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open access

The Properties and Heat Treatment of Zirconium-Uranium Alloys

Description: From Abstract: "The heat treatment and mechanical properties of four zirconium alloys...were investigated. Tensile, hardness, Jominy end-quench, and metallographic data constitute the basis for much of the report. Other data reported include the results of high-temperature creep, tensile, hardness, cold rolling, thermal-cycling, and dynamic-modulus tests." A connection is made between the behavior of these four alloys and more alloys in the zirconium-uranium system.
Date: January 10, 1955
Creator: Chubb, Walston; Muehlenkamp, G. T. & Manning, G. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Polarography in Organic Analysis

Description: The discussion attempts to summarize present trends and future possibilities. After consideration of the areas of analytical applicability of polarography of organic compounds with stress on the use of chemical treatment to convert polarographically inert species to active ones, the importance of the composition of the test solution is discussed from the viewpoint of the effects of pH, buffer composition and concentration, ionic strength, solvent nature and additives. The critical factors in th… more
Date: January 10, 1959
Creator: Elving, Philip J., 1913-1984
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equations for Bilateral Heat Transfer to Fluids Flowing in Concentric Annuli

Description: Abstract: "Theoretical equations have been derived for calculating heat transfer coefficients for fluids flowing through concentric annuli for the following two cases: (A) constant and equal heat fluxes from both walls, and (B) constant, but unequal, heat fluxes from the walls, with equal wall temperatures at a given axial position along annular channel. In the derivations, the conditions of fully-established flow, and independence of physical properties with temperature variation across the fl… more
Date: April 10, 1962
Creator: Dwyer, Orrington Embry, 1912-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Solvent Extraction Method for Neptunium (237) Analysis

Description: Technical report describing a rapid and quantitative radiochemical method for the analysis of neptunium (237). This method is based on the extraction of neptunium (IV) with thenoyl-trifluoracetone in xylene. Neptunium (237) is separated free from other alpha emitters and from non-radioactive interferences, and the method may be readily adapted to remote control. [From Abstract]
Date: July 10, 1951
Creator: Moore, Fletcher L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energetic Neutral Injection into Thermonuclear Machines

Description: Abstract: "A scheme is discussed in which D+ ions would be accelerated to about 100 kev in a conventional accelerator, then be sent through a gas target frmo which about half the ions would emerge neutral with very little scattering or energy loss; the neutral beam would then cross into a magnetic field and part of the atoms would be ionized and trapped by colliding with the already trapped ions. The smallest mirror machine with a central field of 30-40 kilogauss, 2;1 mirror ratio and β = 01 to… more
Date: August 10, 1955
Creator: Lauer, Eugene J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology of Horse Mesa, Arizona - New Mexico, with Recommendations for Wagon Drilling

Description: Abstract: Horse Mesa is in the Navajo Indian Reservation directly on the Arizona-New Mexico state line. Uranium-vanadium deposits in the Salt Wash sandstone which caps the Mesa are fairly widespread and small tonngges have been shipped from two mines. The deposits lie 60 to 75 feet above the base of the Salt Wash formation and possibly trend northwest parallel to ore trends on King Tutt Mesa, a mile northeast. Carnotite and vanoxite are the principal ore minerals. About 6,000 feet of wagon dril… more
Date: September 10, 1952
Creator: King, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Memorandum Listing the Areas in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico that are Geologically Favorable for Developing Large Reserves of Vanadium Ore by Prospecting

Description: Introduction: Vanadium ore is being mined at many places in western Colorado, southeastern Utah, northeastern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico (fig. 1). Eight mills in this region produced about 4,300,000 pounds of V2 05 in 1942, representing about 90 percent of the vanadium obtained from domestic sources. Although ore production has mostly exceeded mill capacity since 1937, production during the last half of 1942 averaged only about 19,000 tons or ore a month, whereas the capacity of these… more
Date: April 10, 1943
Creator: Fischer, R. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report on Reserves and Production Situation of Vanadiferous and Related Ores in Colorado Plateau Region

