Search Results

Primary view of 30 Megawatt Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator for Sodium Cooled Reactor System
Alco Products (Firm)
January 31, 1962
Primary view of The Acetate Complexes of Uranyl Ion and the Solubility of Sodium Uranyl Acetate
Connick, R. E. & Wahl, Arthur C.
January 14, 1946
Primary view of Advanced Test Reactor Turbo Report
Turner, Robert A.
January 1964
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey: Rapid City Quadrangle of South Dakota, Final Report, Volume 2
EG & G GeoMetrics
January 1980
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Alliance Quadrangle of Nebraska
EG & G GeoMetrics
January 1980
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Scottsbluff Quadrangle of Nebraska
EG & G GeoMetrics
January 1980
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Beeville/Bay City National Topographic Map, Texas Gulf Coast, Volume 1
Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations.
January 8, 1979
Primary view of An Aerodynamic Raindrop Sorter. Technical Progress Report No. 1.
Dingle, A. Nelson & Brock, Fred V.
January 1960
Primary view of Aging of Al-Li Alloys - Part I
Angerman, C. L.
January 1959
Primary view of Airborne Radiometric Surveying in the Lance Creek Area, Niobrara County, Wyoming
Blair, Robert G.
January 1955
Primary view of Airborne Reconnaissance Project, Green River Basin, Wyoming
Magleby, Dan N. & Meehan, R. J.
January 1955
Primary view of Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending September 10, 1951
Briant, R. C.; Ellis, C. B. & Cottrell, William B.
January 9, 1952
Primary view of Alkyl Phosphoric Acids as Extraction Agents for Uranium
Stewart, D. C., (Donald Charles), 1912-1996
January 27, 1950
Primary view of Alpha Particle Detection and the A. C. Operated Detector "A" (Howler)
Neil, Hugh G.
January 29, 1946
Primary view of Ames Laboratory Quarterly Summary Research Report: Octoer - December 1950
Dreeszen, W. E.
January 30, 1951
Primary view of Analysis of Lid Tank Neutron Data for Lead and Iron
Podgor, S.
January 5, 1951
Primary view of Analysis of Spurious Modes in Magnet Power Supply
Dekleva, J. & Robinson, K. W.
January 3, 1958
Primary view of Analytical Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending November 15, 1964
Kelley, M. T.; Susano, C. D. & Fisher, D. J.
January 1965
Primary view of The Angular Dependence of Thermal Neutron Spectra in Lattices
Honeck, Henry C. & Takahashi, Hiroshi
January 1962
Primary view of Annie Laurie Prospect, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Wright, Robert J.
January 1951
Primary view of Apparatus For Determining The Physical Properties Of Solutions At Elevated Temperatures And Pressures (Information Report)
Heiks, J. R.; Barnett, M. K.; Jones, L. V. & McCluggage, W. C.
January 14, 1953
Primary view of Application of Amides as Extractants
Siddall, Thomas H., III
January 1961
Primary view of The Application of Tracer Techniques to the Determination of Uranium Extraction Coefficients
Lee, D. A.; Woodard, R. W. & Clewett, G. H.
January 23, 1947
Primary view of Applications for Lanthanon Oxides and Other Compounds in the Ceramic Industry
Ploetz, G. L.
January 28, 1960
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