity feedback. The physical processes which characterize the magnitude and time dependence of the negative power coefficient of reactivity are apparently identical in both instances. Accordingly, it is reasonable to infer that the conclusions reached as he result of the series flow studies are still valid. These are :(1) the overall power (temperature) coeff… more
Date: April 17, 1958
Creator: Smith, ‎R. R.; Boland, James F., 1927- & Thalgott, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Injection Trajectories and Beam Matching for the Cambridge Electron Accelerator

Description: "ABS>Injection trajectories were calculated for different injection conditions for the Cambridge Electron Accelerator, considering also the effect of magnetic fringing fields. The general problem of matching the emittance of the linac to the acceptance of the synchrotron in the transversal phase space is considered, and it is shown that this can be done by a set of two quadrupole lenses. In order to eliminate rudial betatron oscillations due to energy deviations of the injected particles, a pul… more
Date: April 17, 1957
Creator: Steffen, Klaus G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Precision Beta-Ray Spectroscopy : Termination Report

Description: Detailed information on the radiations associated with several even-even isotopes has been obtained. In some instances enough information has been gathered to allow construction of skeleton energy level diagrams for the isotopes. Activities studied were obtained from pile irradiation of pure odd-even natural isotopes and included Dy160, W182, Sm152, Gd152 and Gd154. Details of the work done on and results obtained for these isotopes are reported in section 3. Some analytic and experimental stud… more
Date: April 17, 1956
Creator: Fowler, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Proton-Proton Triple Scattering Parameters R and A at 213 Mev

Description: "As a part of a program to determine the p-p scattering matrix at 213 Mev, the triple scattering parameters R and A were measured at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. and 90 deg in the center-of-msss system. The results are compared with a phase shift analysis by MacGregor and Moravcsik and with the predictions of the boundary condition model of Saylor, Bryan and Marshak."
Date: April 17, 1961
Creator: England, Alan C.; Givson, William A. & Gotow, Kazuo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization Untilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators

Description: "A brief examination of the post irradiation grafting of machine irradiated polyethylene film with acrylic acid monomer was made. Evidence of postgrafting was detected in samples that had been irradiated to a total dose of 10 Mrads at a dose rate of 0.01 Mrad/sec. and then exposed to a 25% purified acrylic acid solution in benzene for periods of 1 to 4 days."
Date: October 17, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Gases on the Wetting of Steels by Liquid Bismuth

Description: The effect of air, nitrogen, helium, argon, and a mixture of twenty volume percent of hydrogen in argon on the wetting of a stainless steel (Type 446), a two percent chromium-one half percent molybdenum type steel, and a plain carbon type steel by liquid bismuth was investigated
Date: January 17, 1951
Creator: Heckman, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Studies for the Separation of HD from H2 by Rectified Absorption

Description: The feasibility of rectified absorption for the recovery and purification of HD from H2 streams has been investigated. The absorbent considered was liquid nitrogen at 78 (degrees) K. The process appears to present no major engineering or operation problems. Cost calculations indicate that the process may be economically competitive with other processes. Process design was based on an estimated separation factor of 1.25 between H2 and HD in this system. Experimental work has been undertaken… more
Date: March 17, 1952
Creator: Hanson, Donald N.; Hunt, C. d'A.; Cook, M. W. & Fick, J. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of the Research Progress Meeting June 17, 1948

Description: This summary of the research progress meeting on June 17, 1948 discusses the following topics: (1) Potassium 43 (R. Overstreet); (2) Recoils (A. Ghiorso); (3) M.I.T. accelerator conference (W. Panofsky); and (4) Cosmic rays (Prof. Louis Le prince - Ringuet, France)
Date: June 17, 1948
Creator: Folden, Margaret Foss
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Total Body Z Irradiation of Rats. Part I, Lethal Action of Single, Paired, and Periodic Doses

Description: Abstract: Exposure of Sprague Dawley white rats to single doses of 900 kvp X radiation demonstrated a medium lethal dose of 600 r which was not markedly dependent upon sex, weight, or, in the case of females, stage of the estrous cycle at the time of irradiation. Deaths within 30 days were most frequent between the fourth and eighth, and between the tenth and fifteenth post- irradiation days, indicating the existence of at least two processes leading to death in the "acute" period.
Date: June 17, 1947
Creator: Hagen, Charles W., Jr. & Simmons, Eric L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monitoring Thermal and Resonance Neutron Flux

