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open access

Optimum Design of Catalytic Towers

Description: Abstract: "This paper gives an arithmetic method of computing the number of sections required in a catalytic tower to produce a given enrichment. It also tells how to calculate the enrichment of a tower with a given number of sections. The problem of the most economical design of catalytic towers is solved. Methods are given for determining the temperature, the efficiencies of catalyst beds and strippers, the relative production rate, and the water vapor-hydrogen gas ratio which give the optimu… more
Date: March 13, 1943
Creator: Mayer, Harris
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ames Project, Chemical Research - Analytical Chemistry, Report for Period of February 1 to March 10, 1944

Description: Technical report covering (1) analysis of uranium bromide and chloride samples, (2) the ferric-nitrate method of analyzing uranium fluorides for fluorine, (3) spectrographic determination of boron, cadmium and manganese in magnesium metal, (4) service analyses. contributions to other problems, (5) attempted preparation of uranous oxyfluoride, and (6) corrections in previous reports.
Date: April 13, 1944
Creator: Spedding, F. H. (Frank Harold), 1902- & Wilholm, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Rectangular Diffusion Pump

Description: A diffusion pump having a rectangular mouth 1' by 3' in the vertical plane, employing linear jets.
Date: September 13, 1945
Creator: Simpson, K. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Crystal Densities of Uranium Chlorides

Description: Abstract: "Using xylene as the densimetric solvent, the crystal densities have been determined by the pyknometric method for the following chlorides, UCl3, UCl4, UCl6(UCl4), UCl6 and U02Cl2."
Date: December 13, 1946
Creator: Sterett, C. C. & Calkins, V. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pile Control IV, Nuclear Engineering Course 1947 - 1948

Description: This report describes the use of pile control over atomic power, including the different methods of control.
Date: May 13, 1948
Creator: Crever, Frederick E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of the Research Progress Meeting

Description: Technical report includes three reports of research progress: 1)Meson Mass Determination by Grain Counting, W. H. Barkas; 2) The Magnetic Beta Ray Lens Spectrograph, A. C. Helmholz; 3) Anthracene Counters, E. Martinelli.
Date: May 13, 1948
Creator: Wakerling, R. K. (Raymond Kornelious), 1914-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Ductile Zirconium: Progress Report for April 1949

Description: Report discussing the progress made on a research project for the preparation of ductile zirconium during April 1949.
Date: May 13, 1949
Creator: DiPietro, W. O.; Findlay, G. R. & Mellen, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation of 1/4 Scale Model Bevatron

Description: Accelerated protons were first observed in the 1/4 Scale Bevatron on April 30, 1949. This is an account of some of the things learned since then. The results are still meager and must be considered provisional.
Date: June 13, 1949
Creator: Lofgren, E. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of the Research Progress Meeting of September 1, 1949

Description: The absolute excitation functions for the production of fission by charged particle bombardment in several substances were investigated at both high and low energies. The low energy work was done at the 60-inch Crocker cyclotron with alpha particles and deuterons, while the high energy work was done at the 184-inch cyclotron with alpha particles, deuterons, and protons.
Date: October 13, 1949
Creator: Wakerling, R. K. (Raymond Kornelious), 1914-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Anhydrous Vanadium Trifluoride

Description: Report discussing a procedure for the preparation of anhydrous vanadium trifluoride. From abstract: "By selecting proper operating conditions and equipment, a method of preparation was devised such that anhydrous vanadium trifluoride of high purity was produced reliably in five pound batches." The method of preparation involves manipulating the starting material, vanadium pentoxide.
Date: March 13, 1950
Creator: Mackey, T. S. & Johnsson, K. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermodynamic Diagrams for Sodium

Description: From abstract: This paper presents temperature-entropy and Mollier charts for sodium, and describes briefly the method used for their construction, based upon data from the literature.
Date: July 13, 1950
Creator: Inatomi, T. H. & Parrish, W. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

General Reactor-Engineering Research Quarterly Progress Report [for] Period Ending August 31, 1950

Description: Technical report describing results on work which cannot be ascribed to one reactor program. Outlines the results of miscellaneous corrosion testing, the development of new shielding materials, the testing of irradiated plastics, and general heat transfer investigation. [From Preface]
Date: November 13, 1950
Creator: Lyon, R. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

IV. Production and Heating

Description: Calculations are developed which indicate the Pu production is an infinite lattice
Date: February 13, 1951
Creator: Brown, Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

RF Field Investigations on the 1/10 Scale Mark I Cavity

Description: A complete investigation was made of the r-f field in the 1/10-scale Materials Testing Accelerator (Mark I) cavity
Date: March 13, 1951
Creator: Dazey, Mitchell; Nielsen, Dale; Robertson, Raymond & Sewell, Duane
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Selection of Engineering Materials for Low Thermal Neutron Absorption Properties

Description: From abstract: "This report outlines a method for selecting materials including alloys for use as a structural member in a neutron flux based on its thermal neutron absorption properties."
Date: September 13, 1951
Creator: Mahlmeister, James Earle; Imhoff, D. H. & Frankel, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Determination of Hydrogen in Magnesium, Lithium, and Magnesium Alloys

Description: The following report describes the process of the determination of hydrogen in magnesium, lithium, and magnesium alloys, including methods of analyzing magnesium-lithium alloys for hydrogen, and the tin-fusion method used for determining the hydrogen content of pure magnesium that can also be used to analyze pure lithium for hydrogen.
Date: November 13, 1951
Creator: Mallett, Manley William, 1909-; Gerds, A. F. & Griffith, C. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hydrolysis of Tributyl Phosphate Ad Its Effect on the Purex Process

Description: From abstract: "The rate of hydrolysis of TBP and the effect of the hydrolysis products in the Purex Process have been studied. Hydrolytic conditions may be encountered in the process which would lead to formation of dibutyl phosphoric acid, causing significant losses of tetravalent plutonium in stripping. This situation may be easily alleviated by reducing and stripping the plutonium in the trivalent state."
Date: December 13, 1951
Creator: Reilly, V. J. & Lanham, W. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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