Description: From introduction: The general distribution of known deposits of vanadium-bearing sandstone, which also contain some uranium and radium, is shown in figure 1 1/ and Exhibit A, plate 53. 2/ During 1939-41 the Geological Survey made detailed geological studies of these deposits in the Uravan district, Montrose County, Colorado, as well as preliminary examinations in other parts of the Colorado Plateau vanadium region. In 1942 detailed geological studies were made o the deposits in the Egnar-Slick… more
Date: October 10, 1943
Creator: Fischer, Richard P. & Stokes, William Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Surface Motions from a Series of Underground Nuclear Tests

Description: Abstract: Ground effects resulting from Blanca, Logan, Evans, Tamalpais and Mars events of HARDTACK Phase II underground explosions were measured by strong-motion and teleseismic seismographs out to distances of nearly 100 miles.
Date: August 10, 1959
Creator: Carder, D. S.; Cloud, W. K.; Pearce, T. H. & Murphy, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Superheat Meeting: October 1960

Description: From introduction: This report discusses AEC-sponsored nuclear superheat meetings whose primary purpose is to keep the AEC contractors engaged in nuclear superheat projects abreast of the overall AEC superheat program and to provide a means for the exchange of current technical information.
Date: November 10, 1960
Creator: Mravca, Andrew E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Review of the Surface Interaction Theory of Rearrangement and Inelastic Collisions

Description: Deuteron reactions assumed new importance when it was found that the angular distribution of the outgoing particles in d-p and d-n reactions displayed a great deal of structure. Bhatia, Huang, and Butler showed that the structures of the angular distribution of the outgoing particles in d-p and d-n reactions is directly related to the angular momentum of the captured particle. Early studies of deuteron stripping fractions were reviewed and summarized by R. Huby. Additional work was reviewed, an… more
Date: November 10, 1956
Creator: Tobocman, W
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Automatic Control and Load Swing Tests. Test Results DL-S-144 (T-554924). Section I

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the controlling ability of the Reactor Power and Temperature Control System and to determine the operational characteristics of the station during load swings. The Reactor Power and Temperature Control System satisfactorily controlled rod movements to maintain all primary plant parameters within their individual limits during steady state operation, ramp functions load changes and a peak xenon burnout transient. The operational characteristics of the st… more
Date: February 10, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flow-Gating I : Report No. 83

Description: The simple problem occurring in a computer of transferring a zero or a one from one place to another in a selective fashion is considered by discussing the transmission of information from one Eccles-Jordan flipflop to another. It is assumed that non-overlapping voltage bands represent the zero and one signals the bands being caused by parameter drift.
Date: July 10, 1958
Creator: Poppelbaum, W. J. (Wolfgang J.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Hydride, a Review to January 1, 1944

Description: Abstract. A review of all work on uranium hydride published in the CC, CT, CN and CE reports to January 1, 1944, is presented. Some additional information not yet published has been included, so this report includes all data known from the above sources and at Ames to the above date. This report supersedes all previous report on uranium hydride coming out of the Ames laboratory.
Date: February 10, 1944
Creator: Newton, A. S.; Warf, J. C.; Johnson, O. & Nottorf, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Iron in Thorium, Beryllium, and Cerium

Description: Introduction. the colorimetric determination of iron based on the formation of the colored ferrous-1,10-phenanthroline complex has been used successfully by a number of investigators. In this technical report, its adaptation to the routine determination of iron in cerium, thorium, and beryllium metals and their compounds is described.
Date: September 10, 1945
Creator: Ericson, R. P & Fornefeld, E. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of D2O and UO2F2 by Distillation

Description: Technical report describing the purification and separation by distillation of UO2F2 from D2O. In the experiment which is discussed 2,129.6 lbs of UO2F2 were dissolved in 6,605 lbs of D2O. The average isotopic purity of the D2O decreased during the distillation from 99.77% to 99.73%. The dissolved impurities were less than those present originally in the heavy water.
Date: October 10, 1945
Creator: Fischer, R. & Wattenberg, Albert, 1917-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Path Scheduling in Maintenance

Description: Summary: The following narrative interspersed with figures and attached reference exhibits is designed to acquaint the reader with the scheduling procedure developed at ORGDP, trial results and evaluation, subsequent improvement, further application, and use in conjunction with our IBM 7090 Computer.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: Gritzner, C. L.; Jones, J. P. & Ellis, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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