Description: The monitoring of thermal and resonance neutron flux in a thermal reactor having high flux over periods of time from 1 to 12 months using think Co foils is considered. Special attention is paid to the many correction factors to be applied to the activation data; neutron temperature, effective cadmium cutoff energy, burnout of Co59 and Co60, and decay of Co60. Results on a homogeneity test of 10 mil, 0.08% Co-A1 alloy foils is given.
Date: August 17, 1953
Creator: Heineman, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abrasive Cutting of Irradiated Uranium

Description: The preparation of radioactive metallurgical specimens for microscopic examination is one of the responsibilities of the Radiometallurgy Sub-Unit. An abrasive cut-off machine development program, based upon a previous experimental model, was undertaken to provide a method for sectioning of irradiated materials without undue personnel exposure or spread of contamination and finally to provide data for the design of an abrasive cutting unit for use in the work cells in the Radiometallurgy Buildin… more
Date: September 17, 1953
Creator: Boyd, Carl L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Internal Conversion Coefficients of the 2+-0+, E2 Transitions in Even-Even Sm152[over]90 and Gd152[over]88

Description: From abstract: "To investigate the deviation of the internal conversion coefficients of E2 transitions from theoretical computations and their dependence on nuclear deformation, the total internal conversion coefficient of the 121.8-kev 2+-0+ transition in ellipsoidal Sm152[over]90 was measured to be 1.135 ± 0.010 with a high accuracy coincidence-sum method. The K-shell to total internal conversion ratio was determined to be 0.588 ± 0.003 with a [beta] spectrometer...The experiment revealed no … more
Date: July 17, 1961
Creator: Lu, D. C. & Schupp, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Capture of Fast Neutrons by Pb208

Description: From abstract: "Comparison of the activity produced by fast neutrons on lead with other activations corroborates the assignment of the 3.2 hr. activity as Pb209, and the assignment of the reaction as capture of fast neutrons. Two different measurements show that the neutrons captured have energies greater than 100 KEV. This average capture cross section for primary neutrons from 7.5 MEV deuterons on a thick target of beryllium is measured as 10[^]-27 ca[^]2."
Date: April 17, 1944
Creator: Levinger, Joseph S., 1921-; Compton, A. H.; Allison, Samuel King, 1900-1965; Watson, W. W. & Snell, A. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Range of U235 Fission Fragments in Photographic Emulsion

Description: From abstract: "A fine-grain emulsion has been found which is sensitive only to the densely ionizing fission fragments. This emulsion was soaked in uranyl acetate and exposed to slow neutrons. The ranges in the emulsion of about four-hundred fission fragments were measured. The resulting distribution shows a sharp maximum at 23 microns of emulsion. No ternary fissions or large-angle scattering of fragments were observed."
Date: October 17, 1945
Creator: Richards, H. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactions of the Hydrated Electron

Description: Abstract. The rate constants for the reaction of the hydrated electron eaq with a number of solutes and with radicals formed in water radiolysis are reported. Hydrated electrons were formed in the electron pulse irradiated solutions at concentrations in the range from 1 to 10 pM. Their reaction was followed by the decay of the optical absorption of eaq at 5780 A. Generally a 04 psec pulse of 15 MeV electrons was used. In the absence of eaq scavengers, second-order kinetics prevailed owing to th… more
Date: June 17, 1963
Creator: Gordon, S.; Hart, E. J.; Matheson, Max S. & Rabani, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Earth Vibrations from a Nuclear Explosion in a Salt Dome

Description: The following report presents data from the SALMON experiment, an experiment made to study the mechanics of a tamped nuclear detonation in a salt dome in terms of generated shock waves as they are propagated out of the dome and progressively through the crust and mantle of the earth. This experiment was made in the Tatum salt dome, Mississippi, October 22, 1964.
Date: March 17, 1967
Creator: Mickey, W. V.; Lowrie, L. M. & Shugart, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A New Anionic Solvent Extraction Technique

Description: From abstract: "The extraction of acids with long-chain amines is described. Preliminary results on the extraction of the amine salts of polonium, plutonium and uranium are given."
Date: July 17, 1952
Creator: Moore, F. L.; Kelley, M. T. & Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Bulk Shielding Facility Neutron Dosimeter Data

Description: Technical report calculating "effective removal cross sections" for Pb, Fe and O from measurements of fast neutron does in the water surrounding the BSF reactor. The values for Pb and Fe agree quite well with those previously determined from Lid tank data, whereas that for O is somewhat lower. [From Abstract]
Date: July 17, 1952
Creator: Podgor, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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