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Savannah River Project Site Report: 30,000 KW Prototype Partically Enriched Uranium Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant for United States Atomic Energy Commission Idaho Operations Office

Description: Report describing a modified prototype of a nuclear reactor that uses partially uranium-enriched fuel and is cooled by helium. The construction site, site safety aspects, and design and construction costs are included.
Date: March 1959
Creator: ACF Industries Incorporated. Nuclear Products - ERCO Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.1

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.2

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.5

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.7

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.8

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.9

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.10

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.11

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.14

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Halogen Collector Test Program

Description: Report documenting the Halogen Collector Test program, which was undertaken to provide "methods of removing trace quantities of radioactive iodine from an air stream" (p. 1). The report includes designs of the program and the test facility, test results, analysis of these results, and encountered problems. Appendices begin on page 38.
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Design Report: DR-1 Gas Loop

Description: Report describing the performance, fission product tolerance, design, and costs of the DR-1 Gas Loop, which is an in-reactor test facility.
Date: March 1961
Creator: Baars, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Heavy-Water-Moderated Power Reactors: a Status Report

Description: From introduction: "Evaluation of the present economic and technological status of power reactors that are cooled and moderated by heavy water and fueled with natural uranium."
Date: March 1960
Creator: Babcock, Dale Friend
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Initial Measurements on the Angular Distribution of Deuterium Plasma Produced by a Pulsed Spark Source

Description: Abstract: "The deuterium plasma which is ejected by a 6000-ampere pulsed current through a rail-type spark source has a yield in the forward direction which is a factor of 5 to 10 greater than that in the perpendicular direction. This effect is believed to be due to the magnetic propulsion of the plasma."
Date: March 24, 1955
Creator: Bostick, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Acceleration of a Plasma by a Rail Source

Description: Abstract: "Two parallel wires close together with an arc between them form a hairpin-type of current configuration which should magnetically propel the plasma of the arc. By the time-of-flight measurements with probes it has been demonstrated that directed translational energies of 290 ev can be imparted to deuterons in a plasma produced by a high-current pulsed arc at the tips of two titanium wires loaded with deuterium. It is believed that three deuterons are actually magnetically propelled."
Date: March 18, 1955
Creator: Bostick, Winston H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design and Testing of a High-Heat Flux Electron-Bombardment Heater

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing the testing of an electron-bombardment heater. As stated in the abstract, "the applications of electron-bombardment heating to liquid-metal heat transfer and reactor safety experiments are discussed. The design of a high-heat-flux, electron-bombardment heater (EBH) is presented" (p. 7). This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: March 1968
Creator: Carlson, R. D. & Holtz, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Temperature Short-Time, Uranium Carbide-Metal Reactions

Description: Report investigating the compatibility of uranium carbide with tungsten, tantalum, molybdenum, Zircaloy-2, AISI 304L SS, Inconel, Hastelloy F, niobium-1% Zr, and niobium-33% Ta-1% Zr. These pairs were heated together at 1000 C and above for ten minutes.
Date: March 1963
Creator: Christensen, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Advanced Sodium-Graphite Reactor Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Abstract: This report describes an advanced sodium-cooled, graphite-moderated nuclear power plant which utilizes high-pressure, high-temperature steam to generate electricity at a high thermal efficiency.
Date: March 15, 1960
Creator: Churchill, J. R. & Renard, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 2. Plant Conceptual Studies

Description: Second part of the "final report of a study directed toward the evolution, design, and demonstration of the principle design features of interim indirect cycle water cooled and moderated nuclear power plants which will be useful in early cooperative programs between the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States maritime industry" (p. II-i).
Date: March 1962
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Summary Report for the SM-1 Core Temperature and Flow Instrumentation: Task XIV

Description: Abstract; This technical report describes the changes in the SM-1 incurred by the experiment, Core Temperature and Flow Instrumentation (Task XIV), and evaluates the possible hazard involved in these changes. Temperature and flow measurements will be taken on a Task XIV instrumented stationary fuel element, instrumented control rod fuel element and other selected points in the SM-1 core to provide data on the core steady state and transient performance. The hazards evaluation consists of a nu… more
Date: March 30, 1961
Creator: Coombe, J. R.; Brondel, J. O.; Lee, D. H. & Matthews, F. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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