Search Results

Primary view of [Uranium Favorability of the San Rafael Swell Area, East-Central Utah: Plates]
Mickle, David G.; Jones, C. A.; Gallagher, G. L.; Young, Patti. & Dubyk, W. S.
October 1977
Primary view of [Wide-Spaced Uranium Geochemical Survey in the Plainview, Lubbock, and Big Spring Quadrangles, Texas: Appendix H]
Nichols, C. E.; Butz, T. R.; Cagle, G. W. & Kane, V. E.
December 30, 1977
Primary view of [Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Basic Data for San Antonio NTMS Quadrangle, Texas: Appendix D]
National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
June 22, 1978
Primary view of [Appendix C: Microfiche of Field and Laboratory Data,  Dallas NTMS Quadrangle, Texas]
National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
July 31, 1981
Primary view of [Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Detailed Geochemical Survey for Lakeview, Oregon: Appendix E. Microfiche]
Butz, T. R.; Tieman, D. J.; Vreeland, J. L.; Bard, C. S.; Leimer, H. W.; Helgerson, R. N. et al.
May 31, 1980
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey of Portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washington: Final Report, Volume 2-A, Appendix B: Stat. Analysis
Texas Instruments Incorporated
May 1979
Primary view of [Averaged Record Data Listing: Tularosa Quadrangle]
United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office.
December 15, 1978
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey of Portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washington: Final Report, Volume 2-A, Appendix B: Reduced Data
Texas Instruments Incorporated
May 1979
Primary view of [Single Record Data Listing: Tularosa Quadrangle]
United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office.
December 15, 1978
Primary view of Two Phase Flow of Hydrogen in Horizontal Tubes
Rogers, John D.
December 1956
Primary view of Rubber Hydrochloride Film as a Replacement for Nylon Film for Radiation Detection Detecting Instruments. Technical Memorandum No. 5-52-15
Leslie, W. B.
August 12, 1952
Primary view of Duration of Post-Irradiation Bacteremia in Mice
Hammond, Carolyn W.; Miller, C Phillip; Tompkins, Marianne; Colling, M. (Margaret) & Bohnhoff, Margorie
Primary view of The Gram-Negative Flora of the Upper Intestinal Tract and Its Influence on Post-Irradiation Bacteremia in Mice
Miller, C Phillip; Tompkins, Marianne; Colling, M. (Margaret); Bohnhoff, Margorie & Hammond, Carolyn W.
Primary view of Average Charge of Br80 Atoms from Isomeric Transition
Wexler, S.
July 1952
Primary view of Average Charge of Daughter Atoms After Beta Decay
Wexler, S.
July 1952
Primary view of Density Transients in Boiling Liquid Systems. Report 52-17.
Martin, William L.; Mead, Bruce R.; Greenfield, M. L.; Lipkis, Robert; Romie, Fred E.; Wong, Ging et al.
July 1952
Primary view of Thiomethyladenosine
Schlenk. F.
October 31, 1952
Primary view of The Role of Intestinal Flora in Radiation Injury. Progress Report for May 1, 1951 to December 31, 1951
Chase, H. B.; Fenton, P. F.; Hatch, M. W.; Montagna, W. & Wilson, J. W.
Primary view of Radio-micrography as a Tool in Biological Investigation
Askin, J E. C.; Yates, L L; Cauldwell, E W. & Harvey, R. A.
October 31, 1952
Primary view of A Semi-Quantitative Study of the Effects of Radiophosphorus on the Spleen of the Cotton Rat, Sigmodon Hispidus Texianus
Overend, Donald S.; Leonard, Arthur Byron, 1902-1987 & Leone, Charles A.
Primary view of The Metabolism of Radioactive Vitamin B12 by the Ruminant
Johnson, B. Connor & Barbee, Kendall W.
Primary view of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Project. Progress Report for March 15, 1951  to September 1, 1951. Steady State Transients in Nuclear Resonance and the Nuclear Relaxation time. T2, for Hydrocarbons
Cinnamon, C. A.
October 31, 1952
Primary view of The Effects of SR-90 Administered During the Growth Period of the Dog. 1958 Annual Progress Report
Anderson, A. C.; Jasper, Donald E. & Hart, G. H
Primary view of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Project. Progress Report III for 1 September 1951 to 15 March, 1952. Determination of the Accuracy of the Infinitely Repeated Pulse Method and the Observed Effects of Molecular Self Diffusion in Liquids
Cinnamon, C. A.
October 31, 1952
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